Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Mao-ling of a Generation

This is what happens when malevolent narcissists don’t get slapped and thrown to the ground. The kind of psychology we’re seeing, over and over again, overwhelmingly from the left, is an exercise in bad faith, a fundamental dishonesty.  It therefore isn’t amenable to correction with facts or debate, or appeals to reciprocity or some higher purpose.  Tolerating such behaviour and worse, deferring to it, will only encourage an escalation of vanity, malice and sociopathy. It may, however, be discouraged with reminders of physical consequences. Ideally, physical humiliation. A reminder that nasty little egos can be publicly broken.

These are people who will lie as readily as breathing in order to excuse their antisocial urges. They aren’t being obnoxious reluctantly, in desperation or under duress. They harass, provoke and delight in domination because it gives them pleasure. It makes them feel important and powerful. Power being conceived solely as power over others. It’s a focus for their spite. Anything else is a fig leaf, a pretext. Among Portland’s mentally uniform radicals, the ones exulting in the alarm and misery of others, there is no good faith. And so, you can’t engage with such creatures on their own ostensible terms.

And just as in Mao's Cult of Revolution, the leaders, in this case the only blacks you will see, have a grip on the microphones and bullhorns, only to retreat to the back of the pack while their adherents do their intolerant bidding.
Taunting From Last Night's Siege of a Portland Police Precinct-
A Teddy Bear in a Guillotine 

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