Showing posts with label Rob Janicki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rob Janicki. Show all posts

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Obama Knowingly Perpetuates the Falsehoods About the Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline

by Robert Janicki

In President Obama's last press conference of 2014, he once again misstated the elements of the Keystone XL Pipeline Project. Obama continued the canard that the project would only create a nominal number of American jobs, when median estimates are that 20,000 high paying jobs would be created in the two plus years of the construction phase of the pipeline.  Additional tens of thousands of permanent jobs would be created in the refineries and the oil by products market for further manufacturing and consumer end use.  It's estimated that close to a million jobs throughout the economy could be created as a result of the crude oil flowing into the United States through the XL Pipeline.  

Obama then further pushed the prevarication that the tar sands oil from Canada would simply pass through America to the Gulf Coast, only to be exported to the world market and thus would have no impact on gasoline prices in America.  That is an absolute lie and Obama knows it.  For forty years it has been illegal to export crude oil.  Now, that is not to say that refined products can't be exported.  However, the State Department analysis indicated that the results of the Keystone pipeline will not affect the export trend for refined oil products.   It is estimated that less than 10% of the thousands or so oil based products refined along the Gulf Coast will be for export, which is consistent with current export practices.

TransCanada (TC), the builder/operator of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline is an oil pipeline transportation business.   TC has no financial ownership in anything, but the pipeline, as owner/operators.  TC does not own any of the tar sands oil to be shipped through its pipeline to the Gulf Coast.  The tar sands oil is going to be sold to the Gulf Coast refineries in Texas and Louisiana by the Canadian oil producers.  Valero, in Port Arthur, Texas, is the largest refinery along the Gulf Coast, along with many others, and the company is the world's largest independent refiner with other refineries in the United States, Canada and the UK.  

Valero currently processes approximately 3 million barrels of crude oil per day.  Valero is also one of the largest retailers of gasoline in the United States along with selling to independent gasoline retailers.  The TC pipeline will expand Valero's access to the crude oil supply in greater volumes economically unachievable by importing with ocean going oil tankers.  This is also true with the other oil refineries along the Gulf Coast, which will be purchasing the tar sands crude oil from the Canadian oil producing companies.

President Obama either has no idea how the world oil market works or how it is related to the ultimate price of gasoline in the United States.  The Canadian tar sands oil will be principally processed into gasoline and refined into its many byproducts, by the many oil refineries around the Gulf Coast.  It is yet to be determined where these finished products will find their end use, but the estimates are that the gasoline will enter the domestic American market along with the majority of byproducts.

In the final analysis all the Canadian tar sand oil products produced in the Gulf Coast refineries will contribute to the global market supply and will be priced according to global consumer demand.  The more oil products that are produced, including gasoline, will increase the global supply and thus reduce the global market price relative to the shrinking global demand.  As we have seen at the gas pump, the world oil products markets are currently experiencing an oversupply relative to demand, thus bringing down the price to the consumer, wherever that consumer is located.  Cheap and abundant fossil fuels are what made America the great industrial dynamo that it is today.  If America expects to maintain that same position in the world economy, it must continue to produce adequate supplies of crude oil and natural gas to match the demands placed upon our industrial base.

So, why is Obama doing everything possible to see to it that the XL Pipeline project never sees approval?  The answer is simple.  It does not fit the liberal model of control of as much of the economy as possible.  Warren Buffett, wealthy supporter of the Obama administration and other things liberal, will stand to lose money with his ownership interest in the BNSF railroad, which currently is the primary transportation means for the trickle of Canadian oil entering the U.S. refining.  

The other liberal constituencies that oppose the XL Pipeline Project, are a collective assortment of enviro-Nazis groups that oppose all forms of fossil fuels and the evil producers they consider are working against Mother Earth. These groups are major financial supporters of the Democrat Party and have a lot of power in the Obama administration.

Every analysis and assessment that has been made on the pipeline project has indicated no significant adverse affects on the environment, while indicating the economic benefits could be substantial.  Obama knows this, but has chosen to deny the facts in order to satisfy a very powerful Democrat constituency that funds Democrat candidates.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Cuban Delusion: Facts and Obama's Fancy Fallacy.

