Wishing you very a HappyWookieMother's Day.
Kind Regards Kinda,
P.S. Just a note while I have the opportunity.
When I was a little boy my Dear Mother would paddle my butt good when I Lied, acted an ass in public or put my feet on the furniture. When I got married my wife kept me in check till I actually grew up.
It seems you have a similar problem as my mother did, and if I may be so bold as to suggest you reel in your lying little Barry a bit, and also tell him to keep his feet off the American peoples furniture. As for the paddling thing, what freaky things you guys do behind closed doors is entirely your business...know what em sayin'. But if opportunity was to present itself, would you whack him once for me?
He's ruined the institution of The Presidency of the United States.
ReplyDeleteOdie, somehow I get the feeling you won't be pulling the lever with the D next election?
ReplyDeleteA belated Mother's Day wish for you, dear Michelle:
ReplyDeleteForgive me if I appear to be a little bee in your bonnet, but some things need to be said, if only to clear the air between you and the country your husband is suppose to serve.
There is an old Proverb that clearly explains "A good woman will be a blessing to her husband". Your husband is not very "good" - not to America. He appears to be on the path to destruction and bringing America (if he could) down with him. You have not been a good example, with your over-spending and lavish vacations. Your major concern of controlling what American children eat demonstrates your lack of knowledge about the conditions in America. We were once considered the Bread Basket of the world and yet, due to the TRILLIONS of DOLLARS wasted, American children are fortunate if their parents are able to provide 3 meals a day and a roof over their blessed heads.
I read you and your husband's net worth is TEN MILLION DOLLARS.
May I suggest you put your money where your mouth is and begin finding projects that lift Americans up, rather than flaunting your shameful ways for all the world to see.
Even the Medical Society suggests you cut down on your poor eating habits of hot dogs and fries (at least in public), while telling our children a turkey Sandwhich is not healthy food.
As "First" lady, you could have done so much to encourage American families. As a mother, you could have taught children that greed and selfishness are not the proper "dress" for any mother to wear.
Since America is not your "cup of tea", may I suggest that you and your entire family, including your husband's drunken uncle in Boston, all move to Kenya after November's elections, where you can feed hungry children, without fear they are eating a turkey sandwhich.
Bravo Bee!
ReplyDeleteI would have liked to have added that to the orginal post!