Friday, July 21, 2017

The NYTs: White Wimmens is Racist!

The New York Times published an essay Wednesday titled "Power Play" in a section they call "Was That Racist," by one of their affirmative Action reporters named Greg Howard. In his essay self absorbed rant he singled out white women for not moving out of his way when walking toward him on city sidewalks, not allowing him straight path. At times when he’s had to step off the sidewalk into the road, the writer turns “furious” because he “feels small.”
"When white women are in my path, they almost always continue straight, forcing me to one side without changing their course. This happens several times a day; and a couple of times a week, white women force me off the sidewalk completely. In these instances, when I’m standing in the street or in the dirt as a white woman strides past, broad-shouldered and blissful, I turn furious." 
"Do they refuse to acknowledge me because they’ve been taught that they should fear black men, and that any acknowledgment of black men can invite danger? Do they refuse to acknowledge me because to alter their route would be to show their fear? Do they not see me? Can they not see me?"
Now, as a women, you REALLY don't want to hear what I have to say about Mr. Howard and his disrespectful, de-evolving culture. But I am interested in what you have to say.