Monday, December 14, 2015

Peaceful Islam

"Danish linguist Tina Magaard and a team of researchers spent three years examining the texts of the 10 largest religions to see if any incite violence. 'The texts of Islam are clearly distinct from the other religions' texts, as they, to a higher degree, call for violence and aggression against followers of other faiths,' she concluded. 'There are also direct incitements to terror.' ... 
"Islam is not a 'religion of peace,' and won't be until most of its followers -- the Taliban, the Ayatollah, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, the mullahs of Saudi Arabia -- reject tenets like jihad. To suggest otherwise is naive. Virtually everyone is hacking at the branches of this growing menace, and almost no one is striking at its root."  — Paul Sperry, Hoover Institution

For the First Time, Majority of NYT Readers Oppose Assault Weapon Ban

Shortly after the San Bernardino shooting, the New York Times made a big deal out of posting an editorial on the front page for the first time in nearly a hundred years. The article was a scathing condemnation of our nation’s gun laws, as well as America’s gun culture. However, their impassioned plea for more gun legislation hasn’t had its intended effect.

For 20 years the New York Times has periodically surveyed their readers, asking them if they would support an assault weapons ban. For the first time since 1995, a majority of their readers opposed the ban. In January of 1995, 67% of readers supported the ban, and 27% opposed. By 2011 there was a slight shift, with 63% in favor and 34% opposed. By 2015 there was a dramatic change with only 44% in favor of a ban, and 50% opposed.

The numbers suggest that support for the ban is falling even faster than its opposition is rising, with 19% less support than in 2011, and 16% more in opposition. The gun control crowd should be deeply concerned. If a majority of the readers for a dying, left leaning, pro-government rag no longer support more heavy handed gun regulations, then clearly the gun grabbers are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of America.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Peaceful Majority Are Irrelevant

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt; yet, for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points. Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by the fanatics. Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don’t speak up, because, like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

We are told again and again by experts and talking heads that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unquantified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam. 

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars world wide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or execute honor killings. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard, quantifiable fact is that the “peaceful majority” is the “silent majority,” and it is cowed and extraneous. - Paul E. Marek

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Is Obama About to Throw Godfather Under the Bus?

Republicans want to make the Chicago mayor's woes a political liability for his former boss and a “massive liability” for Democrats in next election if Obama leaves him to twist in the wind and abandons him to the gangsters of #BlackLivesMatter:
"Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s struggles are reverberating in Washington, where he’s causing headaches for his most powerful of close friends and former bosses, the Obamas and the Clintons.
Republicans are eager to make Emanuel — who worked in both the most recent Democratic administrations — a political liability for President Barack Obama and the campaign of Hillary Clinton, both of whom have resisted calling for his resignation over the handling of a video showing a police officer shooting a retreating black teenager. And even among the president’s allies, the famously profane Emanuel is a polarizing figure after playing a key role in the tough-on-crime legislation of the mid-1990s that Obama has made his mission to undo. Emanuel, who has a reputation for his loyalty to friends as fierce as his vindictiveness for enemies, was already doing some damage control on Thursday to better align himself with Clinton. His administration refused for more than a year to release what turned out to be a damning dashboard camera video of an officer shooting 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times, citing the ongoing criminal investigation.
Emanuel has cited his recent reelection as reason to stay in office, and so far White House spokesman Josh Earnest has echoed that rationale — resulting in a less-than-full-throated endorsement of Emanuel’s tenure.
Few of the people who worked with Emanuel are left in the West Wing. The president is the most important exception, of course, but White House aides say the two Chicagoans haven’t spoken in recent days...."

Friday, December 11, 2015

Hillary Will Fight Hatred, Fear And Anger With Love

Caution: Be advised by following this LINK may put you off food for a while. We strongly suggest you not view it immediately following a meal as it is a well-documented emetic and/or harsh chemical laxative. In fact, it’s probably best if you just don't click it at all. 

