Thursday, May 16, 2024

Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Big Ass Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix, Who Loves Each and Everyone of You, opens up the floor for your important but in the big picture irrelevant opinions and views on our continuing descent into chaos..... or whatever is on your minds. So dawn your blogger thongs and let it rip, the floor is yours. Regular house rules apply. And use don't give the sasquatch any liquor!
This Week Your Glorious Exercise in Free Speech is brought to You By:
The 2024 Presidential Election Debates.

This Just In from Middle Finger News Service:

MFNS - The White House CNN announced it will host a "totally upfront, above board and non- prejudicial presidential debate between the 46th President of the United States & much Loved Leader of the Free World, Joe Biden, and the Twice Impeached & Soon to be Convicted Felon, Donald Trump", this June to be held in its old Atlanta studios, possibly in Ted Turner’s old rumpus room. The event would be held without an audience to avoid disruption and demonstration as well as a time delay for the ability to edit wrong speak  and gaffs in real time.

The White House CNN chose as debate mods the totally indisputable respected and unbiased news anchors Jake Tapper and some blond chick with a narrow head named Dana, who both portray journalist on the network daily for nursing homes and dive bars all across America. No word if whether the debate organizers would include an onstage mental competency assessment by a real doctor not named Gupta, or if a drug screen for debate enhancing drugs have yet to be announced.

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