Friday, June 18, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BluesJunky - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

He Saw Biden in All of His Glory and His Loins Quivered

46* for the Nobel Peace Prize

Sadly some Kool-Aid drinker that writes for The Hill thinks 46* deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.  No, I’m not kidding. Let’s forget for a second that Biden probably can’t even say 'Nobel Peace Prize' without reading it off a teleprompter. So what has he done to deserves this award? 

To be fair, some other lint licker nominated Biden a while ago.  But Brent Budowsky at The Hill just thinks he definitely deserves to win. Why? Well, if you want the cliff notes version, it’s for no good reason.  But if you want to hear what Brent Budowsky has to say, it’s because of all he’s achieved and all he aspires to achieve.

Now, I would probably label his accomplishments as ''Was No one watching him??'' and his future accomplishments as "dear Lord, why is this happening??" But Brent seems optimistic. I'm not sure why. And let's not forget, Joe's former boss snagged a Peace Prize for nothing more than having a nice crease in his pants or big ears or something. I can't really remember.

Brent thinks that after Trump dividing us (Biden would never say ANYTHING divisive, racist, or inappropriate, I mean besides everything he’s consistently said over the past 4 or 5 decades) Biden is restoring America’s leadership.

I figured Brent made this dumbass statement BEFORE Biden embarrassed himself and all of us on the world stage at the G7 summit in England or when he broke protocol three times with the Queen. But nah. This ratchet opinion piece came out yesterday morning.

Clearly this Brent Budowsky lives in a different universe than us. He sees Biden as compassionate and powerful. I only see a bumbling idiot.  And I do try to watch various news sources so I get a more balanced understanding of what’s going on in the world.  Biden is always an idiot.  Even CNNLOL recently ran a segment how unprecedented it is for the President’s handlers to prevent him from answering questions, literally screaming at him to stop talking.  I guess that’s all that power and confidence Brent mentioned.

If somehow Joe did manage to mumble his way into a Nobel Peace Prize, all it will tell me is that the award has gone the way of the Times Person of the Year Award.  Everything is meaningless.  Kinda of like Victoria’s Secret getting rid of their angels and hiring the flat chested dyke Megan Rapinoe and some plus sized chick to sell lingerie. That’s going to work out well. Or like when YouTube awarded YouTube with the YouTube free speech award.

But Brent saw Biden in all of his glory and his loins quivered. There’s a leader and a bastion of hope for humanity, Brent thought. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, Brent thought.

The original unedited article by Ksenya Aleksandrova first appeared at COTR. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Maybe This is Why Kamala Told Them "Don't Come".

We Will Send a Plane For You.
It seemed crazy enough when it became clear that President Porchlight was just going to undo anything Donald Trump did as president, no matter how efficacious for the country because it was something Trump did.
Having accomplished most of those things, what’s left for the Loki Administration to do? Why, look around at the mess and figure out ways to make the rubble bounce. -Vodka Pundit

That's cute the way The State Dept. & Homeland Security have changed the language "illegal border crossing" to "irregular migration".

 MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Today in Victimhood Olympics

The above tweet is from a retweet by James Woods of one of our virtue signaling gender confused fellow citizens.  A male who believes they are female and an inspiring journalist, who seems to have a lack of real world awareness as many of his her their generation do about what makes the world go around.

This tweet says a lot about it's author. So I have endeavored to provided some understanding to this poor soul as to why they were ignored by the captains of capitalism and not awarded their desired timely employment. Because if I didn't I would feel I failed humanity. I'm like they you know.

* You lament about diversity and fair shakes in the media. Pay attention. They don't apply you. You're White sweetie.

* Your Virtue signaling isn’t valued in the real world. It's a toy of the left, advertisers and social media. It severs no real world usefulness other to make you look stupid to reasonable people

* Here on planet earth announcing one’s pronouns is more of a warning than a piece of information.

* Adding pronouns to Resumes and Cover Letters may be construed as a structural bias in your reporting, and represent a questionable mental state. (see Jim Acosta)

* Pronouns are not objective information. It's an attempt to control how people are allowed to speak to you. A sign of High-drama people with all the trappings of an overindulged, “woke” generation.

* And of course there is always a chance it has nothing to do with your pronouns at all. You could just sucked at your job of journalism.

* Personally I think it was her moustache.

Using pronouns is bad enough on social media. It's freaking obnoxious. If you don't know better than to do something so unprofessional on a resume & cover letter, then you don't need to be working in the field of journalism. There are already enough political activist journos.

You may as well self-identify as Infrared, Ultraviolet or Orange for my "race," and a idiosyncratic pedantic didactic trans Dyke with a penis because I do not like men.  You will probably have just as much chance as an unknown snagging a job in media.  Most organizations that readily employ people who declare their pronouns AND have no fear of going broke are state funded. 

Pronouns indicate someone who is likely to spend time looking for offense, trying to change company policy or trying to get someone fired when something upsets them.  I shy away from employing anyone who I felt might be offended by the smallest error someone made in their conversation. Many employers shy away from resumes with pronouns because the people that make such an issue of being "politically correct" are usually the first ones in HR kicking up a fuss over some perceived injustice.

I have no problem with live and let live. Just don't make such a GD show of it.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Lessons Learned. Lessons Unheeded

If you were educated in the West, your history lessons taught you that totalitarian regimes always end up ‘coming for your children’.  One need only to recall pictures of Adolf Hitler inspecting the child soldiers making a last stand for the Third Reich.  Or we can remember the famous story of Pavlik Morozov, one of many Stalinist-era teens who denounced his father and reported him to the NKVD for criticizing the regime.  The lesson that we were taught was that these totalitarians purposely weakened the bond between parents and child so as to neuter the family as a rival center of loyalty. The state had to be the only organization that could command one’s devotion.

We scoffed at the notion that it could happen here. But it is happening here.

One example is the overwhelming triumph of LGBTism, and now the fad of transgenderism is the triumph of the individual over the family, and the triumph of the state over it as well. By the abuse of the education system turning children against their parents through approval of toxic ideologies, the state creates willing Janissaries, fanatical in their determination that its the family that is wrong.
Abigail Shirer has written an incredible piece on what happens when the state apparatus comes for your children in the name of transgenderism. In some cases the ability of the state to wrestle away children as young as 13 from their families without the permission of the family is simply a 21st century version of the Devshirme (Blood-Tax), the Ottoman practice of kidnapping Christian boys, circumcising them, converting them to Islam, and training them to become Janissaries for the Sultan.

Critical Race Theory is now the new frontier of totalitarianism, lead by the same proponents of other toxic ideologies. Only this time self hate and racial division are the platform the state attempts to steal the children.

Children you should be afraid of if they succeed.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Saturday, June 12, 2021


TIME cover blasted for over-the-top attempt to make Biden ‘look cool’ ahead of Putin meeting. 

Earl Fixed It For Them.......

Friday, June 11, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BluesJunky - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

You Woke??

There are three classes of people:
Those who see. 
Those that see when they are shown. 
Those who do not see. 
                              - Leonardo da Vinci