The Democrats' National Security Vulnerability

"The disconnect between President Obama and the American public on the urgency of the ISIS threat is a problem for his party in 2016, especially for Hillary Clinton.
"Democrats are at risk of politically marginalizing themselves on national security in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, catering to a base that seems disconnected from the growing anxiety that the public feels over the threat from Islamic terrorism. During a month when a horrific terrorist attack killed 130 in Paris and a homegrown, ISIS-inspired attack killed 14 in San Bernardino, California, the Democratic Party's major focus has been on climate change and gun control. ...
"The big question now is how long Clinton will be content to ride Obama's coat-tails. Most Democrats are fully committed to the president's base-first strategy and don't see any benefit in Clinton distancing herself from a president whom she loyally served for four years. But on an issue that could define the election, she risks being defined by the base at a time when even some of the president's former supporters are beginning to question his approach." — Josh Kraushaar, National Journal

For Your Weekend Entertainment While With Your Anti-Gun Friends.....

Another Bit of Progtard Weirdness.....

"Amazing, ain't it? The same crowd who get weepy over a handful of blacklisted Communist screenwriters, and outraged over Trump's call to halt Muslim immigration to the US, now want government drafting secret lists to deny people their rights. Progressives . . . " DiploMad 2.0

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Even MSNBC Poll Shows Support for Immigration Ban

Non-whites Overwhelmingly Approve   

 CCC -The media keeps telling us that Trump's  immigration stance is “racist”.  Yet poll after poll show that some non-whites support his views on immigration even more than white people.  

When asked if Trump went to far when he called for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, 87% of Latinos, 88% of “other,” and 96% of blacks answered “no.”  Among white people, 69% answered “no.” Overall, 76% of Americans answered “no.” Trump’s overall support has increased since making the comments.

Despite a relentless national media onslaught against Trump, his statements on Muslim immigration have made him more popular than ever. Bloomberg is reporting that two thirds of Republicans support a ban on Muslim immigration, and nearly 40% of Republicans say Trump’s comments will make them more likely to vote for him in the primary.  

Black Americans are opposed to immigration at even higher percentages than white Americans. Despite being called “racist” in the media, Trump may very well have the largest amount of black support of any Republican presidential candidate in over twenty years.  It sounds to me like Trump is just advocating mainstream views.

The lefties are beside themselves......

The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center released a statement saying Trump’s comment on Muslim immigration are “mainstreaming of hate and extremism.” Gee, what a surprise.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Liberals Seem To Never Run Out of Stupid Ideas

Campaign to Lower Voting Age to 16 Ignites a Debate

Another important step towards lowering the age of consent for progressive sexual perverts and bolstering the ranks of Low-Fo Voters.
NYT - Turning 16, for many teenagers, means finally driving a car without supervision or starting the college search. Now, a new campaign is hoping to add the ability to vote in local elections to the milestones of that age.
The campaign, called Vote16USA, which will be announced on Wednesday, aims to lower the voting age to 16 from 18 to spur civic engagement by younger Americans. But the push, by a nonpartisan group based in New York called Generation Citizen, which seeks to promote youth participation in politics, is igniting a debate about voter competency, adolescent decision making and whether allowing younger people to vote is the best way to politically engage teenagers.
Opponents say that teenagers are not mature enough to vote at 16, that they will not make informed decisions and that Vote16USA is a partisan push to get more liberals on voter rolls. Advocates, however, argue that lowering the voting age would increase turnout, allow teenagers to weigh in on issues that directly affect them and push schools to improve civic education.
“Given the general malaise that faces this country’s political process right now, this is a way to get young people actually excited,” said Scott Warren, executive director of Generation Citizen.
Generation Citizen hopes to raise $1 million in 2016 to finance its efforts. The group has already received $230,000, Mr. Warren said, adding that none of the money came from politicians or partisan organizations.
But some leading Democrats, most notably Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House Democratic leader, have supported such changes, spurring partisan suspicions about the effort. In a speech this year before a meeting aimed at bringing young leaders and progressive organizations together, Ms. Pelosi said she was “all for” lowering the voting age to 16 or 17 “because when kids are in school, they’re so interested, they’re so engaged.”
Mark Tapson, the editor in chief of Truth Revolt, a conservative website, said that Ms. Pelosi was trying to “rope in young voters” who may be more inclined to vote with popular culture idols, who tend to be liberal.
“When they see, for example, that Barack Obama slow jams with Jimmy Fallon or hangs with Jay Z and Beyoncé, many 16-year-olds feel a connection with him not because of his policies necessarily but because that makes him cool.”

