They don’t really like the old white guy with dementia, the Indian princess, and gay Alfred E.Newman. But what about the commie with the heart condition, the chick who slept her way into politics, or New Jersey Spartacus? I think we all see the problem democrats are having with this motley collection of unlikeable unelectable losers, but maybe this is something they should have worked out before now.
Allies have passed around an op-ed that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, written by former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown with the headline, "Who should run against Trump? How about Hillary Clinton?"
Supporters say she has been glued to the Democratic primary contest and has spoken with some frequency with Warren and Biden, among others. Now selling a book written with her daughter, Chelsea, she has been a constant public presence of late, engaging in a days-long spat with Tulsi Gabbard, and repeatedly trolling Trump on his favorite communications platform, Twitter.
A late entrance under any circumstances would be difficult, with Clinton's former aides and fundraising network dispersed among many current campaigns. But her supporters have discussed whether she could helm a slimmed-down campaign operation and whether she would be able to maintain the less cautious, more freewheeling persona she has adopted since her loss in 2016.
I think the problem is that there were some plausible but look-alike and unglitzy governors in the mix but they're already dropped out. The process is such that the better-known Senators blocked the view (along with a few flashy extra clowns, Beto, Buttigieg, Williamson, Yang). There's only so much attention we can pay and only so much money. Now, just as people with lives should be starting to care about an election that's over a year away, it still looks like a crowd, but there's no one in that crowd who seems able to beat DJT.
Trump! The guy who, if you watch the media, is about to be tossed out on his ass by Congress. Congress...... which can't even deliver up one candidate good enough to beat the guy in the normal process. But it's too late now to get a governor. Those characters went down long ago. So the party hacks look around in desperation, and of course, she's there — Ma Clinton.
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & RightNation.US for the Linkage! ~
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