Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Biden: Gun Control ‘Fight Is Far From Over’

Since the first Round Went So well, Let's Go for Two, Joe.

WASHINGTON (AP) —Six months after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, some of the victims’ families are heading to Capitol Hill to remind lawmakers they are painfully waiting for action, while some of the president’s allies are asking him to do more without any new prospects of legislation to toughen gun laws.
Gun control advocates also are anticipating further action from President Barack Obama, who said he would do everything he could to stem gun violence even without Congress.
The Center for American Progress, a Washington think tank with close ties to the White House, is asking Obama to issue a dozen more executive actions they say are within his power to reduce gun crimes. The group has been pushing those measures in meetings with the White House, where point man Vice President Joe Biden declared in an email to supporters Friday, “This fight is far from over.”
Obama issued 23 executive actions in the aftermath of Sandy Hook and hasn’t ruled out doing more. His aides say he isn’t planning to announce any new initiatives or hold a gun-related event this week but will likely acknowledge the anniversary.
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  1. Gun control was on the top of Obama's agenda from the very beginning. He was an antigunner back in his Illinois legislature days. In fact, it's about the only issue that he got worked up enough about to vote on rather than voting present as was he wont on most issues. This, for me, was the first indicator of his untrustworthiness when he was originally presented as a possible candidate for president. That he lied about that in his first campaign was a further indicator of what was to come. He will not let go of this issue. We have to remain equally adamant and not believe that it is over, ever. They will never completely conquer liberty until they have taken away our right to defend ourselves as independent individuals.
