Showing posts with label 2012 Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012 Election. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tonight's the Night


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter Visits the Ladies of "The View"

Things aren't going well at 'Obama For America 2012' Headquarters these days.....


Famed Political Scientist / Hollywood Actor Ben Affleck Says Election is Over

"I think Republicans really had a chance to win, and they kind of ended up with like a sort of Mike Dukakis, Al Gore, Bob Dole type - who just couldn't get people to see him as a real person somehow. Romney just had such trouble coming off as just like the kind of person you see at the grocery store. And I truly believe that has cost him the election....." Read More

Monday, October 1, 2012

Free Offer From The Democrat National Committee:


Friday, September 28, 2012

A Word to the Daily Poll Watchers

By Jamie J. 
Eye of Polyphemus

"I am not much of a poll watcher until after the debates when the candidates have had their last big shot at appealing to voters. The winner and loser does not usually become solidified until then. There is no point in paying much attention to polling prior to the debates accept to analyze the successes and failures of the respective campaigns. Even that is more of a concern for the campaigns themselves, but the polls around this time can show candidates’ supporters which way they need to prod their guy towards victory.
 For whatever influence said supporters actually have. I am in deep red South Carolina where Mitt Romney cannot lose and Barack Obama cannot win. Neither one o them cares what anyone in the palmetto state thinks. Perhaps you are in the same bright red or blue situation. The circumstances do give you a certain distance from the election as a whole. The primaries are the last close up glimpse of the presidential race we get remember Newt Gingrich running away with South Carolina/ That was a long time ago. With that in mind, appreciate high emotions regarding the campaign have given way to detached observation of reality in everything else I am going to write here.
Embrace the fact that polls are largely accurate. Romney and Obama are virtually tied in the national polls. National polls are a soft indicator, however. It is the swing state polls that really matter in a relatively even matched election like this one, and those show Obama with an advantage. Stop claiming that the methodology is biased or looking at ’alternate polls that show who really is in the lead.....look at the facts instead."
Read the Rest  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

1.4 Billion in Perks for the First Family


While the country is struggling in a recession made worse by Obama's economic policies, the first family is living high on the hog like no other occupants of the White House before. In a new book Presidential Perks Gone Royal by Robert Keith Gray, he details the exorbitant amount of money the taxpayers are shelling out for travel and comfort for Bo and Mo and the brood each year. 
"Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion dollars on everything from staffing, housing, flying and entertaining President Obama and his family last year, according to the author of a new book on taxpayer-funded presidential perks."
"In comparison, British taxpayers spent just $57.8 million on the royal family...."
Gray also says taxpayer dollars are subsidizing Obama’s re-election effort when he uses Air Force One to jet across the country campaigning.
"When the trip is deemed political, it’s customary for the president to pay the equivalent of a first class commercial ticket for certain passengers. But Gray says that hardly covers the taxpayer cost of flying the president and his staffers around on Air Force One.
“When the United States’ billion-dollar air armada is being used politically, is it fair to taxpayers that we only be reimbursed by the president's campaign committee for the value of one first-class commercial ticket for each passenger who is deemed aboard ‘for political purposes?’” Gray asks in the book......
Read More Here

"Doing this to us too, eh Mr. President?"

Electoral College Model Predicts Romney Win

Human Events
"Professors Ken Bickers and Michael Berry, of the University of Colorado, have a system for predicting the Electoral College outcomes of presidential races. Their model has accurately forecast the winner of every presidential race since 1980. According to an article published by UC-Boulder, they even got the Perot-flavored election of 1992, and the Bush-Gore photo finish in 2000, right.
This year, the Bickers-Berry model shows Mitt Romney winning with 320 electoral votes to Obama’s 218, with a 20-vote margin of error. A popular vote margin of 53-47 percent in Romney’s favor is predicted.
The Bickers-Berry model draws upon a wide range of state and national economic data, rather than collating public opinion polls. It anticipates little lasting effect from factors such as the location of the party conventions, the vice-president’s home state, the party affiliation of state governors, or – according to Bickers – “gaffes, political commercials, or day-to-day campaign tactics.” He finds the focus of voters upon big issues “heartening for our democracy.”
The Associated Press notes that “the model does not account for sudden changes in the economy or unexpected developments in states split 50-50.” There appear to be quite a few states fitting that definition at the moment. The Bickers-Berry model has Obama losing almost every swing state, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Florida.
Interestingly, the model predicts different partisan effects for two key economic factors: “Voters hold Democrats more responsible for unemployment rates while Republicans are held more responsible for per capita income.” That’s obviously not good news for President Obama, who has made double-digit unemployment a permanent feature of the American landscape.
The forecast that has Romney winning with 320 electoral votes is based on five-month-old economic data, with an update planned for late September. Maybe Romney will do even better, when even more dismal Obama economic data is plugged into the Bickers-Berry model.
On the other hand, the professors note that it’s hard to predict if the public will judge the economy in “absolute” or “relative” terms – in other words, will they consider the totality of the Obama record, or will they accept a possible uptick in a few key indicators during October as encouraging signs that the President is turning around?"