It's a Relief to Know the Children are Safe........

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Democrat Rep. Carson: Terrorists Infiltrating Refugee Program ‘Doesn’t Concern Me,’ ‘Toxic’ Rhetoric Does

 Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) – recipient of Ahmadiyya Muslim
Humanitarian Award – 2014
"Representative André Carson (D-IN) stated that terrorists infiltrating the refugee program “doesn’t concern me. What concerns me is you have the demagoguery taking place from people seeking to become president of the United States” that is “putting people, i.e. Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and others into the line of fire” on Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.” 
When asked about terrorist groups seeking to exploit the US’ refugee program, Carson answered, “I think the facts are clear. whenever you have huge groups of people, at any point in time, there will always, or possibly arguably be a minority of people who have ill intentions. That can be represented through different careers. You’re going to have bad cops, as we’re seeing evidence now with the growing number of police brutality cases that are finally being reported. You’re going to have bad educators, you’re going to bad firefighters, and attorneys and so on and so forth. 
And I think what is important to know is that most people who come here from other countries come with good intentions. they want to live the American Dream. That is not to say that we should not address the very real terrorist threa tthat exists internally, but it also says we should not now become a nation of bigots and go against the principles of our Founding Fathers.”

Gun Control and Terrorism:

"The San Bernardino terror couple didn't buy their guns at a gun show (making the effort to close the so-called gun-show loophole irrelevant); they weren't on the terrorism watch list (so the proposal to ban people on the list from buying guns wouldn't have stopped them); and Syed Farook passed a background check when he bought two handguns (rendering calls for universal background checks moot). ...
"But please don't confuse the anti-gun campaigners with facts. Their ignorance is invincible, and necessary to their crusade." —  National Review

Monday, December 7, 2015

ISIS Leader Nominated for TIME's 'Person of the Year'

Every year, a few names on TIME's 'Person of the Year' list are bound to raise some eyebrows. The "Today Show" anchors unveiled TIME’s shortlist for 2015 live on Monday morning. Among the list were Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Travis Kalanick, the CEO of Uber, and Caitlyn Jenner. That last name isn’t the most controversial one of the list, however.
The TIME editors unveiled their nominees in alphabetical order. Here’s their first choice:
"Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who as leader of ISIS has inspired followers to both fight in his self-declared caliphate of Iraq and Syria, and also stage attacks in countries like Tunisia and France."
Yes, a terror leader responsible for barbaric beheadings and countless murders has the potential to be in the same category as The Ebola Fighters, Pope Francis and The American Soldier. One of these things is not like the others.
Before going any further, it's worth noting that last year the magazine voted Al-Baghdadi as the world's "most dangerous man."
Also on the shortlist this year is Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who TIME describes as a leader “seeking to bring his country out of pariah status and repair its sanction-crippled economy by pursuing a nuclear deal with the West.” I’d add a footnote: He blamed the U.S. and Israel for cultivating “the seeds of extremism and division” at the United Nations General Assembly in September.
Despite the disturbing list, the "Today" anchors gleefully encouraged their viewers to vote for their favorite nominee.
Trump got it right when he charged today's media for glamorizing terrorists.