by Robert Janicki
President Obama has, for some reason only known to himself, decided that now is a good time to reevaluate America's embargo sanctions on Cuba as if he has a better perspective on these sanction then have all the preceding American presidents in the past 50 plus years.  It's as if lifting these sanctions will somehow mystically and magically bring the communist dictatorship in Cuba to see the error of its ways and open up Cuba to a new and democratic nation.  It won't happen and Raul Castro, operational Thug in Chief and speaking for Thug in Chief Emeritus, older brother Fidel, has said there is no way Cuba will discard communism as it political basis.
I agree with Raul and kind of think that 50 years of communism under the Brothers Castro speaks volumes as to whether Cuba will ever move toward a democratic form of government while a Castro or an acolyte is in power.  It's a dictatorship and dictators only relent when faced with death.  Any other economic deterrent or incentive Obama could imagine is simply a delusion.  You cannot make nice with a communist dictatorship, period and that's an historical fact.
But, won't economic trade with Cuba force the Castro dictatorship to open up its society?  Absolutely not and here is why.
Obama claims that American trade will open up Cuba.  What makes Obama believe that something is unique about American trade?  Cuba has been trading, albeit in a very limited means, with over 100 nations around the world and communist Cuba has not changed one iota.  What, exactly, does Obama believe that Cuba has to offer America in trade?  Other than sugar, I can't think of anything that Cuba has that America wants or needs and sugar is readily available on the world market, not to mention that Cuban cane sugar competes with American beet sugar, which will not endear Obama with American beet producers.
There are foreign investments in Cuba that have gone nowhere in 50 plus years of communist Cuba's existence.  What makes Obama believe American businesses will rush to invest in Cuba?
Here's the unspoken reality about trade with Cuba.  Every foreign trade venture in Cuba is run through and by the Cuban government.  Foreign dollars (US$) come in and support the Cuban government desperate for American dollars, since the Cuban peso is valueless or to the extent that the Cuban government sets a fictitious trading value of their peso.  Cuban workers are paid by the government in pesos.  Guess who keeps the US dollars brought in with foreign trade?  You guessed it, the brothers Castro, Cuba's first family of institutionalized criminality.  It's reported that there are around 8,000 political prisoners in Cuba and another 50,000 Cuban 'dissidents' toiling away in "reeducation" camps throughout the Cuban Caribbean paradise.
Every time Obama has tried to make nice with authoritarian dictatorships around the world, his policies have failed miserably.  There is no known reason to believe that a similar rapprochement with Cuba will be anything but another failure.  Saying it will be different for some reason will not make it so.  The economic facts are what they are and they tell us that on an economic basis it will be failure.  One only has to look at a similar situation with Vietnam, which has failed to open up any democratic trappings in their government and economy since trade was established with America. 
The only tangible result from Obama's actions to date has been to alienate the Cuban American population, which I suspect Obama has already written off as Republican supporters and thus of no concern or consequence in his political calculation to lift sanctions on Cuba.  Meanwhile, Obama tries by dint of his own personality and salesmanship to project an aura of action as an example of his hope and change delusion.  
We all know where that's gotten America.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Surgeon General Position is No Place for Radical Politics

by Robert Janicki

President Obama and current Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, are not about to roll over in the face of the incoming Republican Senate majority.  Their first confirmation victory in the remaining days of the current congress occurred Monday evening with the confirmation of 37 year old Dr. Vivek Murthy as U.S. Surgeon General. 

Murthy's nomination has been in limbo since he was first nominated in 2013.  It seems everyone of Obama's nominations has been made on the basis of strong political allegiance to the president's radical ideological agenda, rather than what is in the best interest of America and Americans.  

The position of U.S. Surgeon General would seem to have no place for politics, but it is now obvious it has become politicized with the confirmation of a doctor with little practical experience and a strong desire to politicize the position along the exact radical political lines and agenda of the president.

What makes this otherwise nondescript position rather important in these times, revolves around two points to be made.  

Again, Dr. Murthy is medically inexperienced, which makes it questionable if he is actually qualified for the position of the nation's Surgeon General.  Murthy's greatest activity has been centered around his creation of an activist group called Doctors for America, which was originally called Doctors for Obama and is essentially a propaganda machine for all things on President Obama's agenda, the most significant of which is gun control of all things. 

The second and most important point to be made is that Murthy brings blatant politics to the position of Surgeon General.  In particular, he is a political hack with a political activist agenda bent upon using the power of his office to push for wide ranging and radical national gun control laws, rules and regulations by co-opting the lagging liberal gun control agenda and declaring guns to be a national health concern.  

Needless to say, the NRA considers Murthy a most serious detriment to an individual's exercise of their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  Republicans in the new Congress will have to be very vigilant in monitoring  his activities as he uses his position as a bully pulpit for national gun control.  Republicans will be further challenged to rein in Murthy as he tries to use his position for gun control objectives.

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) voted no because of his concern with Murthy's strident political activism in the anti-gun movement.  When Manchin voted against Murthy, you know there is concern among even some Democrats about Murthy's extreme activism on gun control issues.  However, even with Manchin's "no" vote, the Democrats managed a 51-43 vote for confirmation of Murthy with their current majority in the Senate, which will change on January 3, 2015, with a Republican majority of 54-46.