Monday, September 17, 2012

Obama to Apologize to Nation


Middle Finger News Service Exclusive:

Washington - Middle Finger News has learn that apparently the White House has made plans for a  "preemptive strike" before the Presidential debates on what GOP nominee Mitt Romney has dubbed the president's affinity for apologizing for America. Barack Obama will officially apologized to the citizens of United States in a televised speech for being such an asshole as a way of taking the issue back.

"I feel truly sorry that the right is so desperate to remove me from office that they have unleashed  Mitt Romney on the country" said Obama in a prepared statement released by the White House. "I can't help but feel some personal responsibility, and for that I am also sorry for too."

Obama hinted at the statement yesterday, apologizing to a crowd in Wisconsin yesterday for his "outright assholery." "Believe me, no one feels worse about this being an asshole than I do," said the president.

It was widely suspected that Obama was an asshole by many from the time he entered the 2008 presidential race, saying, "In this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror ", then going on to apologizing to the Arab world after being elected.  "Can you believe this asshole?" said Hillary Clinton at the time.

I am so sorry you have had to put up with my assholery these last three years, Obama will reiterated  in his speech to the nation. I will do better in my next term, I promise.

When the news of the apology was leaked to MSNBC commentor Chris Matthews he said "Did Ronald Reagan admit he was an Asshole? NO! Did George Bush admit he was an asshole? Hell NO! How could you not admire the President for such a admiral move as this?" CNN commenter Anderson Cooper told us " I've seen many  assholes over the years and the president is putting his ass in a very uncomfortable position for the sake of the country and his presidency. It's a bold move I'd like to see." 

As far as we know, there are no plans at this time to apologize to the country for Joe Biden.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On Vote Fraud and its Beneficiaries:

"The real objection to requiring voter ID isn’t based in civil rights, but in civil wrongs. With elections often decided by narrow margins, the ability to produce a few thousand more ballots can often swing the results. (In Minnesota’s 2008 disputed US Senate election, won by Al Franken — who proceeded to cast the deciding vote in favor of ObamaCare — the margin of victory was 312, but it turned out that 1,099 votes were cast by felons who were ineligible to vote. Many of them have gone to jail, but Franken has remained in the Senate). ...

"Many of America’s largest and worst-governed cities suffer from entrenched and corrupt political machines that maintain their position in no small part via voter fraud. Corrupt machines (like that of Detroit’s disgraced ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick) siphon off money that should go to essential services and instead divert it to political fatcats and their supporters. Efforts at reform are often defeated with fraudulent votes." - Glenn Reynolds, University of Tennessee Law Professor


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bill Clinton Apologizes for Speech


Former President Bill Clinton apologized last night for reading what he called “a severely abbreviated” version of his Convention speech, saying that he had planned to read a “very educational and interesting” nine-hour version but lost his nerve.

“I don’t know what happens to me when I get up in front of a crowd like that,” he said. “I kind of tighten up and feel the need to rush through things.”

Mr. Clinton said that the longer version of his speech “was packed with good stuff,” including a detailed proposal to fix the United States Postal Service, an elaborate discussion of America’s fisheries and waterways, and a complete recitation of the Fleetwood Mac back catalogue.

As it was, the shortened version of his speech was interrupted by standing ovations many times, including for his reading of a section of the Manhattan phone book.

Mr. Clinton acknowledged that his speech went over well with its intended audience of diehard Democrats, who responded with many congratulatory e-mails and over twenty thousand proposals to get laid.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Ryan Choice

DiploMad 2.0

I will leave to those more qualified to analyze and spin the electoral impact of Governor Romney's choice of Congressman Paul Ryan as his VP running mate. The masters of spin and parse will be out in force looking at whether the choice "alienates" single women, frightens senior citizens, or galvanizes the Tea Party into action. I am not going to get into that . . . much.

In terms of intellectual firepower, and track record of accomplishments in the private and public sector this presidential ticket, regardless of party, is the best one in decades and arguably ever. This is a serious ticket. Voters will have before them a stark choice in November. On the one hand, the Democratic ticket consists of a failed, truth-avoiding, and corrupt incumbent President running with Joe Biden, one of the dopiest and least interesting hack politicians of our time. The GOP ticket consists of a successful job- and wealth-creating businessman and governor running with the single smartest and most competent Congressman on the Hill, the one man in the whole Congress who knows how a federal budget is put together and the impact it has on the country. For me, there is no dilemma in making my choice.

