Friday, June 12, 2020

We are living in extraordinarily dangerous times......

.....reminiscent of the Chinese Communist Cultural Revolution, in which professors guilty of wrongthink were publicly denounced and fired at the behest of students who insisted on absolute ideological orthodoxy. It’s a way of instilling terror in other students, faculty, staff, and society, so that others shut up and don’t voice dissenting views." - William Jacobson - There’s an effort to get me fired at Cornell for criticizing the Black Lives Matter Movement

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Only on The Tweeter Can We See the Rise and Fall of Homophobic Warlords in Real Time.

The Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, world's most ambitious anthropological experiment, has received its first warlord. Took only one day for the "monopoly on violence" to be discovered... what will happen next?

....and Mark Dice is having a delicious time.....

Seattle's Announces New & Improved Diverse Production of Williams Golding's Classic "Lord of the Flies"

On the new rebel state’s first night, the atmosphere was festive and triumphant. Hooded men spray-painted the police station with slogans and anarchist symbols, renaming it the “Seattle People’s Department East Precinct.” Raz Simone, a local rapper with an AK-47 slung from his shoulder and a pistol attached to his hip, screamed, “This is war!” into a white-and-red megaphone and instructed armed paramilitaries to guard the barricades in shifts. Later in the night, Simone was filmed allegedly assaulting multiple protesters who disobeyed his orders, informing them that he was the "police" now, sparking fears that he was becoming the de facto warlord of the autonomous zone. A homeless man with a baseball bat wandered along the borderline and two unofficial medics in medieval-style chain mail stood ready for action.

The City of Seattle and police made the decision to abandon the East Precinct and surrender the neighborhood to the protesters. Officers and National Guardsmen emptied out the facility, boarded it up, and retreated. Immediately afterward, Black Lives Matter protesters, Antifa black shirts, and armed members of the hard-Left John Brown Gun Club seized control of the neighborhood, moved the barricades into a defensive position, and declared it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone—even putting up a cardboard sign at the barricades declaring “you are now leaving the USA.”

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is a lawless occupation and taking of hostages: none of the neighborhood’s residents voted for Antifa as their representative government. Rather than enforce the law, Seattle’s progressive political class capitulated to the mob and will likely make massive concessions over the next few months. This will embolden the Antifa coalition—and further undermine the rule of law in American cities. 

Their List of Demands

[City Journal]

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Democrats Suddenly Outraged by Large Crowds Again

You were supposed to stay home. You were supposed to lock your doors, cower in your basement, socially distance, and wait for the coronapocalypse to blow over. The worst thing you could do is be in a crowd. Unless, that is, you were protesting. Protesting trumps everything. If you were thinking about joining peaceful protest, or even a riot, you were encouraged to abandon the safety of your bunker and get out into the streets. Progressives wanted boots on the ground, and the lockdown was suddenly unimportant.

It didn’t matter how many other people were out there. It didn’t matter who was out there or what they were doing. All that mattered was “optics.” Just ask Frau Whitmer, the “Queen of the Quarantine.” Unfortunately, that’s all over. Now that they have planted George Floyd, quarantine reprieve has come to an end. Now, crowds are bad again. What has caused this oh-so-shocking about face? Take a guess…

Apparently, the Kung Flu virus discriminates. Anti-Trump mobs are totally safe. Trump crowds are dangerous carriers of death and disease and will, no doubt, cause the explosive return of the Chinese Death Virus. The hypocrisy is obvious…

So, to review: Republican 1st Amendment expressions bad. They will be called out by your media superiors. Left-wing 1st Amendment expressions, or violent riots good. They will therefore get a pass.

[Robert Laurie]
[Detroit Free Press]

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Reader Email

Since the [onslaught] of the Chinese Virus and resulting stay at home orders, reader email to your Illustrious Editrix has experienced an unprecedented uptick, mainly chit-chat and some personal questions.  Some were interesting *cough* and some made me laugh, some surely written before the medication took affect, and some I thought should be answered publicly in the name an informed citizenry.

That said, you guys can stop requesting I send pictures of my breasticials, as the sheer vision of their magnificence could possibly trigger a cardiac episode in some valued readers, and I would feel responsible. So I find that a bad idea.  So Stop. Ain't gonna happen.

from bejohnce@.....................

