It’s been apparent since the 2008 campaign that the Obama administration would be hostile towards coal. Based on the numbers from this article, it’s apparent that this administration is ideologically driven to cripple family budgets as a way of forcing green technology down the throats of America.
“Renewable” energy such as Solyndra-style projects, along with energy efficiency, is slated to spend $2.33 billion. There’s much, much more hidden away in corners of the budget. For example, the “Recovery Act” included a whopping $16.8 billion for the DOE office handling energy efficiency and renewables.
White House bias against the coal industry is even more apparent when you look at past federal budgets. Funding for coal technology is being trimmed down, slowly but surely. The amount provided for the current year is less than in any year since 2005. In fact, in FY 2010, the DOE received $404 million for coal projects.The numbers highlight Obama obvious misplaced priorities. This administration will stumble all over itself in their attempt to fund failing companies based on questionable technologies but they'll cut off research grants for improving proven, reliable, energy sources.
That’s bad enough. This information indicates that it’s worse than the statistics indicate:
"During the administration of former President George W. Bush, it was a priority to help the utility industry find cleaner ways to burn coal. Then, the DOE touted a $1 billion Clean Coal Power Initiative. The Obama administration’s plan is to spend not one dime on it this year. Nothing."
"Not to worry, insists Obama. His energy plan won’t inflict serious damage on Americans’ budgets."Why is this administration driving up electricity prices while subsidizing failing technologies while crippling reliable energy sources?
We aren’t cleaning the planet either. While this administration cuts coal production, other countries are increasing their use of coal-fired power plants. The only thing that’s changed dramatically is Americans’ utility bills. Obama’s spin is that he's for an all-of-the-above energy policy. In reality, his crippling of the oil and coal industries indicates that he supports a none-of-the-above energy policy.
He couldn’t put together a more destructive energy policy for families if he tried.
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