Here's a Just Sample:
What would a list of Hypocrites of 2020 be without Alyssa Milano: Milano’s window highlighted her hypocrisy in calling 911 to report a “man with a gun” in her backyard, who turned out to be a neighbor shooting squirrels with a BB gun, while at the same time advocating to #DefundThe Police.
Milano’s window also featured a stuffed squirrel.
Then there's Gov. Hair Gel, Gavin Newsom, hollywood's favorite authoritarian asshole who could have been called out on numerous hypocritical acts, with the caption, “I demand a better table at the French Laundry Restaurant and I want to be seated inside with my 22 friends!”
And if you’ve ever wanted a French Laundry cookbook, Kitson LA sells them!
And the list also includes singer John Legend's Pet Hog, Chrissy Teigen, with the caption, “I will pay $100k to help rioters and criminals get out of jail!” and a “I ♥ Goya” tattoo on her arm.
Naturally, a few cans of Goya beans are featured in her window.
On Tuesday the store also unveiled their “People of the Year,” window as “voted on by a jury of their peers.” You can see the whole list HERE
Considering the availability of nominees, I'm sure Mr. Ross probably wished he had more window space
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