Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hillary Tries to Shove Trump’s Terrorism Speech Right Back Down His Throat. Fails Miserably

Yesterday Madam Cankles called the Orlando attacks both an act of terrorism AND a hate crime against the Rump ranger community, which means she can actually hold two thoughts in her head at once. She also made it clear she was tired of Donald Trump’s shit and she just had to react to it.
"Donald Trump wants to be our next commander in chief. I think we all know that that is a job that demands a calm, collected and dignified response to these kinds of events. Instead, yesterday morning, just one day after the massacre, he went on TV and suggested that President Obama is on the side of the terrorists." 
Excuse me Madam, a growing number of Americans, after watching and listening to you and your former boss deal with Islam here and abroad for eight years, believe just that. Barack Obama is the Andrea Merkel of the Western hemisphere.

Then she said those words. Those not to be spoken words.....(GASP).....
"The barbarity we face from radical jihad is profound. Now, I read every word of Donald Trump’s speech yesterday, and I sifted through all the bizarre rants and outright lies, and what I found, once you cut through the nonsense, is that his plan comes down to two things:
First, he is fixated on the words “Radical Islam.” (GASP) Now, I must say I find this strange. Is Donald Trump suggesting that there are magic words, when uttered, that once uttered, will stop terrorists from coming after us?
She then went on to explain the problem with Trump’s calls for a ban on Muslims.
"In this instance, Donald’s words are especially nonsensical, because the terrorist who carried out this attack wasn’t born in Afghanistan, as Donald Trump said yesterday. He was born in Queens, New York, just like Donald was himself."
Therein lays the one thing you and the loony left fail to understand. Islam's call to kill infidels is 1400 years old, and is especially appealing to those who are completely mentally destabilized by having no concept of freedom or western cultural roots. It doesn't matter if you where born in Detroit, NYC, Los Angles, Medina or Baghdad. If you subscribe to a 7th century philosophy of an epileptic warlord named Mohammad who encourages through his phony religious writings to kill anyone who does not believe as he does, you are an enemy of freedom, and thus my enemy.  

The fact the refugees being allowed into this country are not the persecuted Christian of the middle east, but muslims, proves a lot to us about Barack Obama and your leftist ideals.   
"Let’s get this straight. We have reached the point where people cannot board airplanes with full bottles of shampoo, but people being watched by the FBI for suspected terrorist links can buy a gun with no questions asked. That is absurd....."
That's a little fact you yourself should be asking of your former boss! With the Orlando shooters record of violence, a father who has obvious ties to his home country and well-known anti-American views as well an ideological supporter of the Afghan Taliban, Homeland Security and FBI should have been all over these people. But as we know, the government agencies increasingly have more pressing matters to attend to these days.  

So madam Hillary, why should we continue to follow the political Left’s prescription of opening our gates even further and force multiculturalism mostly on white Judeo-Christian communities. (America has never forced ethnic groups to welcome other ethnic groups or white people to ethnic communities). We can see it your way and wait for through about 2 generations of killings (Orlando) and by that time western civilization will be dead and we will be a sharia-governed country where the Left will be the biggest loser of all, because Islam hates most of what they revere (Orlando!)!


Monday, June 13, 2016

Orlando: What will the Fallout Be?

"As the weeks and months progress, the Left will use this terrorist act as justification for bringing in more migrants; they will say that it was Donald Trump’s Islamophobia that drove this Musloid to murder, that it was white male homophobia which created his virulent hatred of gays, and that the solution is to hug a Mulsim and give him free resources.  Gun control will be the solution.  More parades, more public indoctrination."

