Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Dems Find Winning Formula

"The Democrats finally got their narrative shifting win even if it was the result of accusing an honorable man of being a child molester and plumbing the gutters of racial demagoguery. The party and its radical left backers in California threw everything that they had into this election and it worked, setting up three years of sexual smears to come that they hope will result in their return to power.

However, they couldn’t have pulled it off without a huge helping hand from Republicans who with the exception of President Trump, refused to support their own candidate and losing a Senate seat that should have been theirs for the taking. It’s probably more accurate to attribute Jones’ big win to Moore being fragged by his own troops led by Mitch McConnell who made it clear that the judge would never be seated if he did win by threatening an immediate ethics investigation into the four-decades-old allegations from a handful of women.

Will the women now simply go away? That is probably a pretty safe bet, they have served their purpose. Even with their win, it took a massive mobilization of black voters and a registration of felons to beat Moore and now that they have served their purpose, the Democrats will forget about them and move on to the next race." - 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Just when you thought Liberals couldn’t find a new level of Stupid to dig their way to…

NYC Mayor’s Program Offers Gift Cards to Defendants for Taking 
Courtroom Friendliness Survey

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio  has an $800,000 program in place that uses taxpayer money to pay criminal suspects and court defendants with gift cards in exchange for taking a survey about the friendliness and comfort of Manhattan’s courtrooms and NYC criminal Justice system, the New York Post reported.

The survey asks participants to rate the courteousness of judges and prosecutors — and even courtroom temperature. Those who complete the 144-question survey get a $15 Dunkin’ Donuts gift card. The program is from the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice. The revelation comes on the heels of an October report that inmates at Riker’s Island prison were given pizza parties in exchange for not fighting.  

So how New Yorkers feel about the program? 

(must be read with New York accent) “Once again, the mayor wants to appease the criminals at taxpayers’ expense,” a source in the city’s police department told the Post. “Next thing they’ll be giving out Macy’s cards so these perps could do their holiday shopping.”  The Post also quoted a “high-ranking NYPD source” who said de Blasio’s gift-card reward “crazy,” adding that appearing in court “isn’t supposed to be fun. You want these people not to want this to happen again." 

Michael Palladino, president of the NYPD detectives union, told the Post that defendants getting gift cards is like “a nice Christmas present for our participants in the criminal-justice system. It’s not supposed to be a positive experience to get locked up or get a summons.”  Ed Mullins, president of the sergeants union, recalled to the paper the “long-standing statement that crime doesn’t pay. We’ve now proved it does. It now pays for a $15 Dunkin’ Donuts card. Maybe we can give them confiscated firearms, too. Where is this coming from?  We’re all singing Kumbaya together?"

Dennis Quirk, president of the Court Officers Association told the paper he’s insulted by the idea that defendants are essentially grading court officials on their job performance. "Maybe it’s time we process criminals over tea and biscuits. Next, City Hall is going to want us to hand out ice cream cones and candy bars."

But court defendant Juan Cruz, who the Post said was up against a “bullcrap misdemeanor charge,” seemed pleased with his reward: “I told them I’ve been here too many times to not understand the process. But hey, got me a doughnut and cup of coffee when I get out of here.” 

And how did the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice respond? The gift cards are “compensation” for the participants’ time in completing the survey, and the cost was a “minuscule” part of the overall budget, one official told the paper. 

When $800,000 is considered "minuscule", that my friend should tell you just what civil servants think of you as a taxpayer and the worth of our sweat they extort daily.

H/T Brooklyn Dawg

 Thank You Larwyn’s Linx @ Doug Ross@Journal for the Linkage!

Democrats Run Silly Last-Minute Ad Encouraging Write-in of Alabama Coach Nick Saban

Democrats have all but conceded that they can’t honestly defeat Judge Roy Moore in the upcoming Alabama Senate election on Tuesday so they’re pulling out all of the stops because they know they can’t win on the issues. They have a far-left candidate, Doug Moore, who’s anti-American positions include anti-life, anti-borders, anti-Second Amendment rights, and pro-bathroom perverts just to name a few.  Jones and his campaign can’t win on these issues, so he isn’t running on them. The Democrat Media, colluding with the Democrats and the GOP establishment led by swamp-dweller Mitch McConnell, can't mention Jones’ positions either, but are instead depending on the political character assassination smear campaign against Judge Roy Moore.

