Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Who Even Thought it a Good Idea to Give Darth Vulva a Microphone in a Time Like This?

It is said that Ma Clinton, appearing on Ricky Maddow's regular Monday evening Tin Foil Hat Turdapalooza, ranted of a need for a stronger media narrative "deterrence" against DJT and his supporters, and civil or criminal charges against them for misinformation. You know, the information they don’t agree with, not to mention those villainous makers of glorious meme mockery dems cannot abide.

The 'ol Hag herself is actively contributing to left-wing propaganda, and her statement is steeped in irony, given her vast history of questionable actions and recent spreading of rumors and repeatedly debunked hoaxes. Her red hot disdain for DJT likely stems from the fact that she knows he possesses damaging information about her. A nasty and wretched woman is she, living in a prison of her own making.  The fact Satan in a Pantsuit never became president when it was "her turn" because they underestimated how much they'd need to cheat by, cheers me up every single time I hear her name. Suggesting jailing people because they disagree with the Marxist of Never-president Clinton. 

The word "misinformation" is a dangerous word. It can’t be objectively defined. It means different things to different people. The present gov’t says it means anything contrary to official messaging, which is often flat out f**king lies. (see wormhead Press Spox KJP) 

Kamala believes gov’t is the arbiter of truth. I think the Constitution says otherwise.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

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