The Democrats got nothin'. So they will double down on the sort of vicious assault on truth that we have seen over the past few weeks. The Democrat lie Gatling is already beginning to fire away: Ryan favors throwing the elderly off a cliff; he favors a federal budget to make the rich richer. More will come. Ryan can expect to have the most minute details of his life put out in public and subject to ridicule. The President who refuses to divulge the most basic information of his own life, will spare no expense in having his minions dig up anything and everything that can be used or distorted. It will be disgusting and infuriating.

I hope that Ryan will give as good as he gets while sticking to the truth and coming back again and again to the failed Obama-Biden record, and the basic choice now facing us: do we want to continue marching down the road to stagnation, dependency, poverty, and a government-run society, or do we get back to the basics that have made America great. There should be no problem in making that choice, except that we have been busy developing a society of half-educated college graduates and cynics with no basic understanding of the economy or the world. We have people more and more removed from the process of wealth production and further and further into wealth consumption. That will be the challenge facing the Republicans and the future of America, to wit, to tap into what I believe is a still strong American ethos of work, saving, and investment, to make it clear that we do not have to become Greece.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Guide to Winning the Goriest Campaign in 184 Years

The White House Dossier
"When I look at the campaign, I wonder, really, whether there has ever been an event quite like it in presidential politics before.
The Obama campaign is offering up a narrative that has so little connection to reality, but seems to be working so well, that I am pondering if it is possible for Romney to wage anything resembling a normal campaign at all.
Obama and his operatives smear Romney, accuse Republicans of racist intent, claim that George W. Bush is responsible for the current economy, declare Romney unqualified to be president – when Obama himself had not a single qualification to be president – I simply cannot believe the things I’m hearing and seeing.
I’ve come the conclusion that there is no way to avoid an unmitigated mud fight. This is going to have to be the most vicious campaign since 1828, when Andrew Jackson’s wife was accused of committing adultery with him and John Quincy Adams was said to have pimped out a servant girl to the Russian Czar.
Recognizing reality, I offer my advice to each of the campaigns on how to conduct themselves, or rather, misconduct themselves.
You think this is tongue in cheek? It might be, but I’m not so sure....."

Friday, June 1, 2012

Potential Metaphor for Obama's Next 160 Days.

"Until recently, Barack Obama’s re-election was regarded as inevitable – in the same way that summer follows spring, or a monsoon follows a hosepipe ban....."
Keep Reading....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is Ohio Slipping Away from Obama?

Diogenes - 5/23/2012

Earlier this weekend, 'The Architect' Karl Rove said that Indiana and North Carolina were gone for President Obama’s re-election. Based on Salena Zito’s article, it’s sounding like Ohio is slipping through President Obama’s fingers, too.

What Ms. Zito’s reporting indicates is that Axelrod and Plouffe have reason to worry that Ohio is slipping away from President Obama. Again, it's still early but it's apparent there's no reservoir of good will from Ohioans towards President Obama. If he wins Ohio, it'll have to be because of something substantive he does from this point forward.

In fact, the quotes in this article indicate that opinions are hardening each day. That's trouble for the Obama campaign. Adding Ohio to Indiana and North Carolina spells trouble. It's also 45 electoral votes. Subtract 45 electoral votes from 338 and you're at 293. That means his path to re-election is tricky at best. At that point, President Obama has to keep Virginia's 15 electoral votes in his column. It also means he can't afford to lose Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado or Florida.

Losing Florida, Ohio, Indiana and North Carolina spells defeat for Team Obama.  

It’s that simple.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Florida Digs Up 53,000 Dead Voters

Set to Purge Voter Rolls
Democrat Opposition in  3....2...1...

J. Christian Adams at PJ Media has learned that Florida election officials are set to announce that the secretary of state will purge the voter rolls of the dead. Surely in a hotly contested state like Florida, a political party well known for their voter fraud tactics and a vulnerable  sitting President wouldn't think of taking advantage of having dead voters on the rolls during election year, now would they......
Read his Story Here 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Bad Week in O' Town

Anytime an incumbent is below 45% in approval ratings, that incumbent should hire a real estate agent because his time is up.

This polling should trouble Axelrod, Obama and Plouffe:
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Mitt Romney earning 50% of the vote and President Obama attracting 42% support. Four percent (4%) would vote for a third party candidate, while another three percent (3%) are undecided. This is terrible news for President Obama. It’s one thing to be trailing at this point. It’s another thing when 60% of likely voters are rejecting President Obama’s message and his ‘accomplishments’."
We haven’t seen numbers this bad since George H.W. Bush ran for re-election. We know what happened that year, don’t we?
This polling is tied directly to Obama’s unpopular policies decisions and ‘accomplishments’. Obama knows that he can’t win if the conversation is about O’Care, the stimulus, the failed economy and the regulatory overreach by the NLRB and the EPA.
If that’s what we’re talking about this September and October, Michelle Obama will be thinking about where she, President Obama, Sasha and Malia will live the rest of their lives.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Funny Pics from the Obama 2012 Campaign Site.