"By now you’ve heard all about the Musloid terrorist and registered Democrat who shot up the gay club in Orlando, Florida.  You’ve probably also heard that his father was running for President in Afghanistan, and that the FBI had interviewed him twice already; that his ex-wife had accused him of assault, that coworkers had reported him to the higher-ups at G4S “the Leading U.S. Security Company” for his hateful statements, and the speculation that there was a second, even a third shooter that nobody is talking about.
I’m sure you’ve heard all of this, so I won’t belabor the details.  Instead, I want to look forward.  What will be the fallout from this event in the weeks and months to come?  How will the Liberals spin this act of cannibalism between two of their major demographics?  The answer lies in understanding the psychology of the r-type rabbit.
Conservative commentators have been talking about the Victim Olympics; who will be scored higher?  The Gays or the Muslims?  Who will get a pass?  This sort of thinking ignores how this hierarchy was created in the first place.  Us K-types prefer explicit hierarchies and distinct rules.  Whenever we examining Leftist insanity we try and put it into logical terms; poor people are higher up than rich people, blacks over whites, women over men, foreigners over natives, et cetera – and we try and create a logical inversion of natural hierachy so as to understand the liberal mind.  Quite frankly, this is like trying to figure out the hierarchy of ‘coolness’ in a High School social scene by creating a chart of brand-name clothing worn, and extracurricular activities performed.  It will be useful for all of three months until the hierarchy suddenly shifts for no apparent reason.
To understand their hierarchy, and how they will react, you must understand their psychology – and that, in a certain perverse way, what they’re doing is perfectly sane.  The morals of a Liberal are the morals of a prey animal; cowardice, treachery, appeasement, irresponsibility, crowding....." 

I Can't Argue With That....

A Good Monday Morning

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Huffington Post Op-Ed: Beat Up Trump Supporters

The Huffington Post today published an Op-Ed by a leftist calling for and justifying violence against Trump supporters. One reason? Trump and what he stands for must be stopped by any means necessary. For another, violence sometimes makes good things happen:

Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change (*note the irony of that hyperlink going to a Vox article). It’s not liberal politicians or masses that historians identify as the spark underlying the modern movement for LGBTQ equality. Nor was it a think piece from some smarmy liberal writer. It was the people who took to the streets during the Stonewall Uprising. It was the Watts Rebellion, not the Watts Battle of Ideas, that exposed the enduring systemic neglect, poverty, inequality, and racism faced by that community. Similarly, it was the LA Uprising, not the LA Protests, that led to significant changes in the Los Angeles Police Department. More recently, the Ferguson and Baltimore Uprisings both helped prompt the Justice Department to investigate their corrupt police forces. And since we’re talking about fascism, it’s worth remembering that it wasn’t the election of a moderate centrist (hello, Hillary) or a sanguine protest that stopped its ascent in Europe. It was, primarily, the Russian military, and to a lesser extent the US military; neither of which practiced nonviolence if memory serves. - Read More
Remember this when President Trump gets elected on a law and order platform, positioning himself as the only thing standing between law-abiding Americans and these violent left-wing hysterics. What’s going to happen to these Social Justice Warriors when they find that the general public is not as spineless as college administrators?

Let's Help Hillary Make Even More History.....

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Republicans Cave to Obama Plot to Diversify Neighborhoods

“The original intent of the Fair Housing Act was to protect the God-given right of individuals and families — no matter their skin color or ethnicity — to buy and rent homes where they please. By contrast, the explicit purpose of HUD’s new rule is to empower federal bureaucrats to dictate where a community’s low-income residents will live. This is not what 'progress' looks like, Mr. President.”Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah)

