Alice Walker |
Over the weekend, the New York Times Book Review published a full-length interview with Alice Walker, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Color Purple. The very first question: “What books are on your nightstand?” Walker replied with four, the second of which was:
"And the Truth Shall Set You Free,” by David Icke. In Icke’s books there is the whole of existence, on this planet and several others, to think about. A curious person’s dream come true."This passed without comment from the New York Times interviewer, and the publication passed it on to readers without qualification. This is rather remarkable because the book is an unhinged anti-Semitic conspiracy tract written by one of Britain’s most notorious anti-Semites.
A former soccer player turned professional hate peddler, Icke is one of the most influential conspiracy theorists in Europe, and certainly in Britain. Today, he has over 777,000 followers on Facebook, and speaks to audiences around the world. Like many conspiracy theorists, Icke claims that a secret conspiracy controls the world. And like many conspiracy theorists, Icke claims that this secret conspiracy happens to be Jewish.
In And The Truth Shall You Free, the word “Jewish” appears 241 times, and the name “Rothschild” is mentioned 374 times. These references are not compliments. Indeed, the book was so obviously anti-Semitic that Icke’s publisher refused to publish it, and he had to print it himself. The chapter titles of the work (“Master Races,” “The Hidden Hand”), anti-Semitism is not incidental to Icke’s book, it is essential. It is impossible to miss it.
It seems strange to me that the left has indicted the entire right for an anti-semitism which scarcely exists and does so only at the fringiest of fringes, and yet when one of their own engages in straight-up, no-question-about-it Real-Deal-Holyfield anti-semitism, they actively spread the doctrine. But David Icke isn't just anti-semitic. He's also anti-reptilian.
"Icke proposes that an inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings called the Archons have hijacked the earth and are stopping humanity from realising its true potential. He claims they are the same beings as the Anunnaki, deities from the Babylonian creation myth the Enuma Elis...." Icke believes that a genetically modified human/Archon hybrid race of shape-shifting reptilians manipulate global events to keep humans in constant fear.
It should be pointed out that many people think that given that Icke is both a Holocaust denier/Holocaust apologist, and a believer in world control by a shape-shifting half-reptilian race, he intends people to read his Lizard People theory as a disguised indictment of the Jews...."This is the book that Alice Walker recommended to New York Times readers. That a celebrated and honored cultural figure like Walker would promote such a self-evidently unhinged bigot might seem surprising at first glance. But this is only because the cultural establishment has spent years studiously looking away from Walker’s public praise of Icke and his work, and her own repeated expressions of anti-semitism.
(The Tablet)
(NYT's Book Review)
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