In case you haven't been keeping track, Ma Clinton has blamed just about everyone and everything for her epic election loss including James Comey, the Russians, Sexism, Trump collusion with Russia, Middle Finger News Service, James Comey, the Media, Bernie Sanders, Seasonal Jock Itch, the Russians, side three of The Beatles' White Album, and Toenail Fungus. But missing from this list is Hillary Clinton herself, who shouldn’t be held accountable for running a shitty campaign. There is one notable name missing, and we find Ma did finally indeed get around to blaming Barky Obama himself.
Why Hillary Always Wears Pant Suits |
“I do wonder sometimes about what would have happened if President Obama had made a televised address to the nation in the fall of 2016 warning that our democracy was under attack. Maybe more Americans would have woken up to the threat in time. We’ll never know.”What she is referring to is the bullshit narrative that the Russians hacked the election and stole it from her. The reason why Barky didn’t give a public address on the subject is because he knew it wasn't true. Sure, Barky loves lying, but at that point he was in legacy building mode and didn’t want to leave office on a bigger whopper than “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
If only Barky had lied for her, she would be president right now. That's a very Clinton thing to say, don't ya think?
But after 8 years of an horrendously lawless and deceiving presidency, people were not all that psyched about another democrat in the White House. Especially another Clinton. She stills fails to see that. But I do think we finally found something to be grateful to Barack Obama for......
Thank You MJA for the Linkage!
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