Here are some of the radical items on Dr. Murthy's agenda as Surgeon General as propounded by the group Doctors for America, which he founded.  Some of these items are recycled liberal goals, but some are even more radical than liberals have even thought to push for.
  • A federal ban on the sale of assault weapons and ammunition
  • Buyback programs
  • Strengthening “regulations for guns used for hunting, sport, and self-protection”
  • Universal background checks and licenses for anyone purchasing guns and ammunition
  • Mandatory firearm safety training and testing
  • Regulation of private sales and transfers of guns and ammunition
  • Mandatory waiting periods of at least 48 hours
  • Limits on the purchase of ammunition
  • Better policing of neighborhoods with a high concentration of gun violence
  • Prohibit laws preventing physicians from discussing gun safety with patients.
  • Remove the provision in the Affordable Care Act and other federal policies that prohibit physicians from documenting gun ownership.
  • Invest in improving access to mental health resources.
  • Reinstating CDC and NIH funding for firearms injury and death prevention research.
  • Removing restrictions in the Affordable Care Act and other legislation that prohibits databases and data collection on gun violence programs.
  • Ensuring that newly implemented programs are studied carefully to assess impact.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Obama / Clinton Blood Feud is Coming to Pass and it Won't be Pretty

by Robert Janicki

Earlier this year political writer Edward Klein published a book entitled, "Blood Feud", subtitled, "The Clintons vs. the Obamas", which now looks like it was quite prescient in its predictions of the Obamas supporting someone other than Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.  A reading of Klein's book is very revealing in its insights into the long standing and continuing animosity between the Obamas and the Clintons that runs deep and wide ranging, despite all the 'kiss ups' in public.

Obama, admittedly the quintessential manipulating masterful politician and especially outstanding  campaigner/fundraiser, has been quietly and subtly pushing for someone of his own radical political ilk to confront Hillary and upset her apple cart along the way to the 2016 Democratic National Convention.  It has now surfaced that 300 former Obama campaign staffers have rallied round the idea of Elizabeth 'Fauxcahontas' Warren, recently minted United States Senator in 2012, as the Democratic presidential nominee.

This group of 300 former Obama staffers have organized a group called "Ready for Warren" with an open letter to Elizabeth Warren.  The contents of the letter included these observations from the group.

We believed in an unlikely candidate who no one thought had a chance.
We worked for him — and against all odds, we won in Iowa.
We organized like no campaign had organized before — and won the Democratic primary.
We built a movement — and the country elected the first-ever African American president.
We know that the improbable is far from impossible.
Now, former staffers from President Obama’s campaigns, along with former staffers from OFA, are joining with the thousands of Americans who are calling on Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016.
Rising income inequality is the challenge of our times, and we want someone who will stand up for working families and take on the Wall Street banks and special interests that took down our economy.
We urge Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016.

Expect to see Elizabeth Warren, despite protestations to the contrary, to run against Hillary.  The money will be there at her disposal from the multitudinous sources cultivated by the master campaigner and fundraiser, Barack Obama.  All Obama has to do is call in all the chits he has planted among the rich and powerful liberals in high places in business and banking.  Obama, the socialist who has, for tactical and strategic purposes, morphed into a corporatist for pragmatic political purposes, has the power and forces necessary to anoint Elizabeth Warren as his successor to his mantle of the radical liberal as president

Forget about Warren supposedly challenging Obama over the CRomnibus bill and it diminishing the Dodd-Frank legislation regulating financial institutions.  This pales in comparison to the long standing animosity between the Obamas and the Clintons.  On the plus side, it gives Warren the image of being independent of Obama, all the while utilizing his political influence and campaign resources to challenge Hillary.  Dizzy Lizzie may be saying she won't run, but that's only good until the moment she announces that she will run.  Expect it to happen since there simply is no other Democrat that could possibly be viewed with winning potential.  It's either going to be Hillary or Lizzy and I'm putting my betting money on Lizzy when I look toward who will be supporting her and all the resources Obama brings to the fight for the future of the Democrat Party.

The real problem that both Hillary and Lizzy have to overcome is that America does not appear to share their thought of continuing the failed radical liberal policies of a warmed over mutation of Barack Obama.  Hillary has a more formidable challenge to separate herself from Obama.  Warren is not burdened with all that Obama administration baggage that Hillary has to drag to the campaign trail.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Obama's Amnesty End Run Around the Law May Not Work Out, if Republicans Grow a Pair.

