Monday, February 10, 2020

WAPO: It's a Lie That the Democrat Race is Between Moderates and Socialists. Let's Face It, They're All a Bunch of Radical Socialists.

The Washington Post editorial board is fed up with all of you deplorables talking about the Democrat primary as some sort of civil war between the far left and centrists and point out that the entire field is chock full of socialists. They say "centrists" and "the left."  But "the left" is just a polite euphemism for radical socialists. IT HAS become an unchecked assumption about the Democratic presidential race:
"The candidates are fighting an ideological war between "left" and "center." This narrative is false, and it is hardly benign. It minimizes the bold policy ambitions of those in the mislabeled "centrist" lane and falsely characterizes those on the left flank as braver or more committed to reform.
Then there are the policy moves that practically all Democrats agree on: giving legal safe harbor to the young immigrants known as "dreamers"; reviving and expanding President Barack Obama's climate regulations; reengaging with Iran; raising the minimum wage; keeping abortion legal; cracking down on guns. They want maximum government control in achieving their goals...
In fact, every major Democratic candidate is running on an agenda to the left of Mr. Obama's."
The Washington Post will renounce this op-ed and claim it didn't mean what it plainly means when it becomes inconvenient in the general election, and they pivot to claiming the candidate they've admitted is a radical socialist is now a "centrist moderate." But for now, they've admitted it.

This morning, James Carville once again offered his own warnings about Bernie Sanders.  On today's 'Covfefe with Squinty & Meat Puppet', Carville spoke in literally apocalyptic terms, warning that the Democrat Party is that if Democrats nominate another Jeremy Corbyn [i.e., Bernie Sanders], it's going to be the "end of days."

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Dancing Madly Backwards and Other Unnecessary Observations

Your average American is a busy, low-information voter. They follow the big developments, but not much else. What most Americans know is: Uberprosekutor Mueller came up with a donut. The president beat the impeachment like a rented mule. Mitt Romney and his Holier-Than-Thou Honor Guard are sad and indignant. The House Nanny threw a public, speech-ripping hissy and Adam Schiff looks ten years older than he did last week.

The average Americans tuned out the first impeachment nonsense toward the beginning. Extending the franchise and throwing another installment of “Impeach the M***erf*****!” at the country might genuinely annoy a lot of Americans who remember when Congress used to do government things and stuff. To be sure, politics and government still have deadly serious consequences for some individuals and for the country. But for average Americans, politics is now reality TV, filled with endless turnabout and gotchas, lunatic MSNBC conspiracy theories, CNN and Fox News confessionals, and mucho schadenfreude.

Democrats already dropped their A-bomb. Impeachment was the apex of their grudge quest. Everything else is a letdown. Absent some huge plot development outside their control–like a war–there’s nothing more dramatic they can throw at the president now. The best the dems can hope for now is to continue to dance madly backwards and keep hitting the same high note in the faint hope that something grabs the public’s attention.

As for drama offerings: the president has nowhere to go but up. He’s been playing defense for three years, the cowboy who gets beat nearly to death by the outlaw gang at the beginning of the film. Everyone, including low-info voters, know that the president stands to mete out some epic payback. Payback makes for riveting entertainment. The president has already begun, with the sacking of the weasel Vindman kids and Gordon Sondland.  Critics will sit on the edge of their seats waiting for the poundings to commence, then discuss said poundings in their usual verbose exhausting detail.

And a view of things 2020 from a stompy foot progressive........ 
"Democrats have systematically rat-fuck every group in their tent: labor, the poor, minorities, criminal defendants, students, homeowners, media consumers, environmentalists, civil libertarians, pensioners — everyone but donors. 
After a vote in Iowa that reeked of third-world treachery — from monolithic TV propaganda against the challenger to rumors of foreign intrusion to, finally, a “botched” vote count that felt as legitimate as a Supreme Soviet election — the Democrats have become the reactionaries they once replaced. 
Coinciding with the flatulent end of the party’s impeachment gambit, and the related news that Donald Trump is enjoying climbing approval ratings, the Blue Party was exposed as an incompetent lobby for doomed elites, dumb crooks with nothing left to offer but their exit. 
To paraphrase the Joker: What do you get when you cross a political party that’s sold out for decades, with an electorate that’s been abandoned and treated like trash." 
Answer: What you fucking deserve!" - Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone
Quite an indictment of the Clinton/Obama years wouldn't you say??

Saturday, February 8, 2020

I Almost Forgot My Black History Month Post

In 1972, a somewhat effeminate young Barry Soetoro was prophetically named by his classmates
"Most Likely to Swallow"

Friday, February 7, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

It's Now Racist to Blame Bad Chinese Food Practices for the Coronavirus virus.

