Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Buttimania Is All The Rage

Now that Beto O'Rourke has been exposed as the buffoonish imbecile that we always suspected he was from the beginning, the media have scrambled to help find a new standard-bearer for Democrats, and have settled as the flavor-of-the-day, Pete Buttigieg. Since so many in the media seem to be gay these days, Mayor Pete has become that new shiny thing that, unlike caustic loudmouths Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and commie curmudgeon Bernie Sanders, is like an adorable little pet. Kinda like a gerbil.

Buttigieg has been the subject of multiple glowing media stories over the last several weeks even though he has little political experience at anything other than overseeing the filling of potholes and is the hip midwestern millennial with the cute hubby that liberal media types are swooning over.  He has now joined the pack in rear ending our democracy,  spewing the party line by taken up the rallying cry to disenfranchise tens of millions of Americans, including those in his home state, by eliminating the Electoral College and allowing the coastal elitist and urban pavement dwellers to steal the democratic process away from ordinary citizens. Democrats seem more willing than ever to gut the Constitution if that is what it takes to regain the presidency and secure their place as our permanent overlords.

But some in the media are reluctant to play dutch rudder with Mayor Pete, seeing the hierarchy of victimhood is a complicated and often a conflicted issue for Democrats, given all the factors contributing to their precious identity & gender politics. As an openly gay man, Buttigieg’s candidacy is getting more traction that you might expect for a politician with such a limited resume, and that doesn’t appear to be sitting well with progressive women, who’ve been hammering away at their own perceived glass ceiling. Candidates like the Wicked Witch of the North, Amy Klobuchar, Bubble Brain Gillibrand, even fire spitting Kamala Harris with her very big rollout, haven't been getting as much attention at Buttigieg.

In today’s gender-fluid era, gender, race and sexual orientation just skim the surface of possible distinctions. Does the color of one’s skin trump being a woman, and does being gay rank higher or lower? Is it possible that a married gay white man from South Bend, Indiana is less threatening to some of the voters than a woman or a woman of color women? We'll see. The media is sure to let us know.....


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