by Robert Janicki
Law suits are a possibility, but they take time.  Impeachment is technically possible, but is simply not realistic since, in the end, it might cast Obama as some kind of martyr.  The best and most promising means to forestall President Obama's amnesty is through the Congress's 'power of the purse'.  Obama claims his amnesty funding will come from service fees and thus his 'shamnesty' will be free of congressional funding restrictions and oversight.
Hold on there President Obama.  You may have been an adjunct instructor in Constitutional Law, but that doesn't mean you actually know what you are doing or saying about congressional oversight.  Reasonable people have come to learn not to place much faith in what you have to say, since you have repeatedly lied to America on dozens of issues, not the least of which is the ongoing disaster called Obamacare.  A rising number of constitutional scholars are reaching a consensus that there are legal means for Congress to forestall your 'shamnesty' for illegal immigrants. 
"In a letter last week to Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican, the Congressional Research Service said federal courts have recognized broad congressional powers to stop the president by denying him funding for his proposed actions...... 
lawmakers have to decide what leverage to use against the president on immigration. Suggestions ... include tying all of this year’s spending bills to a decision to block the deportation amnesty, tying only homeland security money to the deportation amnesty, and kicking the issue into next year, when Republicans will control both the House and Senate......"
Republicans may have difficulty in blocking Obama's illegal amnesty in the last nine working days of the current congressional term, but they will surely have every opportunity in the new congressional term beginning January 3, 2015. 
We should know what Republican strategy will be employed in the next two weeks before the Christmas recess. 
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mary Possibly Facing the Worst Senatorial Loss in 50 years.

Landrieu May Go Down Harder Then Expected 
by Robert Janicki
Early voting in Louisiana began this past Saturday and voting percentages are up significantly from the primary election held on November 4th as part of the national midterm congressional elections.  The patterns suggest Landrieu will not only lose, but lose very badly with a rout that hasn't been seen in senatorial elections in 50 years.
Pollster John Couvillon believes that the election could go 62-38 for Congressman Dr. Bill Cassidy, which would be a monumental rebuke of Mary Landrieu and might well continue to be viewed as a referendum denunciation of Obama's failed radical liberal policies.

Here you can see a complete breakdown of details inside Couvillion's polling and analysis.

And just a side note: Once again, the Times-Picayune/ has endorsed Sen. Mary Landrieu over her challenger Rep. Bill Cassidy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Freak Show In Ferguson Is About To Begin

And It Will Not End Well For Anyone

by Robert Janicki
Protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, are prepping full-time for the moment the St. Louis County Grand Jury renders a decision whether Ferguson police office Darren Wilson will be charged in the death of 18 year Michael Brown back in early August.  The announcement could come at any time.  Authorities have indicated they will not announce in advance when the decision will come down.  I suspect that authorities are brainstorming on the best time of day or night to make the announcement in order to throw off what will surely be wide spread protests of varying intensities in and around Ferguson and St. Louis County.
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (D) activated the Missouri National Guard on Monday to back up local police in Ferguson, St. Louis and Missouri State Police for expected protests breaking out when the Grand Jury decision is made public.
Protesters aren't interested in real justice.  They are interested in vigilante justice.  They are demanding that Darren Wilson be charged with first degree murder.  Anything less will be unacceptable to this mob of domestic terrorists.  The protest activists have said it's time for white people to feel uncomfortable and they will take it upon themselves to teach whites what the feeling of being uncomfortable is all about.  If this isn't domestic terrorism, I'm not certain what the definition of domestic terrorism might be.
The activists have come up with a long list of targets they plan to include in their protests.  The vast majority of these targets are completely unrelated to the incident in Ferguson, which raises the question of the protesters motives.  Targeting Boeing, Anheuser-Busch, Emerson Electric, and the St. Louis Art Museum, etc., doesn't make any rational sense, unless the protesters want to start some kind of rebellion between whites and blacks.
The protesters claim they do not want to see violence, but their planning seems to belie their real motives and intentions, which appear to be to set a series of events in motion that will do little to contain violence and everything that will lead to inciting violence among the masses of people in Ferguson and the surrounding area of St. Louis County.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Fraud on America is Now Fully Revealed

by Robert Janicki

How can we forget Nancy Pelosi telling America in 2010, "But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

Well, now we know what's in it and this confirms it was a fraud.  Now we have found out how the fraud was perpetrated on the rest of America.  Warning:  If you voted for Obama or supported Obamacare, you aren't going to like finding out that you were played for a fool by liberal progressives in the White House, the Senate and the House.
New video has surfaced of Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist hired by the Obama administration to help craft the Affordable Care Act, bragging about the designed lack of transparency in the law, which, he suggested, played on the "stupidity of the American voter." - FreedomWorks 
Watch the video as Jonathan Gruber lays it all out.  The Obama administration purposely committed a fraud on America in order to get the Affordable Care Act passed.  Remember, not one Republican in either the the House or Senate voted for Obamacare (ACA) and it becomes painfully obvious with this revelation why Obamacare should be repealed.  The Obama administration needs to be held responsible for this criminal fraud on America.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

President Pinball: Inept and Incompetent

by Robert Janicki

Pinball is a completely reactionary endeavor. The player, in order to win at some level, must rapidly react to constantly changing events on each and every pinball played, until it no longer is in play.  Unfortunately, our Pinball President doesn't have the necessary skill set to react in a timely fashion to the many changing real world circumstances, which seemingly appear everyday, whether they are on the domestic scene or across the globe in our foreign relations policy challenges.  Unfortunately for America and the world, President Pinball has not been up to meet these wide ranging challenges.

