Thursday, April 5, 2018

Grandstanding Leftist Governor Says She'll Defy Trump

Oregon Governor Kate Brown at Recent at News Conference

Democrat Oregon Gov. Kate Brown stomped her feet announced yesterday that she will thumb her nose at the President's request to send Oregon National Guard forces to help protect the southern border. Brown took to the Tweeter to say that she will not cooperate with the federal government if asked to send guard troops to the Mexician border, saying she is “deeply troubled by Trump’s plan to militarize our border.” Brown’s statement comes shortly after Trump announced that the military will be used to guard the southern border to help stop two serious problems, illegal border crossings and drug trafficking. 

Well, I'm shocked! First, why on earth does she think the President would even waste his time and ask a radical leftist governor of a sanitary state to contribute to the guarding of the border and stop the very actions they encourage? The fact she uses the term 'militarize our border' shows her hypocrisy in that she doesn't believe in the law or sovereignty of the nation as she does for her sovereign state of Oregon. Nor does she acknowledge the drug and human trafficking problems, both of which are prevalent in the western states. But I'm sure she would have been of the same mind if she'd been Governor when Barky Obama called the National Guard out to the border himself. Wait, I don't remember any outcry then.....

If Trump does call on Democrat Governors to participate, it will be to once again let the democrats demonstrate to the country they will choose illegals over American citizens safety and rule of law. Which is actually what I hope he does. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

She Doesn't Fit the Narrative. Nothing to See Here. Move Along.

DT - The left has been making hay since the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting with a coordinated push for new anti-gun laws using brainwashed children (and one ambitious little fascist) as human shields for their ultimate agenda of repealing the Second Amendment. When the news of the shooting at YouTube’s San Bruno, CA campus hit the airwaves, some quickly jumped the gun and were pre-blaming it on an angry white male before the facts about the incident and the shooter were even known.

Now details are out and not only was the attempted murderer a woman but she had radical leftist views that are commonplace within the Democratic party.

38-year-old Nasim Aghdam who is of Iranian descent and reportedly a vegan animal rights activist had a beef with YouTube over what she claimed was the censorship of her online content which was a mishmash of strange and bizarre videos. Aghdam posted a manifesto online and then headed to San Bruno with murder on her mind. Fortunately, nobody was killed with the exception of yet another mentally disturbed loser who committed suicide rather than be taken into custody.

So we have a crackpot who made weird videos, was a radical vegan, an animal rights nutcase and an Iranian Muslim – that just checks off too many boxes on the Democrat qualification form to see this one headed anywhere but the memory hole. As for the YouTube angle, hey a lot of people have been getting screwed by these Silicon Valley pricks but they don’t invade their offices to shoot innocent employees, this woman is a serious sicko.

Now that we have had years to observe the effects of social media on people it is difficult to see how it has been a positive contribution to humanity or civil discourse. On the contrary, it seems to be making people mean, crazy and obsessive but that is a story for another time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Yeah, Him and 63 Million Other Americans......

Grand Poobah of Fake News Loses It Over Sinclair Broadcasting's Promising to Be Factual

Dan Rather, the "father of fake news" and a growing number of other network talking heads think it obscene that the Sinclair Broadcast Group should produce an advertisement promising to tell only the truth. I kinda wish we could get a similar statement from the rest of the mainstream press, but I didn't get a pet giraffe I wanted as a child either. After a CNN report early last month by the one Dianny calls "Puddin' Boy Brian Stelter", where he was clutching his pearls about Sinclair’s promise to be truthful *GASP*, it was back in the news Monday after Deadspin put out the supercut video of Sinclair’s anchors speaking all at once to make it feel creepy.

That was the catalyst for the new wave of pointless hyperventilating from the liberal media, including Newsman Dan, who took to Facebook in a sad attempt to sound relevant and basically lose his shit over criticism of the leftist media:
"Let's be clear, news anchors looking into camera and reading a script handed down by a corporate overlord, a script meant to obscure the truth not elucidate it, isn't journalism. It's propaganda. It's Orwellian. And it is on a slippery slope towards some of history's most destructive forces. To those who say this rhetoric is hyperbolic, I submit that attacking the press as honest brokers of information has been one of the constants of this Administration and all those who normalize it. But this is not normal. This is not how the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, that beloved First Amendment, is supposed to operate. 
The faces of the men and women you see delivering this chilling message are befitting those of a hostage video. Maybe some of these local anchors took to it with gusto, but I believe that number is few. That is the bet that Sinclair and its allies in media and government are betting on - that they can chip away, with small strikes of the chisel, at the bedrock of American democracy. That is why it is incumbent for Americans of all political persuasions to say this is intolerable. 
Congress should hold hearings and call the executives of Sinclair to account, but one suspects that is highly unlikely in the current political environment. Will this spur citizens to elect representatives who recognize that this is a clear and present danger? Will enough people be outraged to bombard stations, and advertisors, with letters, phone calls, and tweets to suggest this is unacceptable?"
I have always found it entertaining to listen to hypocritical, lying shit-bags pretend to take the high ground and argue from position of morality and goodness. I think we all know someone like that. Rather’s career came to an embarrassing end when he relentlessly pushed lies a fake news story about George W. Bush. He still claims his BS is true. What he basically has is a problem with is Sinclair capitalizing on the public's distrust in national media and confidence with local reporting. If he really had a problem with a corporate message tainting reporting, he should stop going on CNN.  The Real Threat To Democracy is a Prevaricating & Dishonest Media. 
H/T Crazy Cousin Olivia

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Power and Contemporary Politics: A Martian Perspective

"The humans have a bifurcated social structure that divides them into two major groups. The first group, the majority of the population, appears to do most of the productive work in their economy. With respect to the second, much smaller group, a tiny fraction owns almost all of the wealth and occupies most positions of economic and political authority at the highest, directorial levels; the rest occupy bureaucratic positions in the lower operational levels of their State, or positions in the judiciary and above all, the apparatuses of public education and communication."