Paris Attack Gives Rise to Anti-Immigrant Party

Marine Le Pen and niece lead France's
FN into dominant territory

Paris (AFP) - One is a pragmatist: a 47-year-old lawyer by training who has steered France's far-right National Front (FN) from pariah status to mainstream. The other is an ideologue: her 25-year-old niece, a Roman Catholic traditionalist whose easy smile and youthful good looks belie a stance on abortion, homosexuality and Islam that critics say is dangerous or sectarian.
On Sunday, Marine Le Pen and Marion Marechal-Le Pen -- respectively the daughter and grand-daughter of the FN's firebrand founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen -- established themselves as major players in France's political landscape.
The first round of regional elections placed the FN on track to break the grip of Socialists and conservatives, cementing the party's grassroots' rise across the country. In the Nord-Pas-de-Calais, a rustbelt bastion of the Socialists who rule at national level, opinion-poll estimates gave Le Pen more than 40 percent of the first-round vote.
Victory in the second round on December 13 would give her a springboard for her bid to be president in 2017.
Marechal-Le Pen, meanwhile, also scored above 40 percent in the early estimates for the vast Provence-Alpes-Cote-d'Azur (PACA) region in the south, placing her on course for a landmark win next week.
Many observers believe it is her photogenic niece Marion who is the real ideological heir of Jean-Marie Le Pen, and better placed at a time of crisis to woo electors worried about the nation's future.
And last week, she raised a storm when, in Toulon, a Mediterranean city with a large number of citizens of Arab descent, she said Muslims could only be French "if they follow customs and a lifestyle that has been shaped by Greek and Roman influence and 16 centuries of Christianity."
"We are not a land of Islam. In our country, we don't wear djellaba clothing, we don't wear a veil and we don't impose cathedral-sized mosques."

A Good Monday Morning

The Left's Collective Spazz Attack over Gun Control

Before any motive was or could have been known in the San Bernardino attack last week, a critical mass of Democrats had convinced themselves that they knew precisely the perpetrator’s identity and motive. He was certainly male, probably white; an extremist conservative who had consumed too much National Rifle Association propaganda. When the perpetrators, plural, turned out to be none of those things, you would think that the left would impose on itself some restraint. When it was discovered that the attack was executed by two people who fit no profile other than that of radicalized Islamic terrorists, you might presume that Democrats would critically examine what led them to their shared expression of prejudice. Not only has none of that occurred, Democrats now are indulging in a collective nervous breakdown.

There’s no other way to describe the mass emotive outpouring on the left over the existence of a civilian right to firearm ownership in this country. It is a communal spasm of angst matched only by the rigorous refusal to acknowledge the California killers’ murderous ideology, one that happens to be claiming hundreds of lives amid an ongoing war on the West.

The purest expression of adolescent torment over American gun laws has been that which is ongoing over at the New York Times. Before the bodies in San Bernardino had cooled, the Times editorial board engaged in a familiar grim ritual. As has become its habit, the Times opinion writers lamented the frequency with which they feel compelled to castigate the American people for jealously guarding their freedoms in the Bill of Rights. Before the facts were known, the Times joined the president in declaring the California attack a likely preventable massacre, but only if Republicans would embrace “common sense” gun ownership reforms.

Rather than perform about-face when it was revealed that the killers were inspired by the Islamic State and had constructed dozens of improvised explosive devices, the Times not only forged ahead with its activism but determined to express even more antipathy for law-abiding citizens.

The Times isn’t alone in going completely off the deep end since it was revealed by the FBI that what took place in California was an act of radical Islamic terrorism on U.S. soil. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Fear Not America, Obama and the Good Muslims Will Save Us From the Bad Guys

The fact Obama made this speech is a clear sign of the political panic swamping the White House. They realize they have lost the narrative since Obama declared ISIS as “contained.” But Obama and his team of sycophants still believe that all he has to do is make big event speech and the people will rally to his side.  

Terror Cell With a Baby

"Before Chicago-born Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, slaughtered innocents in San Bernardino, Calif., they performed a prudent and commonplace mission of mercy: They dropped off their 6-month-old daughter with Grandma for safekeeping. The couple reportedly said they were heading to an appointment with a doctor. Surely they didn't say they'd be meeting a pathologist at an autopsy table....the murderous duo slaughtering colleagues who earlier this year had thrown a shower for their new baby."

