Saturday, October 27, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, October 26, 2018

Bernie Sanders Teaming With Greek Marxist To Build A New Progressive Movement

Bernie Sanders is teaming up with former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to formally launch a new “Progressives International” in Vermont on Nov. 30. Varoufakis and Sanders first announced they were working toward a joint initiative in a pair of op-eds published in the Guardian last month. Varoufakis was somewhat vague about what the group would offer, saying that it would help give progressives’ “coherence.” Bernie, well he sounded like the same clueless Bernie we all have come to know and love.

Varoufakis, who calls himself an 'Erratic Marxist' became an international celebrity among progressives while he was finance minister of Greece in 2015. He resigned at the imminent bankruptcy and collapse of the socialist Greek government, who had decided to accepted the eurozone countries’ terms for a massive loan agreement, which included increased austerity.

He’s since formed his own political party called “European Spring” that is now campaigning for European Parliament.
"I confess I would much rather be promoting a radical agenda, the raison d’être of which is to replace European capitalism with a different system. Yet my aim here is to convince radicals that we have a contradictory mission: to arrest the freefall of European capitalism in order to buy the time we need to formulate its alternative. The financiers are internationalists. The fascists, the nationalists, the racists — like Trump, Bannon, Seehofer, Salvini — they are internationalists. The only people who are failing are progressives.”
Varoufakis says central governments need to have greater spending power, have more direct leverage and responsibility over the financial system, and take a direct role in initiatives like fighting poverty and climate change.Varoufakis has said, the left is “the ones who, by ideology are international. We have to act like it.”

Any wonder Bernie likes this guy? Same commie clown show, different clown tent.

MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Today Presents Another Opportunity For the Media to Look Like The Hypocrites They Are

Why would someone send pipe bombs with dummy triggering devices to obvious high-profile democrats just days before a crucial election, one where the Republicans are extremely competitive? After weeks of videos of crazed mobs publicly harassing conservatives, do we have a progressive non-exploding 'we're bomb victims' hoax.

We have all watched as time and time again CNN talking heads have gone out of their way to excuse left-wing violence. Fredo Cuomo has asserted that not all punches were equal, Antifa punches were better than conservative punches. Don Lemon celebrated the restaurant mobbing of Republicans while bubble head Brooke Baldwin argued passionately that democrat mobs were not mobs, and to say an angry, intimidating mob was a mob was a "Republican talking point."

But now, oh how things will change. We will have many hours of moral instruction from our Ruling Caste about how now it's time to start tone-policing, and that tone-policing will begin and end with telling Republicans they have to stop making political arguments or else People Will Die. They again will be executing the Sarah Palin Playbook, completely ignoring the fact that Democrats have frequently called for confrontation and incivility, and that CNN in particular has been a strident advocate for mob intimidation and even mob violence.

David Gregory in fact went out of his way to distinguish restaurant-mobbing (permissible!) from this possible bomb attempt against the Democrat-Media Complex, because this last one could actually hurt people. Unlike say, antifa beating people in the head with heavy steel bike-locks. Gregory apparently forgot the entire premise of the "Climate of Hate" meme, which is that smaller provocations create an environment of permissiveness of violence. That is, as the democrats had it in 2010, Sarah Palin running an ad "targeting" democrat seats naturally encourages actual targeting. But now David Gregory says that targeting people for in-real-life harassment and short-term false imprisonment cannot possibly encourage more serious terroristic acts.

UPDATE: Fredo Cuomo's brother, New York Gov. Andrew bravely stared down the threat posed by a “suspicious package” sent to his office, which was found to have contained very scary informational literature. But just to make sure that no other New Yorkers have to face the danger he faced, he’s taking bold, decisive action:

Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Have We Not Learned Anything From What We Watch Happening To Europe?

This is not a caravan of Doctors, Scientist and Engineers bringing cultural enrichment, this is the beginnings of a third-world invasion we cannot absorb.

Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution clearly states:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
Yesterday there was much debate and some consternation about the prospect of sending our military down to the border to prevent the invaders (and that is exactly what they are) from entering US soil. Yes, the "optics" would be shall we say "suboptimal" if even one of the individuals were to be injured or worse in any encounter with American troops. But I think the consequences would be far worse both in political terms as well as actual national security if President Trump does not take decisive action immediately to at minimum prevent this mass of invaders from crossing our borders if not send them back where they came from.

The President ran and won on this very issue. From a political standpoint, what Soros and the Dems hope will turn into an October surprise to defeat the GOP has the potential to bury them not only in 2 weeks but in 2020 and perhaps beyond. Aside from sending the military and physically sealing our border, after declaring a national state of emergency the President should also:

  • Suspend all granting of asylum at the border.
  • Cut all military, economic and other aid to the countries involved in this.
  • Freeze all assets and all bank transactions of the countries involved.
  • Freeze all wire transfers of cash from the US to the countries involved (this alone is huge).
  • Freeze the assets and revoke 501C-3 status of every organization and individual known to be involved in this.
  • Deport George Soros to Malaysia or Hungary and seize his assets.

As to #6 on that list, since it is more than likely that Soros is involved in this via his various front groups, he is de facto acting in a manner that is seditious if not treasonous. As Samuel Johnson said, "when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully." The question is who is the hangman and who is the condemned? The world wonders...

