Sunday, August 8, 2021

That Time Kim Jong Un Visited Martha's Vineyard.

Back before he became a permanent resident of the island, Barky Obama was known to bundling his extended tribe, advisors, 82% of the Secret Service and sympathetic journalist and swoop in and disrupt the beleaguered island known as "Hollywood East" during August.  It was 8 nightmarish days and nights of shut down roads and restricted movement for inhabitants of Martha’s Vineyard, who, from previous visits residents had come to liken the Obama vacation/birthday invasion to an Outbreak of Herpes.

In 2014, there were other uninvited guests to the area and our own DMF/MIDDLE FINGER NEWS SERVICE INTERNATIONAL broke the exclusive story:

MFNS Archives August 9, 2014

North Korea Spies on Obama's Martha's Vineyard Vacation


(MFNS Pyongyang) -The North Korean News Agency announced moments ago that the DPRK Navy had successfully completed a secret spy mission purposely directed at the  arrival  of the Presidential entourage on Martha's Vineyard. Nork News said the mission involved the DPRK Navy's first long voyage of their newest secret weapon, a propane/electric hybrid powered long range "Dung Class" submarine.  (photos below)

A Military spokesman said the submarine was able to penetrate the Nantucket Sound under the cover of darkness Friday morning and navigate in daylight the coastal waters of Martha's Vineyard by running shallow while towing a cardboard cutout of Secretary of State John Kerry on a windsurfing board, assuring no one would pay any attention or come near.

The newest addition to the DPRK arsenals secret voyage was commanded by the North Korean Supreme Leader himself, 1st Admiral Kim Jong Un. The mission included spending 18 hours off Cape Cod Friday to gather intelligence and two undetected passes through the Vineyard Sound in daylight on Saturday.

The major news agencies remain skeptical of the story, but MFNS have obtained exclusive Nork Naval photos taken on the mission as proof the North Koreans did indeed pull off the spy mission undetected.

{Photos Courtesy of North Korean Navy}

North Korean Sub 001 surfaces the morning of Aug 8 off the coast of Cape Cod near the
Kennedy Compound to check for intelligence (sources said none was found)

Under the cover of thick early morning fog Aug 9, waiting the arrival of the mission target,   
Kim Jung un discusses the days mission strategy with his officers.

Trolling the coast of  Vineyard Sound at periscope depth, Admiral Kim observes President Obama's arrival on the Vineyard and later practicing his golf swing at the presidential retreat before hitting the links. Kim was heard to giggle "He swing club like girl 6 year old"

Periscope reconnaissance photo of First Lady Michelle Obama 
as she leisurely wades in the surf of Martha's Vineyard beach

Periscope reconnaissance photo of who the DPRK Naval Intelligence
believes to be Barack Obama. Debate rages in the North Korean
intelligence community as to whether this is really the President,
or just some goofy looking skinny black guy with no balls wandering
around the golf course near the Presidential retreat

Stay Tuned to Middle Finger News for any developments 
on the latest taxpayer funded Obama Vacation.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

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