Tuesday, March 5, 2013

American Left Prepares to Mourn the Death of a Hero......

 Hugo Bites the Dust

A Look Back at Some of Hugo's Useful Idiots
Biggest Friends and Supporters.

Land Whale / Film maker - Michael Moore

  Moonbat Conspiracy Theorist / Film Maker - Oliver Stone

Presidential Impersonator Jimmy Carter

Actor / Moonbat  Danny Glover

Hugo's favorite Worm-
Madonna's ex-husband Sean Penn

Harry 'one trick pony' Belafonte

Batshit crazy Cindy Sheehan

Batshit Crazy Naomi Campbell 

Musician / Actress / Junkie - Courtney Love

And Of Course His Friends in Washington

Tell me this doesn't look like a scene
from the movie Scarface!

.....and let's not forget the Loving Portrait of Hugo Chavez by the Nation Magazine.



  1. This just in ... Sean Penn to be his successor. When asked for his response he stated, "I'll make you a deal you can't refuse."

  2. Nothing suited the life of this dirtbag more than the manner in which he left it. I hope he suffered greatly. I know that that is uncharitable, but I sort of wish the same for all of his buddies.
