Monday, October 12, 2020

Spartacus Mansplains to Judge Amy

Cory Booker has really made a name for himself as the US Senate's leading drama queen. The senator, who laughingly ran a campaign for president caused a huge reaction as he screeched about “reproductive rights” and the Affordable Care Act in today's Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings. In fact, all the Democrats stayed on script beating up Coney Barrett over the ACA, the unafordable care act.

As Judge Amy sat there silently, she must have thought it was a damn circus and laughed a little under her mask at the spectacle of Democrats’ attempts to preach about legislation like the ACA, knowingly good and well that Supreme Court Justices don’t enact or write legislation. 

Although Booker might not wish to admit, acknowledge, or even consider this reality, abortion is not a “personal medical decision.” It isn’t medical at all. There is no medical procedure that has as its chief aim the destruction of a human life. Booker’s behavior toward Coney Barrett was so horrendous, actor James Woods tweeted out a pic of the Supreme Court nominee holding up a crucifix to ward Booker off:
Woods’ also blasted the soft skulls at the leftist rag, Slate Magazine, who posted: “Barrett has established who she is: a shameless careerist who believes nobody can stop her.” 

What Spartacus was saying is that he’s got a sandy vagina and that makes him an expert on women’s reproductive rights. Or something. His performance as the biggest Democrat drama queen did not go unnoticed, as he got duly roasted on the tweeter machine.  His phony anger and his tearless sympathy for the “little people” made most of what he's learned from his actor girl friend.  Booker remains a shameless charlatan who gets paid $174,000 a year, and for what? So he can screech at Amy Coney Barrett, one of the best legal minds in America.

Amy Coney Barrett has forgotten more about the law and our justice system than Cory Booker has ever known.

[Mad World]

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

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