Friday, September 9, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

 ~ No Tuxedos Required ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over To You, The Reader.
So Don Your Blogging Thongs, Share Ye Links and Bicker
 This Week Your Open Thread is Brought To You By: 
Joe Biden's New Green Deal

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Unhinged Left Talks of Purging Republican Appointed Judges.

MSNBC has been very open about their extreme leftism lately. Yes, lately is the word. Before that they tried to claim they were merely left, not extreme left. But now they have declared civil war against half of America, have the most racist person on television every Saturday, advocate single party far left rule on the airwaves, and now argue that only leftist judges are real judges.

It’s called tyranny.

It’s not just Trump or Trump supporters or MAGA politicians and voters but it’s judges who were appointed by Trump that they want to purge from society. And even more, to disallow ANY Republican appointing or apparently even being judges.

And when Judge Aileen Cannon Does The Orange Man Bad a Solid with a Special Master Order the left go ballistic.

The Judge:
 "As a function of Plaintiff’s former position as President of the United States, the stigma associated with the subject seizure is in a league of its own. 
A future indictment, based to any degree on property that ought to be returned, would result in reputational harm of a decidedly different order of magnitude."
Elie Mystal:"She’s biassed and corrupt."  

Elie Mystal seems to have no problem the FBI dudes panty raid on Melania Trump's Lingerie closet sniffing around for "evidence".  But I'm confident Elie is probably the kind that wears women's panties rather than in to smelling them.


Friday, September 2, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

 ~ No Tuxedos Required ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over To You, The Reader.
So Don Your Blogging Thongs, Share Ye Links and Bicker
This Week Your Open Thread is Brought To You By:
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration 

The Clearest Picture of Mars Ever Taken

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Just Get Used To It You Little 'Semi-Fascists' Pigs

One would think the Democrats might have learned from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 mistake and avoided insulting half the voters they’re supposed to win over as stupid, undemocratic buffoons. But that would require them to first stop thinking of half the electorate as morons who have a soft spot for totalitarianism — which is, apparently, too much to ask.

The guy who promised to restore civility and decency and normalcy to the Oval Office wants you to know you’re a “semi-fascist” if you voted for DJT instead of him. It’s not clear whether Biden actually knows what fascism is since, these days, he can’t be relied upon to know whose hand he shook (if there is even really someone there to shake it) within a two-minute time frame.

When asked to explain what Biden meant by “semi-fascism,” White House press secretary Karen Jong-Perrier went a step further and attributed the label to the entire Republican Party.

Karen Jong-Perrier has had enough of yo Shit

There’s no question both sides of the political aisle are drawn to hyperbole and exaggerations, but this is ridiculous. Though fascism itself is a term that has been debated since the 1920's, it is easy to say what fascism is not:

It is not an ideology that advocates robust free speech and religious rights for all people, which conservatism does. It is not a political party that supports giving voters the power to decide abortion restrictions in their states, which the GOP does. It is not a movement that opposes draconian uses of federal power, such as sweeping COVID-19 vaccine mandates and costly student loan debt forgiveness, which conservatism does. And it is definitely not a political party that protests the weaponization of key institutions like Big Tech and the FBI against political dissidents, which the Republican Party does.

As George Orwell put it, “the word fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable.’” For Democrats, fascism simply means anything they don’t like, and anything that might possibly threaten their control over the governing establishment.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Don't Believe the Media's Midterms Homestretch Hype

Excerpted from PJM 

Summer is winding down, and the election that seemed like it would never come is just a little over two months away. The Democrats have been feeling a lot more chipper lately, and the Republicans have been greatly tempering the enthusiasm they’ve been feeling for most of the year. The Democrat propagandists in the mainstream media have been positively aglow with optimism in recent weeks, gushing about Biden’s presidency being completely transformed and rescued from the gutter. The fantastical storytelling bears no resemblance to reality, of course, but that never gets in the way of the Kool-Aid Kids.

When the Democrats recently took the lead on the RealClearPolitics generic ballot there was weeping and gnashing of teeth all throughout GOP Land. But that bump was short-lived

The Democrat media hacks will be in full-court press mode between now and election day to make it seem like everything is rainbows and puppies and Obama riding on a unicorn.

They’ll be working overtime to convince people that what’s happening isn’t really happening. And what’s happening is this fetid garbage Joe Biden economy. There aren’t any quick fixes for the Let’s Go Brandon inflation quagmire that the United States finds itself in right now. The Democratic base may be stupid enough to believe that the Inflation Reduction Act will actually reduce inflation, but the rest of us still have to buy groceries. Whatever voter apathy may have potentially been a problem for the GOP was almost certainly taken care of by Merrick Garland and the Biden Stasi. Voters who may have been willing to sit this one out are probably nice and fired up now. 

Democrats can paint all of the pretty pictures that they want to for the next couple of months but none of their efforts will gloss over the enormous damage that President Eightyonemillion and the commie cabal running his brain have done to this country.

They know it too.