Every once in a while a little ray of light will hit Bill Maher’s brain. It’s always brief and fleeting. As rare as it may be, it does occasionally happen.
"No wonder fake news resonates so much with Trump fans, because so much of it is fake. It’s just nonsense meant to keep you perpetually offended with an endless stream of controversies that aren’t controversial, and outrages that aren’t outrageous because places like the Huffington Post and Buzzfeed and Salon make their money by how many clicks they get. Yes, the people who see themselves as morally superior are are actually ignoring their sacred job of informing citizens of what’s important, and instead sowing division for their own selfish ends. Hey, wait, isn’t that what Russia was doing to us? Yeah, it is. And we have to stop both of them from using us as the cocks in their cock fights......”Case in point:
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