Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Grumpy Bernard is in this Until the Last Dog is Dead.

This is not entirely a shock. Sanders is no democrat. He has no loyalty to the Democrat party or its leadership. Even last night he was running against them, making vague accusations of voter suppression. His loyalty is to the movement he has given voice to. True to his commie roots, he knows that a bloody and ill-fated resistance is better than compromise. Bernie knows Biden can't make it to the convention without the media cleaning up his messes with broom and dustpan, like sanitation workers following an old sh*tting horse in a parade.

We do however have two things to look forward to. Sunday there will be an epic two-man debate in which Sanders, for moral and political reasons, must go after Biden hammer-and-tongs. And we can thank Bernie for leaving behind a babbling old man Joe and smoking crater where the Democrat party was trying to build unity of purpose.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

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