Politistick is reporting a scummy little group of Proglodytes called American Bridges are running deceptive, if not silly, ads encouraging Alabama voters to vote for the most popular man in the state (well, outside Auburn)  the University of Alabama head football coach Nick Saban as a write-in candidate rather than vote for Roy Moore.

The strategy here is clear. If they can peel off a few hundred or thousands of votes by Republicans who’ve bought into the fake news media’s attacks against Judge Moore, it may be enough to push Doug Jones over the finish line."
The video, published by American Bridges, shows step-by-step instructions for voters, telling them not to vote along party lines, to fill in the bubble next to the write-in slot and to write-in the candidate of choice, providing Saban as the example. - The Hill

A Good Monday Morning

Friday, December 8, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Democrats and Their Alabama Train Wreck

This is *NOT* how do outreach to Black voters.

Black voters across Alabama are calling out a campaign flyer with extremely racist underpinnings from Senate Campaign of Democrat Attorney Doug Jones, taking to the Tweeter and pointing out how it’s a ridiculous attempt to mobilize Black voters. It’s as if the Dems believed black people were considering voting for Roy Moore until some brilliant strategist posited: “What if he were black, though?” The flyer is reductive in its oversimplification of the black mind as only caring about black issues.

The Doug Jones ad, which has gone viral, in part exemplifies the reason the Democrat Party has been marginalized as a party that only exists on the coasts and in urban areas. While the policies of the party may be more progressive and black-friendly, the boobs of the Democrat leadership are really more prejudiced and shortsighted than their southern Republican counterparts, and next week’s Senate election is a perfect example.

The Democrat Party is a trash dump. It is the reason Hillary Clinton lost. It is the reason Donald Trump is president. They pocket black votes and black dollars, and take them back to the national party to spend in districts where they know they’re going to win.

Until the stories surfaced about Roy Moore’ alleged predilection for prepubescent ponytail-wearers, the Democratic Party had wholly abandoned Alabama and most of the south. It treated minorities and Democrat-leaning whites in the South like every black character in horror movies,  necessary casualties left behind for the greater good. 

Now that Dems think Doug Jones has a chance to score them a rare southern Senate seat, they have turned to Alabama’s black electorate as if they were in the state the entire time and proceed to drive the train into the ditch.......

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

For That Special....... Someone On You Christmas List

Y'all remember Rachel Dolezal, the former NAACP chapter president who was outed for pretending to be a black women when in fact she was born blonde and white. Well she's still delusional, but for all you fans she's put out a new 2018 calendar just in time for Christmas featuring her in sexy pin-up poses and chock full of motivational quotes for black people, people who wish they were black, or crazy people who think they are black when they clearly are not. 

The first thing that will strike you as odd is that there IS a  Going there you will see that she is selling this 2018 calendar that is billed as pictures of her with “her own inspirational quotes.” If that doesn’t get you, it has this too: "With dozens of important birthdays and Black History facts throughout the year."I wonder if that includes the date everyone figured out she isn’t a black woman. For the record, that date is June 12, 2015. 
She’s like the white, pretending to be black, female Tony Robbins. If people didn’t hate her so much she could be a motivational speaker with inane garbage like this:  “Don’t give up, give in, compromise or quit. Rest a little & take a breath, then stand up, raise your chin & press on,” reads the April quote. That’s good advice if you are ever busted for cultural appropriation and your entire world of lies comes crashing down around you. 
“Stay woke & ready to change the world. You never know when an important opportunity will arise,” she says in December.    
“Living in full color means stepping outside of the boxes prescribed by society and following the nature of your soul,” Dolezal says in May.  Liberals would agree with that last quote if it were in reference to transgender people, but because it involves a white woman who “identifies” as black........ 
And all of this and more can be yours for the low low price of 18.99.  She also sells “Melanin Spectrum” dolls, whatever the hell those are, so you can get all of your Christmas shopping done in one spot.