What's worse is that President Pinball's dithering reduces the options available to him.  In a rapidly changing environment, time is of the essence.  Dithering and delaying in hopes of a situation resolving itself, is simply a recipe for disaster.  It's like the hope in "Hope and Change".  Hope is not and never has been a strategy for success in anything.  America's enemies do not wait for a response from President Pinball.  They have a strategic action vision and plan before them with various operational tactical plans to immediately initiate depending upon the circumstances that present themselves.

As has been alluded to in the past, President Pinball is playing checkers while our enemies are playing chess.  It's a mismatch that can never catch up, let alone win the game of freedom vs. tyranny on the world stage.  President Pinball is playing a game that will only draw out the hostilities we see daily in Syria and Iraq, rather than resolving them while protecting millions of innocent civilians.  Essentially, President Pinball has told the world that Syria and Iraq are not the problem of the U.S., but rather the problem of the local parties on the ground in these affect areas.

This is so typical of President Pinball.  When he can't handle the heat in the kitchen, he simply declares that the kitchen is not his problem.  In a globally connected world community, this is just another marker that illuminates to the world that President Pinball is ineffective as the leader of the free world and not to be trusted as an ally.

President Pinball came into office promising to bring the world together.  The reality is that the world is now far more unstable and divided than when the president took office.  The decline in world stability and security is not just some mere happenstance.  President Pinball's feckless leadership has created a vacuum in foreign relations and our enemies have taken this opportunity to advance the dark forces under their command, including the savage barbarians of Islam, as they occupy significant portions of Syria and Iraq.

President Pinball has told our enemies what he will not do, rather than going about the business of attacking our enemies on all fronts with all means possible.  It was Teddy Roosevelt that said, "Speak softly, but carry a big stick".  President Pinball refuses to carry a big stick and sends hollow threats to our enemies.  As the U.S. and it allies conduct air strikes against ISIS, it should be noted that ISIS has constantly been evolving in its tactical response to these air strikes.  Meanwhile President Pinball has pinned his hopes on continuing to exercise a limited military air option, essentially by remote control, without benefit of having the tactical eyes in the field to provide precise guidance for military air strikes.

As a military strategist and tactician, President Pinball has all the skills of a community activist to bring to bear, which is to say, none at all.

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right and owes me 20 bucks.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Outgoing Democrat Sticks It To His Own Party

by Robert Janicki

In a perverse way, you have to love Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa).  Harkin, a liar and all around mean spirited human being, has managed to stick it to his own party on his way out of the senate as he retires on January 3, 2015, with the new congressional term.

"Retiring Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, has angered his fellow Democrats by keeping the nearly $2.4 million in his personal campaign account rather than donating it to the campaign of Bruce Braley, the party's nominee to succeed him.
Harkin, who is retiring after five terms in office, plans to instead donate most of the funds to Drake University to help create a political institute in his own name...."
A couple of things about Harkin stand out in my memory.  The most egregious was Harkin's claim that he was a combat pilot during the Vietnam War.  The fact is that Harking ferried in aircraft from Japan to Vietnam.  He never saw combat.  That's what I call an "act of stolen valor", trying to ride the coattails of those who actually flew and put their lives at risk in combat air missions over Vietnam.

Another act of Harkin's was purely political and involved ridiculous pork barrel spending.  Harkin entered a bill costing several million dollars to create an indoor jungle in Iowa to study tropical agriculture.  How this would equate to Iowa agriculture never was explained, but it would have had Harkin's name on it.

Harkin's withholding his campaign war chest to donate to Drake University is Harkin's last egotistical act to burnish his name and reputation in Iowa.  Although Harkin may have campaigned and held fundraisers for Senate Democrat candidate Bruce Braley, Harkin's campaign war chest might be what it would take for Braley to defeat feisty and talented Senate Republican candidate Joni Ernst.  

Braley is cut from the same cloth as Harkin, in that he will do or say anything to smear his opponent.  Like Harkin, Braley has an ego as large as all outdoors.  Unfortunately for Iowans, Braley's talent in no way matches his inordinately overblown ego.

*Editors Note - We'll end with saying something nice - "Thanks Tom,  for helping turn Iowa Red."