Dear Ms. Sarcastica, 
Look me in the eye baby and tell me how boats work.

Dear bejohnce, this is simple string theory metaphysics. You see, water wants to go down, so does the boat, so water pushes the boat up to get boat out of the way. The trick is you need to find a boat that wants to go down less than the water does. Once you've done that, the boat remains on top of the water (which is real slippery) you can push it.  Your welcome, and don't forget to floss.  

from crispy_fried@...........................  

Yo Dio,
Is it gay to be a man??? I mean assuming an Aristotelian view of mind-body dualism, you'd be inside a man at all times, No?

Dear Crispy, 
There are two things that come to mind when reading your question, things that modern man should refrain from participation. (1- never sit duct-taped to a chair, locked in a room with a three year old playing with a loaded gun. (2- never attempt to explain our present world gone crazy in terms of the ancient philosophers. Were they alive now, they'd be standing in a pool of their own pee on a street corner in Berkeley yelling at passing cars.  But to answer your question, Yes you're Gay.

from bactrac24@......................... 

You once mentioned you had some Scottish blood. Me Too, cousins maybe?  What is one of you favorite memories of Scottland?

Dear Bactrac, Yes, my paternal grandparents are proud Scots. I mean, Really Proud.  Some of my fondest memories are of summer travel in the Scottish countryside.  You don't know what fun is until you witnesses a drunk on the Edinburgh to Glasgow train screaming "a hate fuckin' hedgehogs...come at me ya jabby wee cunt" while angrily circling a hairbrush that's been dropped on the floor.  

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Trump Tries to Kill Press Corps with Chairs, Acosta Pees His Pants at Sight of Soldier, DJT Retreats to Land of The Whites.

See how easy it is ? Just twist a few words and you too can be a journalist with a breaking story.  Just never you mind that there are images & video clips of what really happened that dispute your version. Someone will cover you. 

Yesterday was a perfect example, another epic flip-out Friday for the media after a disappointing morning as the job numbers came out and ruined their prepared negative screeds about DJT's flailing economy and failed policies. It took most of the day to find a way to spin the positive numbers. 

To no ones surprise, Jim Acosta and PBS' disrespectful yelling dim bulb Yamiche Alcindor were among the triggered White House reporters over the seating at the morning rose garden press conference,  called a "a flagrant violation of CDC guidelines on social distancing and a move that puts reporters at risk for the purpose of turning the press corps into a prop for a so-called ‘press conference." While Alcindor headed over to MSNBC to do her daily "Trump is a racist",  CNN treated the seating arrangement like a crime against humanity, covering it four times on Friday afternoon. Acosta breathless told host Wolf Blitzer that he “was in the Rose Garden and saw the whole thing firsthand.” Blitzer call the incident "Dangerous".

One comenter on the tweeter asked why didn't they just move the damn chairs?? Why, because then it wouldn't be about them, and they would have had to talk about the good job numbers. Oh Hell No!
And later, in Dear Diary moment, Acosta tweets out a picture of a military vehicle in DC:
OMG! He’s eating! He probable had a real gun too! Yo Jimmy, looks like you spilt something on your pant leg there big guy.  Guess he was too triggered to walk up and ask the soldier how he felt to be a pawn in DJT dictatorial hoax of protecting the streets of DC from peaceful monument defacing protesters that attempt to burn down churches. 

And not to be outdone, over at CBS, Paula Reid, CBS’s version of one of CNN's Brook Baldwin's epic makeup experiments gone terrible wrong, was uncovering some insipid DJT racism:
Vermont is actually the whitest state in the country and is no coincidence, represented by the whitest person ever, Bernard Sanders. I foolishly wasted my time looking for tweets or articles from CBS accusing Bernie of racism for representing such a white state.

This is what things look like when the liberal media has run out of stupid crap to bitch about. In one single day, they lied about a Trump quote, accused him of trying to kill journalists with chairs, cried about a soldier eating lunch, and accused the President of racism for visiting Maine. This is why nobody trusts these dregs of humanity to deliver the truth and they wonder why their popularity rest somewhere between a rat turd and a root-canal.