If we believe Thursday's reports that Farook had transformed into a radical - not a madman, an ill person, a racial supremacist or any other familiar category of mass murderer - then he and Malik will force us to think with new imagination about terror operations on U.S. soil. Farook and Malik evidently didn't qualify for anyone's watch list. What's most striking isn't who they were, but who they weren't.....

This is a fraught moment for America. We want home-grown terrorism exterminated, whether its perpetrators are radicalized ideologues, rogue independents or gangbangers on the streets of Chicago. The oddity of a terror cell with a baby is but one more phenomenon we have to address with the same fearless resolve."
- Chicago Tribune Editorial Board

Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Blind Donkeys of the Media

"No one on CBS or NBC or ABC or PBS or NPR or in the New York Times or the Washington Post will remind his or her audience that the Islamic State and other jihad groups consider themselves to be at war with the United States, and have explicitly and repeatedly called upon Muslims in the U.S. to commit mass murder of American civilians. 
Would anyone have wondered about the motive of a German national who slaughtered fourteen Americans on U.S. soil in 1943? Of course no one would have, but that was a long time ago. 
Now we are engaged in a great ignored war, a war that only one side is fighting, a war in which enemy combatants are tried in civilian courts – as if they were criminals, not enemy soldiers -- by a government that desperately wishes to maintain the illusion that there is no war at all." - Robert Spencer

Friday, December 4, 2015

Championship Weekend

After all the boasting, bragging, trash talk, the bullshit and the expert sports monkey predictions, it's now time for the elite teams to prove who is the cream of the crop.  It's Conference Championship weekend.  

When gazing at the teams we see defense that could substitute against all but the best NFL offenses. We see offense that has proved they can outscore the most productive offenses in the country. We also see two of the most balanced teams in college football this year, both undefeated coming into this week. We see surprise teams and perinatal favorites. That said, this is no ordinary week, and anything can happen.  

My girly intuition parts are tingling again this week. I Smell upset.

The SEC Championship

Alabama vs Florida:  Okay. let's face it.  The Gators have been mediocre at most all year. Their much vaunted defense was exposed by an LSU team running on all cylinders to be full of exploitable holes. The Tide should be able to run big on the Gators and not have to worry about their so-so passing game to pull them out. If the gators are even in this game in the 3rd quarter I'll be very surprised. This should be Derrick Henry's Heisman Trophy game.

The ACC Championship

Clemson vs North Carolina: As I said above, my girly intuition parts are tingling and I'm going against the grain on this one. UNC has, like Oklahoma, quietly and convincingly put away their opponents all year.  While not the strongest of schedules, UNC has looked very good doing it. Clemson is by far the most balanced team in college football and has earned their #1 seed , but I think UNC's ability to make big plays could counter Clemson's excellent defense. I think it's a 3 point game. I'm going with UNC.

The Big Ten Championship

Michigan St. vs Iowa: I've thought a lot about this game. Iowa hasn't played the toughest schedule this year, but are undefeated. Michigan St. on the other hand has been inconsistent, but now have their QB back from injury and looked invincible last week.  As much as I'd like to see the Hawkeyes top off a great season, I'm just not convinced they can outplay The Spartans. I kinda hope I'm wrong about this one....

After running the table last week and going 4-0, I finished the regular season 25-6. Not bad for a little Belgian girl who never even knew what American Football was until she was 16. 

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tin Foil Hat Report #54 - San Bernardino Edition

Guess they forgot they were listening to the geniuses at MSNBC
who can get worked up at the sight of a Popsicle melting....

But we all know it was really "Workplace Violence" because Farook’s stapler was stolen one too many times. So he just gathered up the little wife, his AR-15's, protective vests and masks, pipe bombs and enough ammo to start a small war that he just kept around for home protection and got some retribution. Yeah, that's the ticket.....

