Anyone Remember Obama’s Felony with
Joe Sestak/Andrew Romanoff Job Bribes?
So, Team Obama wants to slander Mitt Romney with false felony charge over Bain documents. I have a long list of laws Obama has broken with all his executive orders to not enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, No Child Left Behind Law, Immigration laws and Welfare Reform laws. But one that nobody seem to be pointing out is that Democrat Joe Sestak claimed Obama’s White House offered him a job if he didn’t run against Republican, turned Democrat, Arlen Spector. Spector’s switch gave Democrats a filibuster proof Senate.
Spector’s payoff for switching parties was to run unopposed and to make this happen, the White House offered Sestak a job bribe. Sestak slipped up and revealed the felony bribe, so the White House went into spin mode until eventually Bill Clinton saved them by admitting he was the go between that offered Sestak the White House proposed job. Clinton must have received a bribe himself because he also admitted he wasn’t the go between. No matter what the story is, it’s still unconstitutional (Article 2, Section 4) and a felony (18 U.S.C.Section 201) even if it was an “indirect” bribe (18 U.S.C. Section 600).
There was no investigation into the admitted job bribe due to the Democrat controlled House Judiciary Committee blocking it.
Then we had the Andrew Romanoff job bribe. Team Obama, led by Obama puppeteer Jim Messina, offered Romanoff a job with USAID, if he didn’t run against Obama-supported Michael Bennett for the Senate seat.
Obama-crony, Eric Holder, refused to investigate these admitted felonies
Then we have the Romanoff job bribe.
There’s a long list of bribes associated with the ObamaCare law. The Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase are just a few examples of bribes that were used by Team Obama. Obama approved the bribes.
Last time I checked, offering bribes is a felony. Ask Obama’s buddy Rod Blagojevich. Another felonious bribe scandal involving Obama.
So, let’s open the discussion of potential felonies Mr.
All the above felonies mentioned and the biggest one of all "Fast & Furious" should be enough to land Obama and many of his cronies in Leavenworth Federal Pen if we only had a Congress with some balls. The two party system has become so corrupt that politicians have gotten to the point they pretty much look out for each other no matter what letter D or R comes after their name. I have a solution to the problem but unfortunately it would land me in the same Penitentiary.
ReplyDeleteDo you think the MSM is following this? OH?
ReplyDeleteThere's also Fast and Furious, Rezko, Jackson and that doofus with the goofy hair caught in a bribe for obama's former senate seat, Trumpka, SEIU, ACORN, the New/ Old Black Pampers, Voter fraud in Ohio, Fla, Ill, Ind., Ca., Ut., Nev., Pa. and everywhere else, executive orders which when used as he did, ought to be felonies, the bailouts, going after Boeing, going after Arizona, Texas, New Mexico for THEIR invasion policies, lobbing missles into libya and congo, then putting SF advisors on the ground I could almost do this all week and stiull never cover all the ways obama and his crew have broken our laws....