Monday, April 8, 2013

Dear Leader Speaks Directly to Dear Leader-in-Training

Diplomacy Has Gone Downhill Since Hillary Resigned

Dear Comrade Kim,
I have come to agree with our fellow comrade, Fidel Castro, that it is time you should quit swinging your little dick and knock off the threatening nonsense. Seriously! Neither of us need the Chinese pissed off right now, if you know what I mean!  
Barry O.

And seeing  you're the only fat kid in North Korea, don't make me send Michelle over there. Neither of us would want it to come to that, would we?  She is briefed and fully aware of the high calorie count of Korean nose boogers - and of your fondness of your own.  So Watch Your Step Tubby!


Dear Big Ears Hussein,


  1. It seems Tubby is quite the artist. It's good he drew something DuhWon would recognize.

  2. Two remarks about this brilliant post:

    1. It encapsulates,perfectly, the middle-school mentality of the players involved, and

    2. No one in Korea -- North or South -- has ever seen a dick as big as the one Kimmy drew. The only thing rarer than roast beef in NoKo is a penis of more than 4 inches, erect.

    I know this because all of the Korean girls I've ever dated have remarked upon my own Italian manhood with both great respect and admiration.


  3. Well, maybe for the Gundam-Style guy who might know a few Korean lads with a bit of sausage. After all, who has probably seen more penis close up and personal in Korea than him?