And this bit of brilliance from the leading Democrat candidate
for President of the United States!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

From the Obama Family Photo Album

The President Lovingly Protects Daughter Sasha Seconds After Moochell
Cuts the Cheese at White House Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 

Monday, November 30, 2015

#BlackLivesMatter Raising a New Generation of Hate

During a protest at four different historical monuments in the city of New Orleans, statues and monuments were vandalized with KKK hoods and blood. The group that led the “Action Jackson” protest is TakeEmDownNola which is calling for the removal of what they perceive as “symbols of white supremacy,” which includes nearly every historical monument in the city.

Filling a new generation of young minds with hateful rhetoric

The ‘NOLA Clergy’ group, which consists of a slew of clergy members from around the area, sent out their support for the protests and vandalism via Twitter. Protesters claimed that the city spends thousands of dollars on the upkeep of the monuments. However, that money spent by the city to keep up the monuments has only come after Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for the removal of four historical monuments.

The Monumental Task Force, a local non-profit organization, has been taking care and keeping up all monuments in New Orleans for over a decade with no expense to the taxpayer. Before Landrieu requested the monuments to come down, there were no recorded violent protests occurring that targeted specific historical monuments.

#BlackLivesMatter vandalism at the PGT Beauregard monument came after Landrieu called for monuments to be removed.  There has, so far, been no response by the NOPD to the public vandalism.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, November 29, 2015

‘Allahu Quackbar!”

4Chan Pranksters Have Fun With Photoshop at ISIS' Expense

Internet pranksters have joined the war against ISIS by photoshopping pictures of ducks on the heads of well-known Jihadis.  Mocking the battle cry of Allahu Akbar, they decided to change it to Allahu Quackbar in an effort to use satire against the Jihadi monsters. Subversive internet group 4chan began the satire attempt by digitally manipulating ISIS propaganda photographs to ridicule the jihadis.  - READ MORE

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Most Interesting Man in the World the Day After Thanksgiving

Aggies vs The Tigers

For many years, Texas A&M and LSU traditional played their first game of the season against each other. Then in 2011 the Aggies joined the SEC west and since then the game has quickly taken on the trappings of a true SEC rivalry. It has now become a very heated blood feud because of the bad blood between former LSU Defensive coach, John Chavis, and the LSU legal staff.  Chavis ramped up the heat last week by gleefully saying "I can't wait to walk in Tiger Stadium as an Aggie."  He may live to regret those words.  Chavis has to face the music: since A&M joined the SEC, LSU is the only SEC West team the Aggies have never defeated. The cocky Chavis believes he has their number. We'll see Johnny Boy.

Given the rumors stirred by some Alumni and Tiger Boosters resulting in uproar in Baton Rouge this week, and seeing the imminent end of an era at LSU,  I have a feeling the Tigers will go out on a high note and play their final game in Tiger Stadium this season as a tribute to a soft spoken man who has represented LSU Football and the SEC with all the class and distinction of a gentleman, who in the last ten years has coached so many boys into men, sending more players to the NFL then any college football program in the country.

I Say Tigers by 13

LSU 19 - Texas A&M 7

This Weeks Picks:

Alabama @ Auburn - The Iron Bowl: One of the SEC's oldest, and one of the most revered rivalries in college football. In the past, hopes of National Championships have died quick deaths in this game. Auburn, who were favored by the 'expert sports monkeys' to win the SEC (those silly boys shouldn't drink so much) turned out a disappointing disappointment. Anything can happen, but the way I see it, this is just a tuneup for The Tide before the dismantling of the Florida Gators next weekend. -- I say Alabama by 21 

Miss. St @ Ole Missy - Other then saying I congratulate local boy Dak Prescott on a great SEC record breaking college career at Miss. St., being called the best run and pass QB the SEC has ever produced, the win by Alabama makes this game totally irrelevant.

