Cicero is remembered today as a great Roman orator, but few recall that he was a lawyer by trade. Cicero’s eloquence eventually enabled him to rise to the rank of Consul, in which capacity he presided over the execution without trial of five Senators. He was exiled for this unlawful act and, at length, was himself illegally executed. There’s a lesson here for the Democrats who increasingly employ lubricious lawyers to circumvent the rule of law.
Cicero’s career, which contributed to the republic’s collapse, came to mind when Democrat Bill Nelson hired attorney Marc E. Elias — a “recount specialist” with ties to Hillary Clinton and George Soros — to sue the state of Florida over the outcome of its recent senatorial race. Elias made his intentions clear upon arriving in the Sunshine State: “We’re doing this not just because it’s automatic… we’re doing it to win.”
In the eyes of Democrats, the law is just something to get around when it comes to winning what you want. That’s why they’re dangerous. Our government, like the Roman republic, is based on the principle that no one is above the law. The Democrats have assiduously undermined that principle, but this is as dangerous for them as it is for us. They should consider Cicero, whose executioners had been sent by his young protege, Octavian. The latter knew about those five executions and the former wound up with his head in a bag. Both men were above the law. - David Catron
Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!
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