I know not the source of the next extinction-level pandemic. I know only this: White people will not be allowed to discuss it because when the truly apocalyptic plague hits, it’ll be because someone in the nonwhite world ate a civet dick or an exotic pustule marinade. And the disease will be seen as the lesser of two evils compared with the racist white folks trying to contain it. There’ll be no way to fight the epidemic without passing judgment on the behavior or customs of nonwhites, and there’ll be no way to contain it without quarantining at least a few people of color. So we’ll all just die.

POC immunity from criticism increases everyone else’s susceptibility to death. To be sure, the Wuhan coronavirus isn’t going to end the world, but some of the response to it anticipates what eventually might. Take a look at this condescending, lisping queen.

That’s Greg Brown, host of the ASAP Science YouTube channel (with 9 million subscribers). Brown, an openly gay (as if this mincing alpha diaperman could be anything but) science blogger who, based on this video, has a woman standing behind him playing the “helping hands” improv game, cautions us not to talk about the coronavirus in a way that might “stigmatize” the Chinese. 

He tells us to ignore the history of similar viruses that have emanated from Chinese “fyood” practices, and he lectures us about how Western “fyood” culture is just as bad.  When the next extinction-level pandemic occurs, it’ll be the Greg Browns of the world who kill us. There’s never been a virus or bacillus that can’t be avoided; even contagions that can’t be cured can still be dodged. The soft skulled Greg Browns of the world will weaken and subvert that last line of defense.

And then there’s James Palmer at Foreign Affairs. Palmer blames “macho” toxic masculinity for the coronavirus outbreak while defending dog eating because whites eat pigs. He ends by admitting that yes, Chinese uncleanliness and dangerous food practices are to blame for the coronavirus, but so what because American food production was unclean in 1910, so we have no right to criticize China in 2020.

The belief that people need to be protected from “bad ideas” that they can “catch” through books, websites, posts, and tweets; the notion that a “dangerous” idea is essentially a contagious brain disease. A few days ago, NPR literally said that “racist ideas” are the “real contagion,” not the virus, and what’s important is not so much to track the disease, but to “track the reaction to it.”

Don’t close the Chinese “wet markets.” Instead, shut down the Twitter accounts that criticize them.

As I said, this is what’ll kill us when the “big one” hits. We’ll know where the disease comes from, and even if we don’t know how to cure it, we’ll know how to quarantine it. And genocidal leftist lunatics like Greg Brown and James Palmer will see to it that we can’t.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Zuckerville's Angry, Depressed and Deeply Psychologically Distressed Media Analyst Lash Out

No news organization is more guilty of helping stoke division and discord in America than CNN. And when they weren’t pushing that debunked conspiracy theory, they were lying to viewers, put targets on the backs of anyone who dares to support or defend him, absolve the violent behavior of their Resistance audience, and generally create massive division and distrust all across our nation. Here are media hyperbole and amateur psychology at it's best. You can't spell Analyst without Anal.

 Read More of these Assholes @NewsBusters

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A Bitter Nancy's Bad Week Continues.......

And The Award For Tweeter Burn Of The Day Goes To......

Another race-obsessed liberal's snotty tweet backfires again.....
So here we go again. The unseated loser gasbag, former Missouri  Senator Claire McCaskill, posted this probably thinking she's being all righteous and sh*t and score a broadside against Team Trump.

Claire, are you ok?

H/T  We ♥ Trump

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

No Soup For You, Tater!

WH Excludes CNN From Traditional Luncheon
 Before State of the Union

CNN's media hall monitor Brian Stelter announced today that he's shocked, SHOCKED that his network appeared to have been left off the guest list of the traditional White House pre-State of the Union luncheon. The luncheon is an intimate off-the-record confab in which the president usually gives an insight into what he'll talk about in his annual congressional address.

Like presidents before him, DJT typically invites anchors from all the major networks to dine with him at the White House. The lunch conversation is considered off the record, but it gives the anchors a sense of the president's state of mind before they anchor SOTU coverage.

Tater was upset no news organization boycotted the event to show support for the flailing network who still calls themselves news. And although journalists who accept the invitation agree not to report on what is said there, details of the meeting inevitably slip out.  Former CBS News anchor disgraced teleprompter reader, Dan Rather said that he was disappointed that other networks didn't take a stand in favor of CNN.  But hey Dan, no one really gives a shit what you think.

Democracy.exe Has Stopped Working.

And we thought the debates were a clown fest.
It's now the primary season! 

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~