"A striking feature of daily life among the humans is that the second group subjects the first to a campaign of concerted, continuous, and incessant humiliation and psychological terror. Day and night, carefully-crafted propaganda blares out from every apparatus of public instruction, and all of their many and ubiquitous types of communications media, derogating the first group (in Earth jargon, "straight White males", or alternately, "the Right") and collectively impugning it for a vast and seemingly infinite litany of crimes and outrages (many of which accusations appear to be transparently fabricated and wholly imaginary). A standing feature of this propaganda is that it ridicules, insults, and blasphemes the religion of the Rightists and desecrates the memory of their ancestors, for example in ritual public vandalism and destruction of monuments the White males built to honour those ancestors. In the face of this hectoring and abuse, which every citizen regardless of age or social standing is allowed and encouraged to commit, the White males are exhorted to "check your privilege and be quiet".

"Perhaps most striking of all is that, notwithstanding a sentimental exaltation of marriage and family life at the level of popular culture, that the family is a central instrument of State policy, and that population growth has long been regarded as an especially urgent interest of the State, seemingly no effort is spared to undermine the White family, above all the authority of the father.  The latter is "patriarchy" and deemed an especially heinous form of barbarism to be eradicated." 

"Whatever his marital status, his children are exhorted in the course of their education, and once again as highly commendable civic behavior, to serial sexual delinquency if female, and to homosexuality and, more recently, self-castration and public repudiation of his sex if male. Not only can any female elect to have her yet-unborn child murdered in the womb with impunity and without any consent from its father, much less hers, the State is required to subsidize the procedure."

"Last but not least, a campaign is underway to strip the Rightists of their right to own small arms for sport and personal defense- even though juridically this right is considered "Constitutional", viz. inviolate. To underscore the avowed intention of humiliating and emasculating the Rightist family men, the orchestrators of the campaign have opted to use minor children as the public face of the campaign."

"The second group are colloquially known as "Leftists". The Leftists claim to possess, by a type of special grace, a special gnosis that elevates them to a singularly rarefied form of moral and ethical consciousness, a holy state known as being "woke". The "woke" individual has a privileged ability to discern right from wrong and justice from injustice, and on the basis of this charisma "speaks truth to power" on behalf of "oppressed" peoples that the woke have determined to have suffered injustice, above all at the hands of the Rightists and White men. Since membership in the ranks of the woke is based in charisma, in a claim to special grace, there are no fixed criteria of entry into its ranks, although all White men who have not undergone the aforementioned expiatory castration are disqualified, as is any White woman or non-white man."

"The Leftists stand out for being exquisitely sensitive in the extreme to any insult to their exalted social dignity. Since only a woke person is competent to distinguish justice from injustice, a woke person is the sole judge of whether or not she has been offended. Jealously guarded monopoly on the administration of justice, the State indulges this practice, and more generally defers to the wishes of the Leftists in almost all matters- for the fiat privilege of being uniquely able to define injustice or "oppression" results in the (socially uncontested and incontestable) definition of oppression as any conceivable situation in which a Leftist does not get what she wants, when she wants it."

At this point one of the senior Martian sociologists quite reasonably interjects: 

"Aha, so clearly these North American humans are a conquered people, a race of slaves- and these, what is it, Leftists obviously an aristocracy descended from the conquerors. Nothing we haven't seen a million times before in the history of that planet and others like it. Who did these North Americans lose the war to? Was it that traditional enemy of theirs, France I think it is called?"

"Actually, they've never been conquered; on the contrary, they are feared and despised across the planet as imperialists". 

At this point, the senior scholar starts getting a bit flabbergasted.

"I've never in my life even heard of any species amongst which it could be seriously proposed that children- girls, no less!- could legitimately disarm grown males with a legal right to arms. No free male human would just stand there and take that; all known facts about history and society on Earth show they'd rather drop dead first. Don't tell me that these children aren't exceptionally high-born, sons and daughters of the patented nobility humiliating some unfree peasants for sport, or for having pretensions above their class". 

"Some of the children indeed have rich parents-the State is forbidden by law to grant titles of nobility". 

"You mean that the Leftists aren't even their nominal social superiors? What the hell is wrong with those people???"

"I have no idea. They just do whatever the Left tells them to. They gripe, grumble, and complain- but at the end of the day, they go along with it." _____________________________________________________________

The above dialogue is excerpted from a much longer and detailed essay "The Will to Power and Contemporary Politics: A Martian Perspective" by our good friend Doug Smythe of Thermidor Magazine.

~Thank You Claudia & BB for the Linkage!~

Friday, March 30, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director