Thursday, December 12, 2019

No Biggie. DJT Gets Re-elected We'll Just Impeach Him Again

Impeachment is a ridiculous bit of theater that has failed in its most basic mission. It was supposed to damage the President while convincing American voters that DJT, and by extension Republicans, were criminals. They were supposed to reject both the man and the party in favor of some joke-candidate like Joe Biden. Polls show that’s not going to happen.

They’re out of ideas, their Hail Mary is failing, and their 2020 field is such a mess that even the most stalwart lefties are rolling their eyes. So, what are Dems to do? They’re going to do the same thing all over again, that’s what. Behold “the definition of insanity.”

In other words, “Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.” If this is the kind of thinking that’s going on behind closed doors, the Democratic Party is truly imploding. They know they’re headed for a 2020 loss… and They. Have. Nothing. Else.

[Robert Laurie]

The Trifecta Of Genius

Here we see the Trifecta of Genius seeking to impeach President DJT. One questioned a Navy Admiral under oath if Guam would tip over in the Pacific with to many U.S.Marines, one brought a bucket of Fried Chicken to a congressional committee hearing, and the other, who wears what looks like a go-cart tire on her head, once questioned NASA fight controllers why the Mars Rover didn't land and take pictures of the Apollo 11 landing site. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, a Democrat Impeachment Tour de Force......

Johnson - Cohen - Jackson Lee

Some Check and see if this rambling idiot every even graduated from high school.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Queen Was Not Amused!!

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

All The Media Lying to Manufacture Hate for DJT, He's Still More Popular Than Barky

Renowned Leftist Pillow Bitter and ABC Daytime Media Hate Spewing Bozo-Sapien 

Breitbart - Real Clear Politics, a non-partisan (and indispensable) site that tracks countless polls and averages them, also tracks the job approval numbers for President Trump and former President Obama in a way that allows us to see how the two presidents compare on this same day during their respective presidencies.

On the very same day the deranged media and demented Democrats announced two articles of impeachment against Trump, his average job approval rating is higher than Obama’s was on this same day during his first (failed) term as president. As of today, Trump enjoys an average approval rating of 45 percent. On this same day during his (failed) presidency, Obama averaged just a 43.5 approval rating.

We are now entering our fourth year of a media jihad against Trump, a hate campaign unlike any other in modern history. Literally, billions and billions and billions of corporate dollars are being spent by every corner of the establishment media to destroy one man, this one man: Trump. The “Very Fine People” Hoax, the Russia Collusion Hoax, the Fish Food Hoax, the Brett Kavanaugh-Rapist Hoax, the Kurds Are Being Exterminated Hoax — I’m forgetting a hundred more — and now we have this laughable Impeachment Hoax.

Compare that to Barry Obama, a man this same media spent billions and billions and billions of corporate dollars to shield, to protect, to assure and reassure the public of his unique magnificence, competence, and holiness. And after all of that, all of this propaganda, all of this effort and money, according to not just one poll, but all the polls, Trump is more popular. What’s more, he is more popular while the Democrat Party and the media are rigging nothing less than his impeachment.

For six weeks now, the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) have rigged the impeachment process to make Trump look as terrible as humanly possible. In an effort to smear him as a traitor, as an extortionist, the president has been stripped of his due process rights, even as Democrats held secret hearings in the Capitol basement and selectively leaked lies to a willing media. All this media lying to manufacture hate for Trump and all the media lying to manufacture worshipful adoration for Obama, and Trump is still more popular.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Behind The Scenes, Media Are Wetting Their Britches With Glee

Democrats have unveiled their articles of impeachment. They are, in what might be the understatement of the decade, incredibly weak.

The first is ‘Abuse of Power’ stemming from a non-existent quid pro quo in the Ukraine phone call. There was no investigation, Ukraine got their aid, and – as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer – Trump was well within his purview to ask them to examine the Biden family’s affairs. Democrats don’t care.

The second is ‘obstruction of Congress.’ This is based on the President’s refusal to let administration officials testify. Adam Schiff could have obtained a court order forcing them to appear, but he didn’t want to. That would draw out the process.  And as we all know the longer this goes on, the more it hurts Dems. So Schiff’s inaction is somehow impeachable. In other words, impeachment article 1 is "opposing congress" & article 2 is "He used presidential power that he shouldn't have been given & it makes us feel abused".

The charges are expected to face an approval vote before the end of the week and be voted on in the House. Assuming Nan has the votes to pass them, and she most likely will,  they’ll be sent to the Senate where they will fail.…Badly.

If you don’t see the truth of this, you haven’t been paying attention. The charges are nothing more than a hollow pretense, based on someone's interpretation of someone else's words. They’re a facade which disguises what the Dems and their media cheerleaders believe to be President Trump’s real impeachable offense: Orange Man Bad.

Nancy Pelosi toasted the media after Articles of Impeachment were announced, celebrating reporters on Capitol Hill at a special holiday event raising her glass to the “guardians of democracy.”

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

The Great Shakedown

The Democratic Party and its liberal supporters are perplexed. They presented hours of evidence of an their perceived impeachable offenses, although they studiously avoided charging DJT with impeachable offenses also carried out by Democrat presidents, including little things like the continuation or expansion of presidential powers, violating due process and misusing executive orders. Because civics is no longer taught in most American schools, they devoted a day to 'constitutional scholars' who provided the Civics 101 case for impeachment. The liberal press, cheerleading the impeachment process, saturated the media landscape with live coverage, interminable analysis, constant character assassination of Trump and giddy speculation reminiscent of a teenage girl choosing a prom dress. And yet, it has made no difference. Public opinion remains largely unaffected.

Perhaps, supporters of impeachment argue, they failed to adopt the right technique. Perhaps journalists, by giving such a large megaphone to rabid proponents of impeachment who live in a world not based in fact, created a false equivalency between truth and lies. The liberal class and the Democratic Party leadership have failed, even after their defeat in the 2016 presidential election, to understand that they have squandered their credibility. No one believes them. And no one should.

This attempted shakedown of a rightfully elected leader has led to bizarre conspiracy theories and fabrications peddled freely by media commentators, deceptions bolstered by the lies told by those in the media tasked with keeping the society rooted in truth and verifiable fact. This shakedown is leading to the end of the rule of law and the destruction of democratic institutions that, if they fail to function as designed by more insightful people than we are governed by today, could prevented the rise to power of a true destructive leftist demagogue. 

There is zero chance DJT will be removed from office in a trial in the Senate. The Democrat Party elites have admitted as much. They carried out, they argue, their civic and constitutional duty. But here again they lie. They picked out what was convenient to impeach Trump and left untouched the rotten system they helped create. The divisions among Americans will only widen. The hatreds will only grow. And leftist tyranny will continue to slowly wrap its deadly tentacles around our throats.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Caveman Says Trump Must Be Impeached Because of Slavery

Anyone who has tuned into cable new shows on a weekend knows it's a wasteland of third string backups hosts that you may recognize as giving the traffic reports on your local news last year, and their no ratings minority set asides like the verbally challenged Rev. Al Sharpton, and intellectual nutty Negress, Joy Reid. They have guest one else will have on and say things that leaves you looking at the wall going  Huh?  In some cases the stunning stupidity can only be compared to bad SNL skits that just end.....with no ending.

This weekend was no different. I present to you The GEICO Cavemen.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought to You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~