Monday, October 11, 2010

After Hours at O's House.

Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica
October 10,2010

Thank You iOwnTheWorld and Doug Ross for the Links


Obama Gets A Book Thrown At Him... 
 Then The Naked Guy Shows Up.

The Daily Mail:  "A book was apparently hurled at the head of U.S. President Barack Obama during a campaign rally in Philadelphia. The flying missile narrowly missed hitting the President today."
"It is not clear what the book was, where it came from in the crowd, or why it was thrown at Mr Obama – who did not appear to notice the danger.  
"The rally was clearly an eventful one – other images showed a naked man being led away in handcuffs by police. It is not clear if the man was involved in the book-throwing incident – or why he was not wearing any clothes."

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