Wednesday, June 7, 2023

NBC Should Change Call Letters to a More Fitting FOB.

For Your Consideration:

From NBC Website May 28

From NBC Website June 7:

NBC has 12+ people live blogging minute by minute on the official NBC website, hanging on every word, every aspect of DJT's political persecution as if calling a sports event.  Every blog entry is in turn repeated on every blogger's Instagram and Twitter account, complete with unconfirmed and uncorrected information, an activity now known as 'pulling a Jamie Raskin'. 

Just where is the line crossed between reporting (an occasional accidental activity at NBC) and joining in on the stone throwing like a bunch of juvenile window breakers. Guess we know who "with a little help from his friends"refers to. 

With NBC News and their retarded step-sister MSNBC, at least we know who is in the fore as the real 'State Media' is in this country. They seem proud of it. The west fought off for 60 years the cancer of the Soviet state, only to become a gay retarded version of it.


BTW - below is the complete NBC/ MSNBC reporting on the corrupt Biden Patriarch and his degenerate family for the last 72 hrs:


~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

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