Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Woman Who is Running For President Who Insist She Isn't Running For President Is Cranking Up A Presidential Campaign

She Slept Her Way To The Top in California. Now She Wants To Be Your Lady President

Kamala Harris, freshman senator from California who is has been referred to by some dems as Obama 2.0 and a potential candidate for president in 2020, is reported to have spent in upwards of $400,00 from her campaign's war chest on advertisements in just the first quarter of this year according to the Federal Election Commission. Harris, a former girlfriend of San Fran Mayor Willie Brown, insisted that she is not thinking about running for president, not thinking about it mainly because she's already decided she is, has spent vast sums of money on the ads despite only just beginning the second year of her six year term.

The Free Beacon has the 411 on the cash:
"Harris's campaign disbursed cash to Revolution Messaging, LLC, a Washington, D.C.-based progressive online media firm that is credited with propelling Sen. Bernie Sanders's dark horse candidacy against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic primary. The firm has won numerous awards for its work on behalf of the Sanders campaign. 
Harris's campaign made three payments totaling $356,539.43 to Revolution Messaging for web advertisements during the first quarter of 2018, which spans from Jan. 1 to March 30, the campaign's most recent filings show. Harris, who spent another $25,125 with Revolution for campaign consulting, paid $247,750 to Authentic Campaigns Inc., a digital strategy company, for consulting services during the first three months of the year. These expenditures came on the heels of the campaign spending $513,866.60 on web advertisements during the fourth quarter of last year. During the first three quarters of 2017, Harris's campaign disbursed a total of $567,487.20 on digital web ads."
The California senator has brought in a number of former Clinton campaign vets to work in her Washington, D.C. congressional office and her campaign is also renting office space from a small travel agency  just minutes away from the Capitol building. She's what you'd expect to be.....in support of single-payer health care and free college tuition, and despite being the former California Attorney General and presently sits on the Judiciary Committee, she has publicly supported the Black Lives Matter Movement. You can expect to see more of her during the roll up to mid-terms, and  the beginings of a  full court press in the media starting in early 2019. 


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