Showing posts with label AssHats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AssHats. Show all posts

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Presidents Day, Mr. President

February 18th, 2013

Dear Mr. President,

On this Presidents Day, a day we give honor to the special men elected to lead our country down the path to greatness, I was thinking about a few things;of the state of the world around us and about you, Mr.Obama.

First, with the entire Middle East looking likely to explode into more chaos and possibly creating a vacuum to which radical Islam could very easily slip, dragging a quarter of the world back to the 12th century and the possibility of our oil supply being threatened, don't you think it might be about time we start sinking some drill holes in the ground there Big Guy? 

The clock is ticking. Or do you plan on the same stupid course of non-action dictated by a few big buck environmental special interest groups with virtually no real power save a battery of litigious wild haired lawyers and the large megaphone of their parrot propagandist in the media. 

It’s time to grow a pair and tell the windmill fanboys and the tree hugger crowd to stand down for awhile and work on getting their Green Technologies to a point of affordability to business and the public. In short, tell them to sit down and STFU till we get through the present problems and they get their act together. We'll get back to them. Putt a few golf balls around the Oval Office and think about it, Sir.

But my main concern, and the real reason for this letter, is the pictures I continue to see of you with your feet on the White House Furniture.

I know you have very little respect for the American people, and as has been made clear to us over the last four years, no respect for the constitution. And obviously you have forgotten that house you temporarily occupy and the furniture contained within belong to the American people; you hold no respect for our stuff either. Somewhere along the way, didn't someone explain the historic desk at which you now sit as you read this letter?  It's a valued gift of appreciation from a British Queen, not something to rest your skinny little ass on! 

That very desk has witnessed great speeches written on and given from it, national tragedy and personal triumph, the course of western history changed. Many tough  decisions made and sometimes painfully grieved over, the discussions of sending men into war and of  planning for peace. Beneath it, President's children played as their daddy worked. 

So, show some respect for America for a change, Mr. President, 

Have a Happy Presidents Day, Mr. President
Un-Sentimentally Yours,

Diogenes Sarcastica 

At  least we know one piece of furniture won't be abused!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Lunacy of Piers Morgan Taken to its Logical Conclusion

Pendark's Perceptions

"If we are to say that it was the object and not the principle; which is exactly what Morgan said; then we must be prepared to argue that the words written in any of the documents of that era were written only to protect the object named as it existed in that era and not the principle at hand.
If we are to assume that what is written in The Constitution only applies to the direct objects cited in the day and age it was written, then we must also assume only the states that existed at the time of the ratification of the Constitution are protected by the clauses affecting states.
If we are to accept the logic that it was merely the object of the time protected by the words written and not the principle of the matter in perpetuity; then we must also assume that the words in the preamble to The Bill of rights:
“THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.”
Means only—
The number of states existing at the time of ratification. (As any states to follow would be more modern and therefor more powerful and more dangerous.) Misconstruction or abuse of only the powers of government existing at the time of ratification. (As any powers of government to follow would be devised according to their time and therefor more powerful and dangerous.)
Declaratory, restrictive clauses only applying to the laws of the time; (since any laws after that would be created in different times and could potentially be more powerful and thus more dangerous.) Extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, as only the government of that time and the confidence of the public of that time; since the public at large would by the very virtue of their creation be in more advanced times and therefor more powerful and potentially dangerous.
We must, given this logic, further assume that ONLY the original 10 Amendments to the Constitution may be applied to any time; (as any Amendment thereto beyond the ten original Amendments; was written in a later period of time and thus is more modern and more powerful; thus more potentially dangerous.)"

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The History Revisionist are at it Again

Now they claim the Founder of the Boy Scouts was Gay
"With more and more American institutions becoming inclusive and even openly gay-friendly, the Boy Scouts of America has just reaffirmed its unregenerate straights-only status: a special committee, formed in 2010, recently announced the organization's intention of sticking with the 2000 Supreme Court decision that it is within its constitutional rights to exclude gays from leadership roles. All this is richly ironic in view of the fact that the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (raised to the peerage as Lord Baden-Powell) was in probability a gay man himself — though closeted, of course, considering the circumstances." 
"A Victorian military hero who skyrocketed to fame after his valiant defense of the besieged city of Mafeking during the Second Boer War, Baden-Powell was one of the British Empire’s most adulated soldiers, looked to as the very model of muscular Christianity. Baden-Powell, the author of the hugely popular and influential “Scouting for Boys” (1908), inspired a national cult of manliness even as he entertained serious worry about his own sexuality....."

