* How To Save The Planet: During Brexit Debate, Climate Activists Glue Themselves To Parliament. Naked.
* Left-Winger Fights Brexit By Stripping Naked On Live TV & Challenging Politician To Nude Debate.
* In An Effort To Force Congress To Save The Earth, Radicals Superglue Themselves To Walls In Washington. Yeah — That’ll Do It.Your message to most people is “We are all suffering from mental illness. Please, dear Lord, somebody help us.”
Any activism that involves glue or orifices to the south of the mouth is a FAIL (but congrats to Parliament’s anti-Brexiters for managing to combine the two — touché). In Houston, this week’s radicals did manage to avoid adhesive and genitals, but there was still something dangling: Their whole bodies. Those convinced the best way to sell the world on saving itself from itself was to hang themselves from a bridge — because that’s the oldest trick in the book when it comes to winning an argument.
Ahead of the Houston's impending democrat presidential primary debate, about a dozen activists suspended themselves from the Fred Hartman Bridge in order to fight the use of fossil fuels. In order to make their point, they held yellow and red flags. Maybe they should’ve gone with yellow and blue — those two colors make green. Or…what’s the official flag for insanity?
Anyway, check it out in the video. And though they aren’t nude, enjoy the drooping nuts.....
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