Having had a minor surgical procedure on my ankle Friday, I've spent the weekend lying on the sofa watching television and making the most of a rare opportunity to be "Queen Of All She Surveys" and a Lady of Leisure. A commercial came on that reminded me of a popular post I did a couple of years ago. And since I have gained many new readers since then, and not feeling like hobbling across the house to write a new post, I thought I'd rewind it for those who weren't around at the the time of original post. Enjoy.....
from the archives - Feb 2015
Online dating services are now a dime a dozen. And while I would never partake in an adventure like that myself, I have often wondered what it's like to put a profile of yourself out there for strangers to see while trying to woo a potential love interest. During a break in a movie last night, a commercial for Black People Meet.com came on the television. The gears started to spin.
Online dating services are now a dime a dozen. And while I would never partake in an adventure like that myself, I have often wondered what it's like to put a profile of yourself out there for strangers to see while trying to woo a potential love interest. During a break in a movie last night, a commercial for Black People Meet.com came on the television. The gears started to spin.

Having become an expert at shooting down unwanted advances by black men, I wondered what a profile on this all black dating website might look like, so I took a look for myself.....
Name: Joy Ann Reid
Sign: Leo
Occupation: MSNBC Network TV Host and Expert Political Commentator
Likes: Bubble Baths, Handcuffs, Having My Toes Sucked While Feeding Me Cream of Chicken Soup
Dislikes: Conservatives, Velcro, MSNBC programmers, Cantaloupe, Loud White Girls on Fox News
Contact Info: Joy@MSNBC
Name: James 'Kocaine' Washington Jr.
Sign: Middle Finger
Occupation: Independent Pharmaceutical Distributor
Likes: 9mm's, Extra Beefy Burritos, Moon Lit Nights, BJs
Dislikes: Rip-offs, Snitches, Yoga, Alex Trebek
Contact Info: P.O. Box 756 Caddo Correctional Center, Inmate #12589, Shreveport La.
Name: Janette Pace
Sign: Aquarius
Occupation: Massage Therapist
Likes: Walks on the Beach, Mad Dog 2020, Elephants
Dislikes: People from Outer Space, Lunar Eclipse, Dumpster Truck Drivers, Flying Bricks
Contact Info: Alley behind The Ace of Spades Bar-B-Que, 121 West Morton Street, East St. Louis IL.
Name: Leroy Jerome Bates (aka 'Little Pee Pee')
Sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: Rap Artist Extraordinaire
Likes: Big Booty, Rainbows, For You to be My Baby Momma
Dislikes: Hangers-on, Kanye West, That Bitch at Walmart, Satirical Bloggers.
Contact Info: kingofrap2@ghettodoggrecords.com
Miami FL.
Name: Latisha Cameroon
Sign: Virgo
Occupation: Horizontal Bop Technician
Likes: Cash, Bling, Weaves, Strip Poker
Dislikes: Undercover Cops, Horny Circus Clowns, Jim Carey
Contact Info: Corner of Albert St. and Brookings Ave. Boston Mass. between 7pm - 4am Nightly
Name: Shelton Jackson Lee
Sign: Gemini
Occupation: Independent Film Maker
Likes: Professional Basketball, Pretending to be an Important Cultural Icon, Looking Angry and Agitating White Folks
Dislikes: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Referees, George W.Bush
Contact Info: overratedyahoo@yahoo.com
Name: Professor Lilly McDonald White
Sign: Aries
Occupation: Adjunct Professor of Black Womens Studies, Smarmy College, Vt.
Likes: Gangsta Rap, Unicorns, Barack Obama
Dislikes: When People Try to Convince I'm Not Really Black, Toenail Fungus, Hula-Hoops
Contact Info: nuttyprofessor@smarmy.edu.
Name: Blind Boy Lemon Chitlins
Sign: Libra
Occupation: Blues Musician
Likes: Fender Stratocasters, Hot Naked Women, Menage-a-threes, Beet Smoothies
Dislikes: Bumping into Things, Fox News, Brazilian Dwarfs, Kanye West , Seasonal Jock Itch
Contact Info: blindmofo@ymca.net - New Orleans La.