Friday, July 10, 2020

Imagine being a Journalist at Teen Vogue and telling Salman Rushdie that he's wrong and censorship is good, actually.

On Tuesday, 153 prominent journalists, authors, and writers, including J. K. Rowling, Malcolm Gladwell, and David Brooks, published an open call for civility in Harper’s Magazine. It cause much weeping and gnashing of teeth by the authoritarian liberals and our self pointed betters.

So, today a rebuttal letter was issued. It's worth a read. It's soft skull SJW logic personified. A defense of censorship masquerading as free speech Orwellian style.  But I'll save you the trouble and quote the most important two sentences that sums up the letter.
“ Many signatories on our list noted their institutional affiliation but not their name, fearful of professional retaliation. It is a sad fact, and in part why we wrote the letter.”
So... ‘cancel culture’ isn’t real, but they’re afraid to sign their name on their childish diatribe for concerns of professional retaliation.

The letter and its signers (ironically the ones to scared to sign their names because of potential retribution) are arguing for a fundamentally different and mutually exclusive society than the first letter and its signers: the first advances a society that values free speech and open debate regardless of topic and how it makes others feel; the latter is a call for the continuation and advancement of cancel culture which embraces regimented and "safe" thinking at the expense of freedom.

If the first group had their way, everyone (including the second group) could say whatever they wanted without repercussion. If the second group had their way, the first group would no longer exist. 

What a profoundly dumb time we live in.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Is It Any Surprise He Can't Articulate His Positions? They're Not Really His

We've all seen them, clips that go viral.  Joe Biden trying to describe.... well, something. No one is entirely sure what. It seems he gets too far behind teleprompter, his already-rickety train of thought derailed, or his mouth out-runs it's supply line and he just gives up. Now, if this was the first or second time we’d seen this happen to creepy Joe, we’d probably all ignore it. But this is a constant problem. He simply can’t articulate any of his own positions.  Many people mockingly ascribe the issue to early symptoms of dementia. Maybe that’s true, maybe it’s not, but I think there's more to the equation.

Joe Biden can’t articulate his own positions because, let’s face it, they’re not really his in the first place. Word is his campaign has worked with Bernie's people to integrate far left ideas into the Biden platform, ideas he doesn't understand and some he vehemently debated against just months ago.

It’s a safe bet that in his personal life, Biden doesn’t really buy into any of the progressive baloney he’s been spewing lately. His radical left-wing handlers are spoon feeding him lines that he doesn’t understand and can’t keep in his head, so he has no idea how to articulate them.

Biden has been in politics for 50 years and in all that time, he’s never had a truly original idea. For 8 years he stood next to the guy with the power and ideas, just the acting Court Jester and saying stuff like “this is a big f***ing deal,” and yucks it up for the cameras. At best he’s been a yes-man. At worst he’s a puppet for people behind the scenes. The far left has him by the short hairs. 

The reader needs to keep in mind who he has surrounded himself with, starting with his campaign manager, Jennifer O'Malley Dillon. She's the former Campaign Head for the anti-capitalist, gun grabbing lunatic soy boy, Beto O'Rourke. All this begs the question: If Biden manages to eke out a win in November, who will really be president?

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Bubbling Up of Dissent by the Left From Beneath Their Fascist Cancel Culture

It's damaging to our country when people are forced from their jobs, their clubs or their associations with others because they express ideas that bother other people. I know there’s nothing in the law or the Constitution that prevents it from happening. I’m simply saying it’s a bad thing when it does happen, especially when we make it such a common event. The most damaging effect will be to make people fearful about expressing themselves at all. Fortunately, I harbor no such fear. 

A healthy society has no trouble dealing with the presence of extreme or even absurd ideas as part of the public discourse, because better ideas usually rise to win the day when there’s an open and honest debate. The problem with our present society-takes-care-of-it approach to speech punishing is that the loudest and most aggressive factions get to decide which speech is acceptable. And the political left, those who deny creating this present fascist style stifling atmosphere are getting nervous now that it has turned on them.

