Saturday, July 14, 2018

Off To The Tower of London With You Acosta!

STREIFF - If there is a single media personality that epitomizes the overweening arrogance, sub-caliber IQ, and lack of self-awareness that is the comic archetype of a television celebrity reporter it is CNN’s Jim Acosta. Ever since CNN decided to position itself as the official mouthpiece of the anti-Trump Resistance, Acosta has been its point man every day in the White House. Just a couple of weeks ago, Acosta tried to get President Trump’s attention…or more accurately, he tried to get attention for himself…by screaming a question from the back of a press conference.

Acosta is a twerp who probably spent all of middle school having other kids flick the backs of his ears as they passed him in the hallway and leaving him cowering in tears in the guidance counselor’s office. On the other hand, given that CNN makes a big deal of this kind of bullshit in its coverage–they portrayed Acosta as some kind of brave truth-teller after his churlish behavior at the last press event–it is probably necessary that he get these smackdowns.
 "President Trump refused a question from CNN's Jim Acosta at a joint press conference Friday afternoon with UK Prime Minister Theresa May in Buckinghamshire. Earlier in the press conference, Trump called out CNN after receiving a question from NBC News reporter Hallie Jackson. Trump said NBC is "possibly worse than CNN."  
In Acosta style he shouts out "Mr. President, since you attacked CNN, can I ask you a question?"
"I don't take questions from CNN. CNN is fake news. I don't take questions from CNN." Acosta almost brought the press conference to a halt insisting that the U.S. president take his question." - Video
I don’t know what lesson will be learned from this by future presidents. Historically, Democrat presidents (see Clinton and Obama) have been handled with kid gloves by the press and Republican presidents have played the role of good-natured punching bag (see George W. Bush). Strategically, there is zero doubt that Trump’s media strategy is working. Recent research has found that super-majorities of Americans believe the media is pushing its own agenda and CNN is feeling the impact as they are a non-entity among news outlets and are in a death struggle with SpongeBob SquarePants for ratings.

[RealClear Politics]
H/T Crazy Cousin Olivia

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