Wednesday, May 16, 2018

It's Getting Harder and Harder to Tell If It's Faux Outrage or Just Common Stupidity.

Chelsea Clinton: Learning The Fine Art of Grifting From Her Expert Parental Units

Had Barack Obama farted out loud in public, some liberals would have proclaimed it the most brave and empowering thing an American political figure had ever done. If Donald Trump were to do the same, he'd be accused of increasing global warming, poisoning the air of minorities or endangering non-endangered species. So it's no surprise the left would take the opportunity to display their faux outrage at something that didn't seem to bother them at all when Chicago Jesus did the same thing.

And it comes is no surprise when Chelsea Clinton, who's being put forth as the new unblemished face of the Clinton Crime Family & Money Laundering Foundation, takes the cue and joins in the faux outrage act after a former Hillary Clinton Campaign Sewer Rat (the same one that once tweeted out during the debates for DJT to "go F**k yourself") tweets out this misleading information on the tweeter:

Despite what this Clinton stooge claims, nothing in the article actually says that Trump is housing illegal alien children in warehouses, just that they are being cared for on military bases. I'm guessing Jesse doesn't know about those things they use called barracks. 
"The use of military bases to hold immigrant children is not without precedent. At the peak of the 2014 child-immigration crisis, the Obama administration used bases in Oklahoma, Texas and California to house more than 7,000 children over a period of several months. The bases would be used for minors under 18 who arrive at the border without an adult relative...." 
"HHS is the government agency responsible for providing minors with foster care until another adult relative can assume custody." - Washington Post May 15,2018
Surely y'all remember back when Obama was president and liberals were so outraged that he was housing illegal immigrant children in warehouses on military bases? Me neither. But actual facts matter very little to liberals, so cue the outrage and the retweets....

Here’s MSNBC’s chief dipshit, soyboy Chris Hayes:

And the editoress-in-chief from Mother Jones:

And of course, what’s good liberal outrage without a Clinton weighing in? With Ma Clinton still out whining to the entire English speaking world about her election loss, Chelsea grabs her thesaurus and comes out of the bullpen to sidearm a spitball at DJT.

Come to think of it, I don’t remember Mother Jones, MSNBC or any media outlet attacking Obama with accusations of cruelty or putting illegal alien kids in warehouses either. Weird how that works, huh?   

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