Today, Harper's Magazine printed a letter to be featured in a future issue that I found interesting, considering who signed it. This open letter on open debate is signed by a wide range of notable people (100) including, Gloria Steinem, CNN's Fareed Zakaria, Noam Chomsky, leftist scumbag Matthew Yglesias, David Brooks, my former teacher Wynton Marsalis, J.K. Rowling, Francis Fukuyama, and Salman Rushdie among other artist, journalist and scholarly elite.  It's an interesting read, even with the ridicules attempt to pin censorship on the right, and you may find the entire list of signatures surprising.

Fear of the mob or true concern?? You decide. Here's The Full TextA Sample below.
"The free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted. While we have come to expect this on the radical right, censoriousness is also spreading more widely in our culture: an intolerance of opposing views, a vogue for public shaming and ostracism, and the tendency to dissolve complex policy issues in a blinding moral certainty......" 
"Editors are fired for running controversial pieces; books are withdrawn for alleged inauthenticity; journalists are barred from writing on certain topics; professors are investigated for quoting works of literature in class; a researcher is fired for circulating a peer-reviewed academic study; and the heads of organizations are ousted for what are sometimes just clumsy mistakes. Whatever the arguments around each particular incident, the result has been to steadily narrow the boundaries of what can be said without the threat of reprisal. We are already paying the price in greater risk aversion among writers, artists, and journalists who fear for their livelihoods if they depart from the consensus, or even lack sufficient zeal in agreement......" 
"It is now all too common to hear calls for swift and severe retribution in response to perceived transgressions of speech and thought. More troubling still, institutional leaders, in a spirit of panicked damage control, are delivering hasty and disproportionate punishments instead of considered reforms......."
The left knows they have unleashed a monster. And the monster is driving the wagon.

Some of the most influential and important ideas in human history started out as radical, and out-of-the-mainstream. But because people were not afraid to express them, even in the face of sanction, they eventually changed history for the better. Is it no longer possible for that to happen because the Twitter mob won’t stand for it?

And do mainstream journalists really believe in free expression? Or do they really love limits on free expression, as long as they get to be the enforcers??

[Harper's Mag]
[DMF Center for the Study of  Regressive Proglodyte Policy]

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Monday, July 6, 2020

Fighting Racism & Inequality By Racially Discriminating

Tuesday July 7 has been designated as #BlackoutDay2020, a campaign in which oppressed black people and their melanin challenged progressive supporters are called to boycott all businesses as a show of solidarity for the racial justice movement.

The movement’s founder, a Texas hip-hop artist no one has heard of named Calvin Martyr, posted a YouTube Video about holding a blackout day that sparked the movement in May.  Martyr claimed that black people account for $1.2 trillion in annual spending, so withholding spending for a day will help “break free from the chains of financial servility.” (looks like someone's been reading a dictionary)  Instead of boycotting buses, the campaign aims to boycott business, holding a day where “not one black person in American spends a dollar.”

Oh.......but participants are allowed to spend money at black-owned businesses, though.

The movement’s website states: “we will organize days, weeks, months, and years if necessary” until “the system is broken and we have risen to power as a people.”

The movement, headed by the Blackout Coalition,  revealed exactly what they are fighting for: “Our ASK is that we stop being shot down in the streets. Our ASK is the cancerous ideology that this country was founded upon be rooted out.” No specific legislation or policies were cited. Typical "It's not my fault I fail".

Personally I don't have a problem with this. It means I can go to the grocery store and not have to listen to some 300 pound Shah-Na-Na yell at her kids, or have to navigate around two overweight divas smelling of a hot Louisiana summer, doing the loud black girl act and blocking the aisles with motorized shopping carts while they visit and the kids bust open a bag Doritos off the shelf. 

I'm really looking for a downside to all this. I don't see one.