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy,
as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Democrat Politicians Remind Me of Used Car Salesmen

Another Senate Candidate That Has All The Scruples 
and Ethics of a Lying Sack of S**t

by Robert Janicki
It's been reported that Greg Orman said he will caucus with the party in the Senate majority in the next congress. Why should an Independent caucus with either Democrats or Republicans?  The answer is simple.  Orman  wants support for his agenda and is willing to sell out to either political party to see his own agenda advance.  I call this absolute deceit.  Apparently Greg Orman sees no conflict.  That's a lot easier for a man with no principles to assert.
"Independent Greg Orman says he could change parties even after he has allied himself with Democrats or Republicans if he wins the Kansas Senate election in November...."
" In an exclusive interview with NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell, Orman says he would initially caucus with whichever party has majority control in the Senate, because “it’s in the best interests of the voters of Kansas that they have a senator in the majority.”
I leave it to readers to determine whether they think Orman is lacking in scruples or ethics.  Okay, he's a wanna be politician, so, for many, a lack of scruples and ethic is a given.  
For those who are unfamiliar with Greg Orman, he previously ran for the U.S, Senate as a Democrat and lost.  He has contributed to Democrat candidates and causes in the recent past.  Call me old-fashioned, but when it walks like a duck, quacks like and sh*ts like a duck, you can pretty much rely on the duck  being a Democrat. 

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, 
as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Next Chapter in the Obamacare Train Wreck Saga

by Robert Janicki

America was warned, but they ignored the warning of patriots.  Now comes the next step in the challenge to fundament individual liberty and freedom on the road to serfdom for the benefit of the state.

By the end of this calendar year untold tens of thousands of Americans will receive a notice that their health insurance is not in compliance with Obamacare.   They are told that they must obtain Obamacare approved health insurance plans through either their state insurance exchanges or the continuing troubled website.  And, we know how well has worked out.

from WAPO
"Cancellations are in the mail to customers in markets where insurers say the policies no longer make business sense. In some states, such as Maryland and Virginia, rules call for the plans’ discontinuation, but in many, federal rules allow the policies to continue through 2017.
Insurers sending the notices to some customers include Waukesha, Wisc.-based Anthem, one of the largest insurers in the country; Baltimore-based CareFirst; Health Care Services Corp. in Chicago; Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, Calif.; Humana in Louisville; and Golden Rule, an Indianapolis subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group.
One reason behind the switch is that insurers determined they can make more money selling plans that comply with the Affordable Care Act, often at higher premiums that may be subsidized by the government......"

Health insurance companies long ago determined that they had to go along to get along with Obamacre and it looks like their lobbying has paid off so to speak.  The health insurance industry can't lose since they are being "backstopped" by taxpayer subsidies for any losses they incur selling any of the Obamacare plans.  These same health insurance companies no longer are constrained by the economic forces of a competitive free market.

Once again Democrats, manipulated by the radical liberals in their Party, have managed to screw taxpayers who will not only have to pay higher premiums under Obamacare, but will have to subsidize the very health insurance carriers that are reaping the rewards of Obamacare on the taxpayers's dime.

Someone please explain to me how this evil cabal between government and the health insurance industry is anything but a criminal enterprise engaged in extortion of Americans, and done under the color of law?

"Free enterprise" and the supposed "free market" are long gone when government can force people to buy something they don't want or particularly need for their circumstances.  This is pure socialism in action.  Obamacare epitomizes the age of "Big Brother" and the socialist state and there is little chance that it will ever be repealed.  Of course politicians will make changes around the margins and tell us that all will be well.  That's about all they're good for these days. 

Statesmanship is just a distant memory.

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, 
as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri: Stupid on Steroids

by Robert Janicki
Not satisfied with putting Ferguson on the map as a city of mindless vigilantes and looters bent upon a hanging, rumor is abounding that Ferguson will look like a reprise of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 should the grand jury investigating the shooting of Michael Brown, not bring back a true bill of indictment of murder for Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.
The facts be damed.  The vigilantes want their day in court or, more precisely, they want to see Darren Wilson in a kangaroo court long enough to find him guilty, but not too long for these criminal scum to find a rope and a tree to execute a death sentence upon Wilson.
These hushed threats are meant to intimidate the Grand Jury during their investigation of the facts, which would merely get in the way of a guilty sentence and a summary execution of Wilson by the assembled kangaroo court of nut cases, savages and barbarians.  Justice be damed.  The mob wants blood and their kind of justice.
"Far from finding peace after a round of summer protests and riots, Ferguson remains a city on the brink, its nearly every step troubled. The last week has been especially fraught.
In separate incidents, one Brown memorial went up in flames and part of another was run over.
When Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson tried to speak to demonstrators one night, clashes broke out with officers."
Now for a view from the other side of stupidity.  Okay, it's still stupidity, just another view.
"Then there was the city’s newly hired spokesman, brought in to help Ferguson repair its image. He was fired after it was revealed that he had been convicted of shooting and killing a man in 2004. "
I'm beginning to think that burning down Ferguson might not be all that bad, since it seems the participants deserve each other at this point in time and it might reduce any further protests from arising in the smoking debris that will surely be left behind by the mob from Group Stupid.

