"How dare President Obama brush back the Supreme Court like that? Has this former constitutional law instructor no respect for our venerable system of checks and balances?"
"Nah. And why should he?"
"This court, cosseted behind white marble pillars, out of reach of TV, accountable to no one once they give the last word, is well on its way to becoming one of the most divisive in modern American history. It has squandered even the semi-illusion that it is the unbiased, honest guardian of the Constitution. It is run by hacks dressed up in black robes......"
Keep Reading....
Firstly, Mo's true title is NOT "Her Highness", but rather "Her Heinous".
ReplyDeleteSecondly, no one should take anything Maureen Dowd has to say on any subject seriously: she is the bitter voice of the disillusioned feminist who finally -- in her old age -- has discovered that every dictum of the rabid feminist stupidity that she so eagerly swallowed and applied to her private life as a youngin' promised much, but ultimately,was little more than a load of self-destructive bullcrap.
Incidentally, this is what ALWAYS happens to the most enthusiastic Communist pawns just as they begin to realize that their days are, indeed, numbered, and that the Long Dirt Nap approaches.
Unfortunately, in Mo's case, these hard lessons were only truly learned well after she became little more than an aging life support system for a weaponized vagina that no man in his right mind would approach -- even one bearing a stolen penis -- and a shill for a rapidly-becoming-discredited political ideology that could never stand upon plain truth and demonstrated effectiveness.
Cheated of the Feminist dream -- the Park Avenue Penthouse paid for by the pansy-ass, castrated, pussy-whipped, ever-smiling, spineless doofus who did nothing but overflow with praise and adoration for her, the astonishing career that would bring fame, riches and accolades for the simple possession of a pair of tits, and the 2.5 children with perfect teeth, exquisite diction and Ivy league degrees -- women like Dowd can do nothing at this stage of the game except to rail feebly and bitterly at ghosts and shadows, trying deperately to reignite the youthful fervor and passion for "The Cause" (which cause doesn't exactly matter anymore)in a pathetic attempt to give their wasted youth some psychologically esoteric sense of "meaning".
Rage, rage, at the dying of the light, and all that.
The Lunatic's Asylum
Well said my friend!
ReplyDeleteDowd is amazing, amazing in that someone so vacuous has managed to command an opinion column in print, when she has so little of substance to offer to readers. Her snide and catty commentary reminds me of someone stuck in their teenage years. I suspect Dowd was not in one of the "in" cliques in high school and has taken it out on the rest of the world since then.