For one hundred years after the Civil War the democrats remained the party of bigotry. They terrorized whole parts of the country, and fought every attempt at passing civil rights legislation, all the way up until the 1960's.
And now, after years of putting forth phony, wasteful, unrealistic programs in the guise of compassion, in many ways just re-enslaved large segments of the blacks population with government dependency, all for their purpose of a vote. They managed to convince two whole generations through the education system and media that they, and only they, held the moral high ground in America. Time has shown otherwise. They have only offered limp wristed acknowledgement of their sins on America.
And now, as democrats play footsie with Antifa under the table and gently touch hands behind their backs, refusing to denounce their violence and anti constitutional ideals even as another violent hate filled, anti-white and anti-law enforcement Black Nationalist group lines up with their fascist minions.
Like Black Nationalist, the democrats believed the election of Barack Obama ushered in a new age of minority dominated rule. It was now theirs. But their dream is shattered and the democrats are slowly turning towards openly aligning themselves with hate once again.
Case in point, this from a piece at todays Daily Caller:
"An armed Antifa group is launching a new cell in Philadelphia, with support from the “alt-left” alternative media. The group currently hosts anti-police workshops called “Our Enemies in Blue.” The group draws inspiration from convicted murderers and calls for violence against the police, theft of goods, and armed insurrection.
Antifa websites like It’s Going Down, Sub.Media and Insurrection News have been promoting the group, which calls itself the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement."
Taking pride in the “legacy” of “Philadelphia’s rich revolutionary tradition,” RAM cites Mumia Abu Jamal, the Black Panther activist who shot and killed Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. It also cites Russell Shoats, who shot a police officer in the back five times in 1970. Similar to Antifa, the actions of the Black Panthers have been described as having a “very undefined purpose of assaulting police officers.”
The group calls on members to “expropriate” or “take away” goods, lands, and tools to “begin the revolutionary process.” Expropriation is another way of saying “seize” or “steal.”
Despite active calls for violence against law enforcement and revolution against the government, the liberal media has been surprisingly lenient in its coverage of Antifa, depicting them as righteous crusaders against the rise of white supremacy."