Wednesday, December 2, 2020

LA Boutique Owner Skewers California Progressive Hypocrites with Savage Window Display

RS -Fraser Ross, owner of trendy Los Angeles boutique Kitson L.A., had at least $400,000 in damages to his stores during the weeks of rioting and looting loosely disguised as Black Lives Matter protests back in May and June, and he, like countless other retailers in California, has been severely affected by the state’s strict coronavirus lockdowns. Using the platform he has – huge shop windows on Robertson Boulevard in Los Angeles, and social media – he’s calling out the Hypocrites of 2020 and ironically naming people like California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Hunter Biden the “People of the Year.”

Here's a Just Sample:

What would a list of Hypocrites of 2020 be without Alyssa Milano: 
Milano’s window highlighted her hypocrisy in calling 911 to report a “man with a gun” in her backyard, who turned out to be a neighbor shooting squirrels with a BB gun, while at the same time advocating to #DefundThe Police.

Milano’s window also featured a stuffed squirrel.

Then there's Gov. Hair Gel, Gavin Newsom, hollywood's favorite authoritarian asshole who could have been called out on numerous hypocritical acts, with the caption, “I demand a better table at the French Laundry Restaurant and I want to be seated inside with my 22 friends!”

And if you’ve ever wanted a French Laundry cookbook, Kitson LA sells them!

And the list also includes singer John Legend's Pet Hog, Chrissy Teigen, with the caption, “I will pay $100k to help rioters and criminals get out of jail!” and a “I ♥ Goya” tattoo on her arm.

Naturally, a few cans of Goya beans are featured in her window.

On Tuesday the store also unveiled their “People of the Year,” window as “voted on by a jury of their peers.” You can see the whole list HERE

Considering the availability of nominees, I'm sure Mr. Ross probably wished he had more window space 

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