(J.J. Sefton@AceHQ)

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Somehow There Was an Outdoor Vending Machine in Brooklyn That Sells Fancy Jewelry — What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Unsurprisingly, there was a theft, but let's try and think like a clueless, sophisticated New York liberal elitist to understand why there was such a vending machine in the first place:
Manhattan jewelry designer Marla Aaron planted the vending machine in the park outside the William Vale Hotel on N. 12th St. in Williamsburg. She called the machine a “crazy amazing” experiment — an “unexpected place” where her customers could buy her pieces.... In a pair of videos on her website, she says she got the idea while traveling in Japan, where high-tech vending machines dispense an eclectic variety of items.
Ding Ding! Brooklyn is not Japan in many ways, one of which is the prevalence of crime.
“Putting it in a store would have been a cop-out. And I wanted it in an unexpected place. The coolest place I could think of would be outdoors. That’s amazing. In Brooklyn. And guess what, we found a park,” she said. “You’re in a park! That’s crazy amazing, and the vending machine is in front of you, and you can buy something.”
Uh....I......Okay, that's called advertising. And she's getting several thousand dollars worth of advertising from the existence of the machine and even from this theft. I say "several thousand dollars" because I assume $13,000 is the list price of jewelry that was stolen.

I first thought, yeah, really slick insurance scam! Then I saw the Instagram video. You can chalk this one up to the liberal cluelessness of basic human nature.  The NYPD said to be on the lookout for one male negro in his 20s or 30s, 5-foot-10 and about 220 pounds, wearing a black T-shirt and gray pants with a stolen credit card possibly accompanied by a female drenched in a load of really crappy fancy lookin' jewelry...

H/T Ann Althouse

A Good Monday Morning

Friday, October 19, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair Of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Moonbats and Problematic & Offensive Disney Films

I have to admit, when I first heard gay Hollywood had gained control of Disney Studios I expected the worst. But the infectious stew of Political Correct Theology and Self-Righteous Hypocrisy that has since swept Hollywood actors burns even hotter than any of us predicted. 

Recent case-in-point are two actresses who have publicly for some reason announced they no longer allow their children to be negatively influenced by some classic Disney animated films made from fairy tales beloved by past generations, because Snow White is kissed non-consensually by a necrophilic prince, and "Cinderella" and "The Little Mermaid" reinforce the sexist "damsel in distress" theme.  As I have said here numerous times, I didn't give a shit about their opinions when these over-payed Hollywood imbeciles were waiting on my table, and I still don't. I rarely see their work. But, it's bad enough we already have Whoopie Goldberg giving us a  politically correct warning at the beginning of the video box sets of classic Warner Bros. Loonie Tunes Cartoons, that I can't help but wonder how long before the same is mandated for a Hans Christian Anderson or Brothers Grimm Fairy tales.

Matt Walsh takes all this to an obvious conclusion with a tongue-and-cheek attack on Disney's disgracefully animated sexism and bigotry that Hollywood feminist believe threatens the minds of children. There has to be a statue of Walt somewhere that needs to be torn down........

Problematic And Offensive Disney Films That No Child 
Should Ever Be Allowed To Watch

Pocahontas - I cannot for the life of me understand why "Pocahontas" hasn't been banned and all of the people involved in its production sent to prison camps. "Pocahontas" features extremely harmful and retrograde Native American stereotypes and a deeply troubling White Savior story line. The character Pocahontas is not only sexualized and objectified but reduced to an outdated caricature of an Indian woman who sings about the wind and talks to trees.
Aladdin - Where to begin? Shall we discuss the Middle Eastern stereotypes, the eroticized female character, or the titular Arabic boy who looks and sounds suspiciously white? "It was Euro-colonialist propaganda that utterly trivialized and finally erased the lived experience of actual Arabs. And of course this is all to say nothing of the Genie, a person of color who is caged in a lamp and forced to serve Aladdin as a literal slave. Euro-colonialist, indeed.
Pinocchio - Pinocchio" is a transphobic river of bigoted filth gushing down a mountain of sexism and racism. Pinocchio spends the whole film pining to become "a real boy." A more progressive and enlightened movie would send Pinocchio out on a quest to become a poly-amorous lesbian or an androgynous genderqueer asexual. Instead, Pinocchio is assigned his gender by his deranged puppet master and he never once questions it or even considers whether the very idea of "real boyhood" might in fact be a primitive philosophical artifact of a backward and binary age.
The Lion King -  Set in Africa yet almost all of the characters are voiced by white actors. One of the only black characters in the whole film is Mufasa, and guess what happens to him? He's trampled to death by wildebeests in one of the most racist moments in Hollywood history. Notice that the wildebeests are also black, which is a not-so-subtle reference to the bigoted "black on black crime" motif.

I could continue this list but it is causing me to relive the trauma I experienced when I first saw these movies. Certainly, "Winnie the Pooh" is out because of its harmful portrayal of overweight people and its pseudoscientific insistence that obesity is linked to sugar consumption. "Toy Story" is problematic because the boy only owns gender-typical toys. "Lady and the Tramp" makes light of sexual assault when the boy dog non-consensually kisses the girl dog as they share a plate of spaghetti. "Bambi" sends a troubling message about animal rights. "The Sword in the Stone" is 90 minutes of toxic masculinity. "Tarzan" features a man who thinks he's a monkey, which is clearly meant to mock and trivialize body dysmorphia.

Perhaps the only acceptable and even halfway progressive Disney movie is "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." The straight white male is a hideous, deformed virgin beast rightly exiled from polite society. This, indeed, is how all white men ought to be portrayed. If only they could all be locked in a bell tower and forgotten. Then perhaps the rest of us could finally live in peace.

Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!