Friday, December 9, 2016

Barky's Last Play for Ethnic Identity Politics

Introducing Mena, a New Ethnic Group Created 
by the Lame-duck Administration

by Mike Gonalez - One day in the not-too-distant future, you may be asked to stand at attention at your local ballpark — Busch Stadium, perhaps — to celebrate Mena Heritage Day. The organist will do his level best to play traditional Mena music, vendors will serve Mena delicacies, and a chorus of Mena-American children will sing the national anthem.

Huh? What on earth is Mena, you ask? It is the new ethnic group created by the Obama administration to cobble together Americans with origins in the Middle East and North Africa. The group will comprise people as varied as ethnic Berbers, Arabs, Israelis, Persians, and many more. According to proposals by the Office of Management and Budget, Mena may be on the 2020 census.

But if that is the case, you may persist, there is no Mena music, cuisine, race, ethnicity, or culture, so what the heck are they going to be doing at Busch Stadium? And you’d be right, technically. But that wouldn’t stop pride in Menaism from being progressively drilled into the young and unsuspecting by our schools or from being embraced by corporations and sports leagues that want to buy a little peace. And, of course, let’s not forget how government would bribe people to tick the Mena box with the full array of benefits that come in the affirmative-action cornucopia. Or that congressional districts would be carved off for Mena people so that they would be able, in the words of the amended Voting Rights Act, “to participate in the political process and to elect a candidate of their choice.”

If you doubt that all of this is possible, much less likely, then you really haven’t been watching what has happened with “Hispanics.”

There’s no better blueprint for Mena.  Hispanics comprise Americans as different from one another culturally, racially, and historically as Argentines, Mexicans, Bolivians, Dominicans, and Venezuelans.  And yet millions of Millennials today believe they eat Hispanic food, dance to Latino music, and study Hispanic history.

Indeed, many Cuban Americans, Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, etc. themselves are now starting to identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino, a classification that came into being only in the 1970s and is the creation of federal bureaucrats with no input from scientists or anthropologists.

Why is the OMB pushing the proposal now? Well, time is running out on an administration that puts so much stock in demography that one of its first acts was to make the head of the Census Bureau report directly to the White House.

So the deep racial division which is so obvious at the end of Obama’s term is no accident. It is the legacy of a president who did much to foster it. The view that groups, not individuals, have distinct interests has taken its predictable toll. The social splintering has only begun.

U.S. to Add Al-gebra to List of Terror Organisations

MFNS - The United States is moving to add followers of the Mysterious Islamic Cult System Al-Gebra to its list of terror organizations today. The move follows an incident by a follower of Algebra who was praying loudly while practicing his beliefs on an overseas flight, leading to a security alert.

Founded by Mohammed al-Khwarizmi in Central Asia in the 9th century,  Al-gebra has brought nothing but despair and misery ever since, especially during year 6 math lessons. Al-Gebra is described as an ‘inhuman system’ which teaches initiates that everything can be replaced with a number.

Followers are expected to devote their lives to finding a mysterious and eternally unknowable entity known as ‘X’, a process which involves complex rituals and often a great deal of prayer. A common Al-Gebra prayer is said to go “Oh, God, this is impossible. Just please tell me what the hell X is.”

Many children exposed to Al-Gebra teachings report feelings of horror and anger, especially if it's just before Physical Education Class. It’s often quite easy to spot the more devoted Al-Gebra follower, as they "tend to have a beard, leather patches on the elbows of their jackets and smoke a pipe,” we were told.

Many play Dungeons and Dragons as well, and that's always a cause for concern.

A spokesman for Homeland Security told MFNS "the public can be reassured that we have well-developed and robust algorithms to help us keep the public safe."

h/t Thumper
Thank You MJA for the Linkage

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, December 8, 2016

They Just Keep Gettin' Crazier and Crazier

"Special Ed" Schultz: Formerly of the MSNBC Loony Bin

WFB- Nebraska Democratic Party chair Jane Kleeb said in an interview with RT that she is afraid Russia and Saudi Arabia will build oil pipelines through the United States while Donald Trump is president.

Kleeb brought up her concern while speaking with host Ed Schultz about the the ongoing controversy surrounding the Dakota Access Pipeline project and her strong opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“You know what Trump is saying, that he’s going to get rid of the executive order that requires the State Department to review any pipeline that crosses our U.S. border.  And that’s obviously very dangerous because if he does that, that means a pipeline from Saudi Arabia, Russia, whoever that wants to cross into the United States would literally have no federal oversight, no review, no environmental review. No federal agency right now other than the State Department reviews those pipelines when it crosses one of our borders, so he’s being reckless.”
Schultz is currently a host on RT, a television network funded by the Russian government that critics argue is a propaganda tool of the Kremlin.

Video Here

Guess she has a point, I wouldn't want a bunch of Saudis or Ruskies digging a ditch half way around the world, and then digging up my azaleas and patio putting a pipeline through my backyard just because Donald Trump says so either...... Azaleas Lives Matter!

Need More Proof Progressivism is not Very Progressive

Economist Stephen Moore writes in his column at IBD that blue states of America are in a depression. He didn't mean the collective funk of Hillary fans because they lost the election to Donald Trump. He's talking about an economic malaise in the blue states that went for Hillary Clinton.  Moore called them the “loser states.” They're all “progressive.” They have high tax rates, high welfare payments, heavy regulation, environmental “extremism” and very high minimum wages. Most of them have laws against drilling for oil or any kind of fossil fuels.

