Saturday, February 10, 2018

Yoh Attention Preece!

BULLETIN 2/10 - For those of you who don't do Twitter, maybe just don't have time to stay caught up on the latest from the Winter Olympic games, or like many of us who just don't want to listen to NBC coverage and the annoying voice of bubble head Katie Couric drone on in painful detail about some heroic human interest stories like a part Mandarin, part Nigerian athlete with 25 brothers and sisters, who overcame a debilitating childhood disease like infantile toe fungus to become the greatest 400 meter Ice Hurdler of all time and a hero to people of color the world over! Or maybe you just don't want to see space alien looking Tara Lipinski and her freakish flaming gay side-kick who acts like he dropped acid and raided Cindy Crawford's makeup kit and dresses like he broke into the Liberace Museum as they do their snarky commentary on ice dancing.  If you are one of those people, we are here for You!! 

In the spirit of sportsmanship, togetherness, world peace  and all that other stuff we hear so much about at this time, we at DMF will bring together all the best Olympic news in one place including periodic updates from the Korean games via one of the Far East most notable News sources and leading sports authorities on the Korean Peninsula (a favorite of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un) The DPRK News Service ,direct from Pyongyang North Korea.  

There are  rumors that our own Middle finger News Service correspondent, Earl of Taint may even be on his way to the Korean peninsula at this very moment. We will endeavor to keep you up to date with the best Olympic news we can find because we're just like that.......

UPDATE 2/11:

Olympic Officials are looking into concerns the North Korean Bobsled team's equipment might not meet Olympic rule requirements.

Update from PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games Opening Ceremonies:

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Gilded Monument to Journalistic Vanity Crumbles Before Us

There was a time when the American News Media was who most of the world looked to for the best example of unvarnished truth as could be had. But then came the advent of 24 Hr. news broadcast and with it the rise of the overly self-important media reporters, high payed on-air talking heads celebrities and an undeniable political bias.  So when we see such arrogant people who deem themselves higher then us because they, and they only hold the cup of truth, can we not feel a bit triumphant when they stumble and fall into a pile of their own excrement?

Standing just a half-mile from the U.S. Capitol  is the grand monument to journalistic vanity called 'The Newseum", a seven-level 470,000-square-foot grandiose palace with a facade constructed from 50 tons of Tennessee marble. It commemorates the news business with 60,000-plus baubles and artifacts from the trade. Its owner, the Freedom Forum Foundation, spent $450 million building its palace of journalism in 2008.  But the FFF has hoisted its flag of surrender in the form of a press release. The Newseum owners can no longer afford to subsidize the palace with their endowment's money, and are having to explore plans to sell the building.

Dubbed by even the Washington Post as 'A Slow Motion Disaster", for the hefty price of $24.95 a head you won't get to witness such historical media exhibits such as a 5,000 year old cuneiform clay tablet announcing Sargon I ascension to the Throne, oh no.  But what you will get to see is the Watergate break-in door, props and costumes from the movie 'Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy', a mock-up of Tim Russert’s office, posters and reporters’ notebooks from the Ferguson protests, Andy Rooney‘s typewrite, a Boston Globe reporter’s running shoes, hundreds of press passes, and for some strange reason, even Bono’s jacket, and much more.

The museum has posted an annual deficit of between 2 and 9 million a year since it opened, even as it has paid hefty salaries to its operators and top executives. But what the hey, it's Washington DC, where it's all about spending other peoples money. Right?

The only thing the Newseum really has going for it is its daily collection of front pages from around the country. Do you need a $450 million building to do that?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

One Government Most Certainly Did Meddle in the Election

by George  NEUMAYR - The media, in its frenzy to normalize left-wing political espionage, says simultaneously of the Nunes memo: there is nothing to see in it, but don’t look. The intensity of the media’s attacks on a Republican is always in proportion to the degree to which he is impeding one of its causes. The doggedness of Nunes — his refusal to let a politicized FBI and Justice Department stonewall his committee — has thrown considerable light on the real scandal of 2016: not that Trump colluded with the Russians to win but that the Obama administration colluded with Hillary to defeat him. One government most certainly did meddle in the election — ours.

The more that the probe is put under the microscope, the more outrageous it appears, with Hillary partisans and Trump haters figuring into it at every crucial turn. Hillary didn’t need a campaign headquarters in Brooklyn; she already had one in Washington, D.C. John Brennan, auditioning to be her CIA director, laid the groundwork for the Trump-Russia probe by hyping bogus intelligence; Trump hater Peter Strzok formally opened the probe at the FBI just weeks after whitewashing Hillary’s mishandling of emails; the slop of Christopher Steele, Hillary’s opposition researcher, served as the basis for spying on all of Carter Page’s communications with the Trump campaign, while the spouse of a Justice Department official involved in the probe shoveled more of the slop to her husband.

Like Watergate, the probe was not only amateurish and paranoid but fruitless. The media, that stalwart defender of civil liberties, has adopted in recent days a comically cavalier view of Carter Page’s violated ones. Hey, the investigation into him was close enough for government work, we’re told. And, besides, it serves him right for talking to Russians.  