The following photos are taken directly from the official, authorized Obama for America reelection campaign website and Facebook pages. These are some of the pictures that team Obama hand-picked.
Whoa there big fella, it's called a G.E.D!

“Obama 2012: A pink flamingo in every pot.”

Remind me not to visit the Castro Street Foot Locker.


Chicago Jesus Rules

I’m sure this Mr. Chang, whoever he is, is a hell of a guy. 
But let's stay on topic here.

If this poor dog could shoot lasers out of its eyes, 
this woman would be a briquette.

When you’re gay and lesbian and bisexual and trans-gendered, apparently all at the same time, it’s so hard finding a candidate who can address your concerns and reflect your values.

There’s an old showbiz adage about exiting on a laugh, but I think I’ll do the opposite, and exit on something that’s not even remotely funny. Obama for America chose to feature this picture on its official Ohio Facebook page, championing a symbol of the oppression of women throughout the Muslim world. Oh, but explain to me again how it’s the Republicans who are waging a “war against women.”

Thank You IOTW - Doug Ross - Ann Barnhardt
- Marathon Pundit  - Randy's Roundtable
and The Blaze for the Linkage

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pulling Out All the Stops Shows Obama is Desperate

Reposted from March 23,2012

Could this be Obama's October Surprise?

Will he take a Gamble?
Why Obama Isn't Backing Gay Marriage........Yet.

For those wanting to understand why the political deliberation over gay marriage is such a sensitive subject for this White House, look no further than the fact that it splits the two core constituencies that make up President Obama's base: college-aged voters and African-Americans.

Young voters are the driving force behind making gay marriage politically acceptable. But black voters, despite their overwhelming support for the president, are among the leading opponents of gay marriage.

Both groups turned out at historic levels in 2008, helping propel Obama to victory in states like Virginia and North Carolina. The president's re-election team is depending on similarly high turnout, especially among black voters, to make up for their weaknesses winning over non-college educated white voters. Indeed, the very reason they believe those Southern states are in play are directly related to expected high turnout among these demographic groups.

In 2008, African-American voters made up 20 percent of  Virginia's state electorate, and voters between the ages of 18-29 made up 21 percent of the statewide vote. Fast-forward just one year later to the closely-contested gubernatorial race, and African-Americans dropped to 15 percent of the electorate, with 18-29 year olds making up just 10 percent. Team Obama needs the numbers to be much closer to the 2008 figures to win the Old Dominion again. And that's where the gay marriage debate gets awfully tricky for the president's political advisers.

Public opinion on gay marriage is pretty straightforward. There's a huge generational divide - with older voters solidly opposed, and younger voters solidly supportive. Over time, support for gay marriage should increase. And if Obama came out in support of gay marriage, he would probably excite and inspire many college-aged Democrats to show up at the polls and support him -- not to mention winning back some socially-moderate independents who have been disenchanted with the president over the economy.

But college-aged voters are only part of the president's coalition. The bigger element consists of African-American voters, who are solidly opposed to gay marriage. California's Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage passed in 2008 thanks to overwhelming black support; 70 percent backed it, according to exit polls. Recent gay marriage legislation in Maryland drew opposition from leading Democratic African-American legislators in the state. The same ministers organizing get-out-the-vote efforts in black churches for Obama are also railing against gay marriage.

Obama can't afford to even risk losing the deep enthusiasm black voters have towards him. They gave Obama a whopping 95 percent of the vote against John McCain last election and turned out at historic levels. He should get similar levels of support this year, but with the down economy disproportionately affecting the black community, he's not at all assured that they'll turn out at the same level as 2008. Backing gay marriage would virtually guarantee that some would stay home - perhaps enough to tip the balance in states like Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Ohio.

The conventional wisdom has been that supporting gay marriage would alienate blue-collar whites, and that's been the main reason he's been hesitant to come out in favor before the general election. But in this case, it's a crucial element of his own base that's preventing the Obama from taking bolder steps to advance a cause that he seems to believe in, but hasn't yet publicly embraced.  
Washington post

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The President Has a List

"the money game is not going as Team Obama wants… The White House’s new strategy is thus to delegitimize Mr. Romney (by attacking his donors) as it seeks to frighten others out of giving.” Obama has all the worst qualities of Carter, Clinton and Nixon but none of their good ones.".......Bonfire of the Absurdities
Read About It Here.