Of the ten states that Democrats won by the largest margins, California, Massachusetts, Vermont, Hawaii, Maryland, New York, Illinois, Rhode Island, New Jersey and Connecticut, all lost domestic migration (excluding immigration) between 2004 and 2014. Nearly 2.75 million more Americans left California and New York than migrated to those states.
“The whole left-wing playbook is on display in the Clinton states, and people are leaving in droves. Day after day, they are being bled to death. So much for liberalism creating a worker’s paradise.”
Looking at the ten states that had the largest percentage vote for Trump, Moore says eight of them – Wyoming, West Virginia, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Dakota and Idaho – had population gains.
"This is part and parcel of one of the greatest internal migration waves in American history, as blue states, especially in the Northeast, are getting clobbered by their low-tax, smaller-government rivals in the South and the mountain regions.
The job gains in the “Red States” that Trump won by the widest margins has twice the job creation of the “Blue States” that Hillary won big in.
It's easy to understand why people might want to leave gray and rusting New York. But California? California has, arguably, the most beautiful weather, mountains and beaches in the country, and yet people keep fleeing the state that is supposed to be a progressive utopia. What doesn't make California and New York paradise is the high cost of living — thanks to expensive environmental regulations, forced union policies and income tax rates that are the highest in the nation, at 13% or more. 
Florida and Texas are right-to-work states with no income tax. Is it really a shocker that people would choose zero income tax over 13%? New York politicians know that their record-high tax rates are killing growth, which is why the state is spending millions of dollars on TV ads across the country trying to convince people that New York has low taxes. Sure. And Chicago is crime-free.
Even when it comes to income inequality, blue states fare worse than red states. According to a 2016 report by the Economic Policy Institute, three of the states with the largest gaps between rich and poor are those progressive icons New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts." -  Read More
What is the lesson? In our ecomonic system, taxing your population at high rates doesn't work. It results in slower growth and only benefits the rich and politically well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Who Cares If Your Not Time's Person of the Year When You're Moses

After failing to take the White House, a place she felt she deserved, Hillary Clinton has lost out on another honor that was supposed to be hers. Time Magazine has named Donald Trump “The Person of The Year.” And while the President-elect was named the most influential person of 2016, you wouldn’t know it by the accompanying article. Left-leaning Time slams Trump as a “huckster” and a “demagogue,” reserving all of the praise for Hillary who they call “an American Moses.”
Time loves Hillary Clinton so much and it kills them that she lost the election. It’s surprising that they didn’t go ahead and name her POTY anyway, but they more than made up for it in her profile. The magazine excuses all of Hillary’s failings, blaming a media that hasn’t been fair to her. All of this culminates with this puke-inducing assessment:
"In her 1969 commencement address to her class at Wellesley College, Clinton called politics “the art of making what appears to be impossible possible.” In this, she has succeeded. Like an American Moses, she was an imperfect prophet, leading women to the edge of the Promised Land. Now it’s up to another woman to enter it."
Well, they are kind of right about Hillary making the impossible possible. No one gave Donald Trump a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning the presidency, but thanks to Hillary’s terrible campaign and overall scumminess, he’s the President-elect.
As for the Moses thing? Not so much. Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. Along the way, he escaped the Pharaoh’s army by parting the Red Sea. In order for this to be an appropriate analogy, Moses would have led the Israelites from the Promised Land into bondage in Egypt. Also, there would have been no roadblocks along the way and Moses would still have managed to find a way to screw it up.
Had Hillary won the presidency, there would have been another similarity: she would have unleashed a wave of plagues across the land. Instead of water into blood, frogs, lice, flies, disease, boils, hail of fire, locusts, darkness, and infant death, Hillary would have brought liberalism, progressivism, socialism, fascism, cronyism, hypocrisy, corruption, deceit, rape, and bullshit raining from the sky. We would have envied Egypt.  
The only similarities between Moses and Hillary are that they are both old and have wandered around aimlessly for 40 years.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Memo to Time Magazine:

Make Hillary Time's Person of the Year
For the sake of your corporation, and its reputation, 
Time should name Hillary its Person of the Year.

Don Surber
Memo to Time:
Do it.
Get it all out in the open.  Let the staff praise her like "Saturday Night Live" did in that "Hallelujah" opening. The cast had not been as somber since its first post 9/11 show.
Publish those paeans to her that your staff giddily wrote in anticipation of her coronation. It's OK.
This award will be therapeutic and profitable. While a plurality of American citizens elected Trump, a plurality of American residents voted for her. They'll buy copies, sure.
This award will cement Hillary's place as a stepping stone for that future First Woman President -- likely a Republican -- who will break that mythical glass ceiling.
This award will finally show the world once and for all the anti-conservative bias of Time-Warner and all its properties, including CNN. Embrace it. In fact, use it as a marketing tool.
No one will be surprised.
You see the big problem with the media is that it lies to the public about its bias. In so doing, the staff of Time and the rest show a contempt for the people they lie to. Americans are insulted. Media credibility is so low it no longer exists except in the heads of a smaller number of people than believe the moon landing was fake.
Come out of the closet. Show some Caitlyn Jenner courage.
Be who you are. Liberal. 
Trump won't mind. Oh he will Tweet of course. But look what happened to Merkel. After you bypassed The Donald for her a year ago, Germany went to pot. I do not want that for my country.
Hillary is a good choice all the way around. Her life cannot get worse, and America will be spared the Curse of Time's Person of the Year.

Melania Trump Should Be Grateful Mooch's Designer Refuses to Dress Her

"Let me add my two cents here: She looks like the lounge furniture at a Las Vegas tranny bar." - MJA
And here's Dianny's take: Melania dodged a bullet.
Here is one of Mooch's recent gowns from the "Painter's Drop Cloth Collection