Florida St @ Florida - The Seminoles put it on the cocky Gators to set up their spanking by Alabama next week. Sorry Gators fans, but you're the champs of one of the weakest division in power 5 football this year. This could be a good game......for a few minutes at least.  Word is they will pass around the hat for future Gator Bail Money at halftime. -- I say Florida St. by 10

Oklahoma @ Oklahoma St. - I didn't expect the Sooners to be in the top 4 until after the Okie St. game, but what do I know?  The Sooners are now the second of my 6 picks to enter the bowl playoff picture. If Okie St. has the Sooner defense figured out,  this could be a close game. But the the Sooners have gazed upon the golden trophy. They want this game more and out to prove themselves worthy of  Big 12's Top Dog. They pull out a victory, increasing the chance of retaining their playoff berth. I say Sooners by 10+

Last week I scored with the Alabama and Oklahoma wins, but the Tigers let me down once again for a 2-1 week.

Jan's picks YTD  21-6

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Obama Will Show Those Terrorists Who’s Boss!

Next week, the world's leaders will converge on Paris to discuss whether humanity is burning up the ozone layer and how best to address the problem (hint: the solution will be more governmental authority by controlling humanity's energy consumption and, probably taxes). And, thankfully, according to our fearless leader who has been completely absent from the world stage following the Paris terror attacks, such a gathering will not only finally end our global reliance on evil fossil fuels, but it will also demonstrate to the crazy homicidal Islamic apocalypse cult that we are a strong, global presence committed to the issues that truly matter.

All we know is that Obama is 100% convinced that our best offense against terrorism is a Climate Change conference. There is some aspect of this that's true: the terrorists hit Paris in such a way as to make them a continued threat, and world leaders are still gathering in the French capital, regardless (though, probably with more firepower protecting them at mealtimes than most third world countries have in their arsenal). That's a real message. And for the US, an improvement over how Obama acted in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, when he and John Kerry skipped out on a peace rally that featured a cadre of world leaders.

If only Barack Obama and other world leaders will stand tall against the natural cycles of heating and cooling inherent in living on a planet that circles a flaming orb of gas, it will no doubt demonstrate to those terrorists that we truly care about where they come from and why they're so irked. We will solve it together, ISIS, if only you would realize that your fanatical ideology is not based on a radical interpretation of a major world religion, but rather is the natural consequence of being hot and angry. I'm absolutely certain that will stop them in their tracks, force them to put down their suicide bombs and pick up a couple of windmills.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Low IQ" is the New Muslim Terrorist Defense

Forget airborne PTSD, no job or poverty. Here's a great new terrorist defense. Imran Khawaja was an ISIS Jihadist on trial in Pakistan who liked guns and severed heads. Non-Muslim severed heads.
In one section of footage, played before a hushed court, Mr Altman said Khawaja could be seen picking up severed heads from the back of a flatbed truck and saying: 'Heads. Kuffar (non-Muslims). Disgusting.'
Khawaja, who has close ties to 'executioner' Jihadi John, faked his own death to sneak back into the UK and is now facing years behind bars. 
Khawaja, who also had the nicknames 'Barbie,' Imz,' 'Iron, and 'Cashew,' was a senior member of terrorist group Rayat Al Taweed (The Banner of Divine Unity).
'Following his departure, during messaging with his sister over different messaging platforms, Khawaja made it clear that he was in Syria for Jihad, that this was the path he had chosen, and that he wished to die as a martyr', said Mr Altman.Khawaja told his sister, Azmeena, that he had travelled to the Middle East 'for Allah...first.'
'He told her he had no time to waste; that he knew Islam and Jihad 'is my way' and he could not sit and argue with his family 'who don't practice dis deen (religion).'
He later added: 'Jihad will remain fresh and green as long as raindrops fall from the sky.'
His lawyer's defense? Stupidity.
In his defence Henry Blaxland QC said the jihadi 'poster boy' had a low IQ - the lowest 12% of the population.

