Page One Editorial: Primary voters rejected Obama
It is an honor to have the President of the United States in Manchester today, and it will be a thrill for students and staff at Manchester High School Central. We know they will be respectful and show off what is known as Central Pride.
We just wish the circumstances were better for our country. These students, their generation and all Americans are facing an uncertain, perilous future.In large part, it is because we have a nice-talking, but unprepared man in charge.
Listen to President Obama today and he will lay blame on everyone but himself. His only plan will be to spend more money that we don't have.
Four years ago, primary voters here tried to tell the nation that this wet-behind-the-ears socialist wannabe was the wrong man. (They picked Hillary Clinton in the primary.)
Here is hoping that seven weeks from today, primary voters here will put the nation on a path to unseating this glib, clueless disaster of a President.
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