The New American:
"After some grandstanding to placate outraged constituents, establishment Republicans in Congress quietly voted to fund Obama's unconstitutional plan to fundamentally transform your neighborhood by bringing in more federally funded “diversity. In short, if Big Brother's race-obsessed data-gathering machine determines that there are not enough poor or minority residents on welfare living in your city, town, zip code, or neighborhood, Obama wants to change that using your tax dollars. The scheme also sidelines states and borders by considering “regions” instead, a key element of the agenda to break down the traditional United States and its federalist system of government.
Instead of voting to protect their constituents and defend the Constitution, which they all swore an oath to uphold, establishment Republicans joined with Senate Democrats to quash Lee's amendment. In its place, lawmakers did overwhelmingly support a weaker amendment — described as “toothless” by critics — that was offered by Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a liberal establishment Republican. Under the Collins amendment, HUD may not directly force local authorities “to undertake specific changes to existing zoning laws.” But as Lee explained, the Collins measure would allow the “underhanded and subversive” mechanics of the AFFH to continue.
Aside from the fact that the U.S. Constitution delegates no authority over housing policy to the federal government, making the entire HUD bureaucracy unconstitutional, the evidence also suggests that the HUD “Community Development Block Grant” bribes used to advance AFFH are a massive failure. Indeed, according to a study by the Reason Foundation, the flow of taxpayer dollars has primarily benefited cronies and special interests, while doing basically nothing to reduce poverty. So taxpayers are being unconstitutionally bilked out of almost $15 billion a year to shower on crony capitalists. Now Obama wants to use the handouts to help re-shape America too — and, presumably, to transform the demographics of America's state legislative and congressional districts...." 

At Least We Know Trump's WH Parties Won't Be Dull

On June 16, 1990, the day after Donald Trump missed a $43 million payment on bonds he used to finance Trump Castle, the mogul visited his Atlantic City casino for a blowout celebrating his 44th birthday.

The party capped off a day that had started with a pro-Trump rally held by casino employees. "Let's stand behind our Donald, because he's the father of our babies," one worker urged the crowd. The rally featured a "professional motivator" to whip up the audience, and one worker presented the tycoon with a gift: an eight-foot-tall "rug portrait" of Trump. 

The party at the Castle's Crystal Ballroom was an over-the-top bash with bands, confetti, and a cheering crowd. Robin Leach, the host of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, walked out of a fake Trump Shuttle to act as a hype man before other celebrities showed up in person and onstage.  As then-Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett described in his book, Trump: The Greatest Show On Earth:
"Dolly Parton and Elton John appeared on giant screens to wish Donald a happy birthday, with Parton asking to work the Taj instead of her regular Castle gig and promising to charge only $100,000 a show. Joe Piscopo did his Sinatra imitation on the birthday song, followed by a string of Jap gags, totally oblivious to the presence of several Japanese high rollers in the front rows, even cracking that Atlantic City would be owned by the Japanese if it wasn't for Donald. 
A George Bush imitator declared Donald should be President. A chorus line in skintight outfits gyrated around chairs singing longingly about Donald's dollars. Then Andrew Dice Clay appeared on another giant screen to thank Donald for the Taj hookers, saying they had stamps on their asses to show they'd had their shots...."
After The Obama's stinking up the White House with the likes of Jay Z and Buoyancy, the BLM Ghetto Rats, African Dictators and his Muzzie friends, The Donald would likely bring some real talent like Joe Piscopo back to the peoples house and show how to throw a real party for a change.     

Monday, June 6, 2016

Obama's 'Slush Fund' for Liberal Groups

"Bank of America has been able to reduce a multi-billion dollar mortgage fraud penalty imposed by the Justice Department by giving millions of dollars to liberal groups approved by the Obama administration.
"The bank has wiped about $194 million off its record $16.6 billion 2014 mortgage settlement by donating to nonprofits and legal groups. Thanks to little-known provisions in the settlement, the bank only had to make $84 million in donations to do that. ...
"Among the groups receiving the money were Hispanic civil rights group the National Council of La Raza ($1.5 million), the National Urban League ($1.1 million) and the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America ($750,000).
"Republicans have sharply criticized that part of the settlement as well as near-identical language in multi-billion settlements with Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, arguing that the administration has created a 'slush fund' for liberal groups. The settlement skirts federal law, which says that any revenue obtained by the government must go to the Treasury and cannot be redirected to third parties. The deals circumvented that by requiring the banks to make 'voluntary' donations before they officially entered into the settlement." — Sean Higgins, The Washington Examiner
There's that phrase "Republicans have sharply criticized" we've heard all these many years. Ya know the phrase that has put so much fear in the administration and stymied the progress of the Obama agenda.

A Good Monday Morning