So what does that actually mean?
The UK IQ average is 100. Henry doesn't specify his client's IQ, but it's probably in the low 80s. But that doesn't mean much since a number of Muslim countries have average IQ scores around that.

Works For Me......

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Dear Leftist: No one is 'giving in to fear and hatred' so you can put a sock in it!

I've stood many times where this very picture was taken. It breaks my heart to see this nessesary

Narrative Killing Time.
by Dan Calabrese
Before we go any farther in the current discussions about ISIS and how to fight them, we need to take a quick pause and destroy a rising narrative on the left. It’s the one where they lecture you not to “give in to fear.”
The premise here is that people who should be proceeding with compassion and love have become so frightened of being attacked by terrorists that they’ve embraced hatred of Muslims, and as a result they’re not only having bloodthirsty fantasies about bombing Ahmed and Abu, but they’re also turning cold and hard-hearted toward the plight of innocent women and children.
All because they’re irrationally afraid.
This has led to some of the most condescending and vomit-inducing lectures from everyone from left-wing politicians to media figures to people on social media who somehow manage to get their screeds widely shared. The best/worst example I’ve seen comes from a fellow named Dave Hogg, a Detroit-area sportswriter and self-identifies on Facebook as “very liberal” and “atheist.
"Is that a guarantee that no ISIS members will get onto US soil? No, it isn't. One might get through as a refugee, and they might move to your state and something bad might happen. There's almost certainly a better chance that you'll get hit by a meteor. You're certainly more likely to get killed by an American on a rampage than an refugee...."
So we have two choices. The first choice is to let ISIS win. We give in to fear and we choose to stand with the people who argue that Islam is our true enemy. We don't gain in that scenario, and we certainly don't get safer. We simply widen the split between Islam and the West, we hand away the moral high ground and we make the world a more dangerous place.
The other choice is to stand with humanity and live up to the words on that statue in New York."
So let's consider his argument: Because you personally are statistically very unlikely to be the victim of a terrorist attack - which is no doubt true - everything you're demanding be done to prevent the next attack is irrational. Hey. Someone might get through and "something bad might happen," but it probably won't happen to you, so stop worrying about it.
The premise of his entire argument is that those demanding stronger action to prevent an influx of terrorists into the United States are being driven solely by personal fear. They don't just think a terrorist might kill someone. They think a terrorist might kill them. And if they realize they're more likely to be killed by an asteroid or whatever, they'll just relax about it.
Let's consider that. If this premise is true, why would anyone have been horrified about what happened in Paris? It wasn't you, after all! What do you care?
Questioning the importation of 10,000 or more Syrian refugees is not about fear, and it's certainly not about people thinking that they personally and specifically will be killed. It's also not about hating or refusing to care about the refugees. It's about taking seriously the idea that these threats are real and that it's horrible when anyone has to suffer as the victim of one of them. Maybe very liberal atheists like Dave Hogg are gellin' like Magellan so long as it's not them getting riddled with bullets in a concert hall. 
I do not want this to happen to any more people. Yes, I understand that it's impossible to prevent all evil before it happens, but many such attacks are thwarted because people take seriously their duty to try. That duty often involves making some difficult moral choices. Yes, there are people who have done nothing wrong and need help, and we would like to help them. But as we consider how to help them, might it be necessary to eliminate or modify certain options so as not to put our own nation at unnecessary risk? To listen to some people on the left, you'd think any consideration at all about the well-being of our own people represents a complete capitulation to hatred and evil.
For just about every way you can be killed, we do what we can to lessen that risk. Not because of fear. Not because of hatred. Just because it would be nice if people were not killed.
So wanting to do whatever we can to prevent a terrorist attack is not about "giving in to fear." It's about recognizing that a threat exists in the form of people determined to kill the innocent, and not wanting to just bend over and take it as some sort of preferable alternative to "fear." That is about the dopiest narrative the left has ever come up with, and it needs to be destroyed. Today.
Then we can get serious about making ISIS fear us, which is what we should have been doing all along.