Read the Los Angeles Times account of Ferguson on fire here.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Christian Science Monitor Joins Main Stream Media in the Stupid End of the Pool

Questions if Oklahoma Beheading was Really a Terrorist Act?

According to a staff writer at the Christian Science Monitor, the islamic beheader of Moore  Oklahoma may not have any formal connection with terror groups, and seems to just be "deeply sympathetic toward extremist Muslim groups" as proven by his post of "rambling Islamist invectives, photos of Osama bin Laden, and an image of a decapitation" on his social media outlets. 

In other words, his lack of possessing an official sanctioned islamic beheading permit, it wasn't an actual act of terrorism.
Jail House muslim convert Alton Alexander Nolen
by Rob Janicki
Hasn't CSM heard about "self radicalized" terrorists being encouraged to act out as "lone wolves" by ISIS and other islamist terrorist groups?  Seriously, just how dumb can CSM be?  They're so open minded, their brains have fallen out.  Okay, they're liberals, so that explains their confused and convoluted reasoning.  But it doesn't excuse their duty to report the facts and let readers draw their own conclusions.  
Not satisfied with showing the world how open minded they are, CSM goes on to demonstrate that they are completely clueless in the real world by trying our patience with their over intellectualizing of a very simple concept.  Nolen engaged in an act of savage barbarism commonly practiced by the most evil of the evil islamic terrorists.  He was an acknowledged convert to radical Islam.  The first step to prove his bona fides was to go out and convert infidels to islam.  The second and more important step was to kill infidels who refused to convert.  That pretty much defines his intent to prove himself to others in the Islamic terrorist movement.  
I'm not even certain CSM would accept a confession from Nolen that he was acting as an islamic terrorist.  I suspect CSM would jump in and claim he was merely lead astray for the moment when his true intent was to kill based upon the silly ass concept of "workforce violence".  The trouble with this idea is that Nolen did not seek out and kill anyone in his former work group that may have lead to his firing, which CSM seems to be asserting was his motivation for decapitating one woman and seriously injuring another woman.
At one level or another, liberals are nothing more than apologists for terrorists, much like they are apologists for minorities that cannot control themselves and engage in all kinds of mayhem, including murder, because they have been socially and economically deprived by the dominant white society.  That's plain bullshit that has been called out by Black conservatives as ridiculous and not based n demonstrable facts.
You can read more of he Christian Science Monitor drivel here. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Welcome to Gulag Obama

 Therapeutic Counseling and Re-education Camp for Political Dissidents. 

by Robert Janicki  
 "A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced Dinesh D’Souza to five years of probation, including eight months in a community confinement center, ordering no jail time for the conservative author and pundit who pleaded guilty to using straw donors to make an illegal campaign contribution...." 
 "U.S. District Judge Richard Berman handed down the sentence, which also includes a $30,000 fine. D'Souza must attend weekly therapeutic counseling sessions and perform community service, the judge said....."    
When was the last time anyone heard of a non-violent Federal Election Code conviction and sentencing including "therapeutic counseling sessions'?  That strongly smacks of a communist Russia gulag re-eduction camp experience for political dissidents.  But the judge wasn't finished by any means.  In addition to the excessive $30,000 fine, the judge committed D'Souza to 8 months in a half way house, which means he can leave during the day to earn a living, except for the "therapeutic counseling sessions" and one day a week of community service teaching English to immigrant children.  Frankly, I'm surprised that the judge didn't shame him further by ordering him to trot around the entrance of the half way house during his incarceration hours carrying a placard saying he was convicted of a crime against nature and all of humanity.

I challenge anyone to find a comparable sentence handed down for a similar violation of the Federal Election Code.  It just doesn't happen, unless you're the president's biggest and most observable and articulate critic on a national level.

D'Souza's crime was convincing two friends to each donate $10,000 to the political campaign of an old friend from college, with the proviso that he would repay them at a later date.  That was it.  That was what D'Souza was convicted of under the Federal Elections Code.  Now, I'm not saying D'Souza is innocent, but what I am saying is that the sentence handed down was not consistent with similar violations of the Federal Election Code. 

That's where justice has been seriously blurred with the retribution of a  political outcome.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Gabby Giffords Doubles Down on Stupid

by Robert Janicki

Almost unbelievably, Gabby Giffords, former congresswoman from Arizona's 2nd Congressional District, has decided to dispense with civility in asserting what she believes is the need for more gun control legislation, since her last effort kicked her in the ass.  Okay, Giffords wasn't being civil when she recently tried to smear GOP congressional candidate Martha McSally as being a contributing part leading to the shooting deaths of two local victims.  Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly tried to support Democrat congressman Ron Barber, who currently holds the seat that Giffords once held before the assassination attempt on her life in Tucson, AZ, January 8, 2011, by smearing McSally by association with two gun related deaths.  It not only didn't work, it backfired on Giffords.