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Yes, Schiffty Adam Is the Dems New Star Douche Bag

How many times did we hear after the Nunes memo was released (over Democratic objections) that the GOP was going to continue the cover-up by blocking the much-longer Schiff memo by the same party-line vote?  Well oops, the committee voted, unanimously,  to release the 10 page Schiff memo. So now Schiff can say that with both memos out there, people can decide for themselves, right? No, that would make too much sense.

Schiff is lying liberal pond scum.  There are reports that he intentional filled the memo with info the DOJ/FBI will want to redact. Why would he do that you ask? He’s going to throw a temper tantrum when his memo gets redacted, saying it’s a political retraction, so the cover-up continues. 
“What I'm more concerned about ... is that they make political redactions," the California Democrat said. "That is, not redactions to protect sources or methods, which we’ve asked the Department of Justice and the FBI to do, but redactions to remove information they think is unfavorable to the president. That could be a real problem, and that's our main concern at this point.”
Clearly the cunning plan of the House GOP was to release the memo only because they were conspiring with Trump to block it in a different way. Heads I win tails you lose. No matter how much someone detests Trump, I can’t understand how they give any credence to this dirtbag.

......And it seems Adam may be a little bit of a perv also. 


Monday, February 5, 2018

To Crunch or Not to Crunch. That is the Question

Doritos New Low Noise-High Performance 'Lady-Friendly' Chips

Ya know for far too long, ladies like myself have had to sit by the wayside as we watch our men enjoying the delicious flavored tortilla chips known to the world as Doritos. As much as we might try to enjoy them ourselves, certain things have always gotten in the way. The crunching for one, is far too loud!

As a woman, I pride myself on being as accommodating as humanly possible, and “too loud” crunching could interrupt a man when he is explaining to me why I am wrong, or while watching his favorite TV show. 

How can one be seen and not heard with all that CRUNCHING going on? Chomp chomp chomp! So unladylike! And the powder! Don’t even get me started on the powder. Why, my favorite pair of white gloves is all but ruined with red-gold nacho cheese stains from the last time I attempted to eat some!

But finally, the good people at Doritos have an answer to my womanly woes! They are now creating a lady-friendly version of their classic chips that will crunch less and be less “messy,” thereby preventing us from ruining our good white gloves or — heaven forbid — being compelled to lick our fingers. The chips will also be smaller in size — so that they may fit more comfortably in our tiny ladyhands and fit comfortably inside our tiny ladymouths — and will come in a package that we can fit inside our purses for discreet on-the-go snacking.

PepsiCo’s female lady global chief executive Indra Nooyi just gets us:
“When you eat out of a flex bag — one of our single-serve bags — especially as you watch a lot of the young guys eat the chips, they love their Doritos, and they lick their fingers with great glee, and when they reach the bottom of the bag they pour the little broken pieces into their mouth, because they don’t want to lose that taste of the flavour, and the broken chips in the bottom,” Indra Nooyi, global chief executive at PepsiCo said in an interview with Freakonomics Radio. “Women would love to do the same, but they don’t. They don’t like to crunch too loudly in public. And they don’t lick their fingers generously and they don’t like to pour the little broken pieces and the flavour into their mouth.”
This sounds really lovely and I personally am quite excited about all this. It’s great to be a woman these days. Hey, we can even be Colonel Sanders! And flavored tortilla chips are now no longer only the province of men, or just another incitement for lovemakin'. And I say that's a win Baby!

(The UK Independent)
H/T One Size Fittsal
Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, February 4, 2018

For Your Consideration.....

After the first year of Donald Trump's Presidency it's a fine occasion to imagine how close we came to President Hillary Rodham Clinton. Imagine if Hillary had actually campaigned in the Midwest instead of Arizona and won closely contested Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. (Imagine the exact same congressional results.)

Then imagine the dramatic difference in tone in our “news” media and entertainment elites as she prepared to deliver her first report to the nation.

What would we have seen in President Clinton's first year? Tweets by Donald Trump, the loser, that the election was “rigged” and possibly tipped by international interference through the Clinton Foundation would have been disparaged as not only unpatriotic but unhinged, and more than a little sexist.  CNN would be especially aggressive in challenging anyone who questioned the new president’s physical or mental fitness. The network would have sent Jim Acosta to Capitol Hill to yell at Republicans and demand they distance themselves from those obnoxious conservatives who cannot concede honorably and abide by the will of the Republic. 

When President Clinton fired FBI leader James Comey for almost preventing her election with his last-minute email announcement, Democrats had cheered and the Republicans demanded an investigation. The press would see this for what it was: a GOP effort again to thwart the will of the American people. It would give continuous oxygen to the new '#moveon ' effort to expose this agenda, while ignoring Republicans' complaints.

In turn, Trump supporters started the hashtag '#Resistance', which the media immediately interpreted as a call for racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, and every other natural progression of man that would thoughtlessly be resisted by the far right.....

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought to you by BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director


This next video may not appeal to some usual patrons of The Middle Finger Symphony,
 but as a classically trained Violist and Bassist I found this little piece interesting.


Friday, February 2, 2018