Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Media Hall Monitor Returns - Tater Back in at CNN

It was a sad day in 2022 when CNN announced it was to attempt a reformation of sorts to become a more newsworthy source of information (an attempt that seems to have fallen as flat as Taylor Swift's chest). Pink slips were issued to long time journalist media personalities. Loyal CNNers mourned.

The announcement also sent shock waves through the blogger community world wide, having been left holding folders and folders of yet used, smartly crafted memes of one of those unceremoniously kicked to the curb, one of DMF's favorite kickballs, Tater Stelter.
But to the old time loyal cable news watchers, fear not! Former CNN media correspondent Stelter announced he's returning to the network. The valiant return of one of your media heroes is on the horizon!  And to bloggers and memesmiths, it's a new day Baby!
"I am thrilled to share that I am returning as the lead author of CNN’s Reliable Sources newsletter, the digest I founded in 2015. I'm returning to CNN in a brand new role as Chief Media Analyst, which means I'll be appearing on air, developing digital content, and helming this newsletter. 
The media industry has matured, CNN has evolved, and I have changed a lot since I signed off two years ago. "After 20+ years as a news junkie, I changed my habits and tuned out for a bit. I also changed my vantage point, moving from Manhattan to a horse farm near one of Donald Trump's golf clubs. I experienced the news more like an everyday consumer, and in doing so, I learned a whole lot about the attention economy and the information ecosystem. I’m looking forward to sharing what I learned with you."
Hilariously living 'Rent Free' in his head, Tater couldn't even release a statement of his own return without mentioning DJT! 

And just a reminder of some of Taters greatest hits:
As host of his weekly exercise in bomb throwing at Fox news, "Reliable Sources," Tater hyped Russiagate, fawned over Cuomo the Elder's coronavirus response, and in Oct. 2020 called the Hunter Biden laptop story a "manufactured scandal" peddled by the "right-wing media machine." He even called disgraced anti-Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti a serious" presidential contender going into the 2020 election cycle.
"I’m very happy to welcome Brian back to CNN in this new role. Brian is one of the best global experts in media commentary, and as the founder of the Reliable Sources newsletter, he is the perfect choice to lead Reliable Sources into its next chapter." - CNN's Newest CEO, Mark Thompson.

 Tater seen here working out at a local Bus Station, getting in shape for the new CNN gig.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

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