[American Spectator]
[DMF Center for the Study of  Proglodyte Regressive Policy] 

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Kayleigh McEnany Drops Hammer on Media

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Friday, July 3, 2020

Sex-crazed Monkeys Take Over Movie Theater and Setup HQ

No, while there could be parallels drawn we're not talking about Seattle or Portland, but Lobpuri Thailand, where amidst the covid lock-down the population have had to barricade themselves at home as thousands of monkeys take over the streets, monkeys who's aggressiveness making it extremely difficult for the humans of the town to move about in public.
"The randy primates have set up a HQ in a disused cinema, lashing out at anyone brave enough to try and drive them away. Unfortunately some residents first thought the best way of calming the overzealous monkeys down was to give them fast food – but this has just made the situation worse. Their new sugary diet and the lack of tourists because of the Covid-19 crisis has conspired to make life miserable for the people of Lopburi. 
The macaques are laying their dead to rest in a projection room as locals struggle to come up with a plan to reclaim the streets. Many have been forced to barricade themselves at home as the monkeys take over....."
I think it’s fairly clever of the monkeys to set up their own pseudo-city hall in an abandoned movie theater.  It shows they have more sense of the need for civil order than the anarchists and their street allied skateboarders & gay boy gamer live stream journalist and homeless junkies of the late CHAD, or CHOP, or whatever Seattle was calling it in it's last days. And the monkeys wouldn't even dream of setting a Wendy’s on fire. There’s too much food in there.

And like some 'protesters', shameless monkeys crap and have sex wherever they want, and don’t care.  But Hey. It’s their city.  They can do what they want. At least the monkeys don’t have the nerve to run the police off and then try to call 911 when they have a problem.

The monkeys in Lobpuri seem to have a more cohesive sense of community than we do here in America. Maybe it’s because they’re focused on only a few things, like screwing, eating and chasing cats whereas we spend an awful lot of our time arguing with each other about things that don’t even matter all that much.

[UK Mirror]
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Dem's Banking on America's Soft Skulls

Call this conspiratorial thinking if you want, but the whipsawing back and forth between COVID-19 hysteria and street rioting over exceedingly rare deaths of black criminal suspects while resisting arrest – while we’re being told that those “mostly peaceful” protests have no effect in spreading the virus – is something unprecedented in the history of American media, and while it would appear to defy explanation it certainly does not.

Might we remind our readers that this is an election year?

Let’s remember that 40 percent of the electorate thinks Biden might have dementia, which is not an impression Biden’s latest public appearance did much to dispel. Biden said that he’s taking “regular” cognitive tests, which isn’t something he’d have to do if people didn’t think he needed them.  It’s fair to say that a party saddled with this as its nominee would be interested in creating sub-normal circumstances by which to skew the electorate.

It’s July. The vast majority of Americans are nowhere near thinking about the election. But whatever media buzz there would be about the resiliency of the economy has been buried by talk of riots and mask mandates and assurances that riots have nothing to do with spreading the virus (though bellying up to a bar for a much-needed cocktail is a “super-spreader” event, dontchaknow). If you can’t see that these things are connected, and if you can’t see that the June jobs report is the precise thing the Democrats and their media allies have unleashed cultural mayhem on America to stifle in the public’s mind, then you are not paying attention.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Seattle Finally Decides To Scrape The Scum From Public Streets

I've spent a few late evening this week peeking in on the live streams from Seattle protest.  And I have to admit, I found it be be quit entertaining at times.  Seattle's queer soy boys roaming the street protest broadcasting with their iphones as small groups of twenty or so valiantly and heroically over run and occupy empty intersections,  narrating with color the happenings as if it were the D-Day invasion.

But now, I feel for the all the skinny white soy boys and overweight white girls who made up the majority, who were led around by the nose by a few loud black lesbians with bullhorns chanted "Fuck the Police" and stopping periodically for the fat girls to catch their breath, and all the white kids cheer as they're preached to about their white privileged. Good Times in the revolution!

For those mildly interested, below are some links to the live streams. Now that the mayor's personal life has been disrupted and the "Pigs" are sweeping the occupied six blocks of Chop/Chaz or what every they call it today, things might get even more interesting tonight after dark.....


Live Streams: