Headlines Culled from Weasel Zippers
Dem Rep. James Clyburn: "S&P Downgraded U.S. Because They Want To Look Better In Europe…"
DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz Blames "Tea Party Tyrants" For U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade…"
Tim Geithner: Obama’s Policies “Absolutely Not” Responsible For S&P Downgrade…
Bawney Fwank Blames Military For S&P Downgrade…
ABC’s Cokie Roberts On S&P Downgrade: “The Problem Here Is The Constitution Of The United States Of America”…
Top Obama Adviser David Axelrod Calls S&P’s Credit Rating Cut “A Tea Party Downgrade”…
John Kerry (D-Gold Digger) Takes Just Enough Time Off From Spending His Wife’s Millions To Blame "Irresponsible, Reckless And Absolutist” GOP For S&P Downgrade…
......and from everyone's favorite idiot leftist windbag comes this.....
As the stock market dives and confidence of the American people in the Obama administration's policies continue to drop due to lack of leadership, all we get is excuses! The only thing they haven't blamed is racism.......oh wait....here comes Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.
I find it interesting that liberals are now calling Tea Party supporters terrorists. Considering that senior citizens and those who are about to become senior citizens, are the largest demographic within the Tea Party movement, the liberals are castigating a significant portion of their constituency. Liberals need to remember that senior citizens vote in greater percentages than any other demographic. Sounds like a losing liberal proposition to me, but then again I don't think along the lines of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and I am proud of that fact.