See our previous posting "Gabby Giffords Shoots Self in Foot With Attack Ad"  

Fast forward to Giffords' latest stupidity
"On September 23, Salon ran a column explaining that Gabby Giffords tried to play nice in her push for more gun control. Since she failed in that approach, she has now abandoned "civility" in an effort to secure victory.And Salon says that's fine. After all, Giffords "is under no obligation to be a Civility Unicorn....." 
And Giffords is also under no obligation to be anything but the dumb ass she and her husband have demonstrated themselves to be over gun control and the 2nd Amendment.  When you can't win on the merits of the argument, baffle 'em with bullshit and smear 'em with the same substance.  Back to Salon's article.
 Salon ... citing Jared Loughner's January 2011 Tuscon attack, James Holmes' 2012 aurora theater attack, and Adam Lanza's Sandy Hook Elementary School attack as justification for throwing civility out the door in the pursuit of more background checks.
The outlet (Salon) did not mention that Loughner and Holmes both passed background checks for their guns or that Lanza stole his to get around background checks--so no amount of gun control would have stopped him......"
I'm a gun owner, recreational shooter and a life member of the NRA, CRPA and SASS.  I manage to hit at least four gun shows a year in California.  I have never met a dealer who would sell me a firearm outside of the federal and state laws on background checks.  None of them would touch a situation like that for fear of losing their BATF firearm dealer license and their CA DOJ firearm dealer license.  More gun control legislation will not stop private individuals from selling guns between themselves, even if it is illegal.  It's just an impossibility and that's how criminals get their firearms, through private transactions and theft.
"Ultimately, Giffords' gun control push is a solution in search of problem. And that's why expanded background checks have morphed into a push for closing the "gun show loophole," passing new rules for Internet firearm sales, and passing gun control for women's sake now. 
It is also why red state Democrats begged Giffords and Kelly to stay out of their states with November's midterms drawing closer. And the shift from civility that losing has awakened within Giffords presents a double whammy to red state Democrats like Senators Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), and Mark Udall (D-CO), all of whom are either down or very tight in the polls...."
Red state Democrats just want to stay silent on gun control before the November 4th elections.  Meanwhile Giffords and Kelly want to go "ballistic" on civility in their national anti-gun campaign.  I say, "Go for it!", to these two political morons.  Take the gloves off and go crazy pushing more moronic gun control that Americans have clearly indicated in multiple polling, that they oppose.

Giffords and Kelly  can only help the GOP defeat Democrats and that's what we want.

Rob Janicki is owner/operator and HMFIC of the website Wired Right 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What Happens if You Throw a Party and No One Shows Up?

by Robert Janicki

Ask President Obama or UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. They've sent out invitations to world leaders to attend the upcoming UN Climate Summit in New York.  It's really bad news for President Obama, who was planning on taking in a Broadway show or two, with the travel being paid for by American taxpayers.  You remember what that endangered species is, right?  It's the 50% of tax filers who actually pay personal income taxes to support the narcissist in chief and his liberal agenda of growing government.

Anyway, the responses of world leaders have been, well, something less than expected or hoped for by the two globalists who sent out the invitations.

It seems world leaders have better things to do than show up to listen to a boatload of climate disaster bullshit from pseudo scientists, who have financial interests in promoting the hoax of global warming.

Eric Worrall writes: The imminent climate summit in New York is rapidly turning into an utter embarrassment for President Obama and UN Secretary General Bank Ki-Moon, in addition to becoming a bit of a punishment round for national deputy leaders.
Aussie PM Tony Abbott today defended his decision not to hop on an earlier flight to America, so he could attend the UN climate conference in New York, because he has more important matters to attend to, such as running the country. 

Read the list of some prominent world leaders who have better things to do than attend a global summit circle jerk of jerks promoting a hoax.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nancy's Gaskets are Leaking Again...

by Robert Janicki

House Democratic Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, has once again slipped into senility with her latest rant on Republicans.  This lady needs an intervention.  Perhaps a caring friend or loving family member could step in and sign her into a 72 hour psych hold for a complete mental evaluation. 

On the one hand, California U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi claims that Democrats are not “fear-mongers;” on the other hand, she believes civilization is doomed if Republicans take control of the Senate from Democrats in November. (My emphasis)
The former speaker of the House made those dramatic, incongruous statements on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” which aired live from Washington, D.C. Friday.
Maher asked Pelosi about recent polling which shows that the GOP is likely to take over the upper chamber and asked, given gridlock in Washingon, why it matters that Democrats keep control.
“It would be very important for the Democrats to retain control of the Senate,” Pelosi told Maher. “Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate.” - Read More 
Pelosi would go on to state that all the national polling being done, which concludes that congressional Democrats up for election on November 4th are in serious electoral trouble, is in error based upon outdated polling models in the new era of mass communications through social media.