History is being cherry picked for every hero, intellectual , creative mind or hand in history with an unusual marriage arrangement, that bore no children or remained unmarried, sometime with a close public confidant, and turned into a Rump Ranger Icon by revisionist with scant proof or no evidence at all. Perhaps these people were just smarter than we are.
Who shall it be next?

Keep reading if you can

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Anderson Cooper Gets His Journalist On

A.C. takes the tie wearing lefty to task....

I didn't think you had it in ya!

Thank You IOTW for the Linkage

Thursday, April 19, 2012

More Vintage Media Nonsense

Media (and campaign communications) Malpractice
This article is another bit of proof that reporters either don't get it or they're part of an obfuscation team. Here's the title to the article:
"The bubble wars: Obama and Romney battle over who is “out of touch”
It goes downhill after that:
"One way to think about the 2012 presidential campaign is as a battle between two houses: Barack Obama’s White House and Mitt Romney’s San Diego house. The Romney campaign would like to make Obama a prisoner to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., turning every perk and privilege of the presidency into a sign that he is far removed from the people he is supposed to lead, especially anyone struggling in this economy. “Years of flying around on Air Force One, surrounded by an adoring staff of true believers telling you what a great job you are doing, well, that might be enough to make you a little out of touch,” said Mitt Romney after his Wisconsin primary victory.
The Obama campaign has a similar idea. They would like you to think of Mitt Romney as a man so encased in wealth that he can afford esoteric luxuries like the new car elevator planned for his San Diego home. (At Obama headquarters, they’ve named the elevators Romney 1 and 2 for each of his wife’s Cadillacs.) “Gov. Romney calls the president out of touch,” Joe Biden said last week in his dual role as attack dog and envoy to The Everyman. “Hey, how many of y’all have a Swiss bank account? How many of you have somewhere between $20 and $100 million in your [retirement account]?”
Let’s settle this ASAP. Neither man is a man of the people. They both have their vulnerabilities with ‘out-of-touch’ voters. Then again, I don't care about the images war.

This is an open-and-shut case. Obama’s economic policies have been a total disaster. If I was paid $50 for each time the President or his on-staff spinmeisters or the media talked about the economy “turning the corner,” I’d be a millionaire.

The thing is that if you’re constantly “turning the corner”, you’re going in circles.

Job growth has been, putting it politely, inconsistent at best. Economic growth has been anemic well after the recession ended. Without consistent, strong GDP growth, the economy will never truly recover.

You’re in trouble if your campaign slogan is ‘Stick with me; the economy might recover.”

Obama has proven that he’s wedded to the failed economic policies of socialism. He’s an anti-capitalist. What’s worse is that he’s shown a propensity for making ideology-driven decisions rather than doing what’s right for the nation.

Mitt can reassure undecided voters that he’s the right man for the job by using his stump speeches to explain why Obama’s policies have failed or when his policies have succeeded in the past. Presidential elections are about, at least partially, who does the best job of assuring voters that they’re the right man for the job. The sooner Mitt’s campaign focuses on that rather than on tit-for-tat communications, the quicker this race will be decided. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

It's a New Day Yesterday


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Has the U.S. State Dept. Stabbed Israel in the Back?

"Start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel"

Four senior American diplomats -- most likely in the State Department -- as well as senior intelligence officers appear to have leaked a key military relationship between Azerbaijan and Israel.

Doug Ross has the details...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Titty Bars for Trayvon!

If you find yourself in Greensboro, NC, on Wednesday night and feeling a little randy, you are invited to visit a local titty bar to show your respect and love for Trayvon, and to proclaim your demand for justice. Just FYI.....
via American Digest

Friday, December 30, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I wouldn't be pissing off Paula Deen - y'all

Perhaps The New York Times should consider
first restoring its own dignity before launching a crusade against shrimp and grits.

NYT: Southern Food is Undignified

Todd Starnes - The New York Times has declared down home Southern cooking undignified in a story that heaped praise on a new generation of Southern chefs while denigrating fried chicken, Cracker Barrel restaurants and the Queen of Southern Food — Paula Deen.

The Times bemoaned the “hayseed image” of Southern cooking while praising “a new generation of chefs who have pushed Southern cooking into the vanguard of world cuisine.” Their headline proclaimed – “Vanquishing the Colonel – Farmers work with chefs to restore Southern cuisine’s dignity.” “Today, purists believe, Southern cooking is too often represented by its worst elements: feedlot hams, cheap fried chicken and chains like Cracker Barrel,” the Times whined.  

It seems to me that the “so-called” queen of Southern cooking should fly up to New York City and take a cast iron skillet to the backside of the “so-called” newspaper that printed such nonsense. But Miss Paula is a genteel Southern lady and would probably just shake her head and say, “Oh Lord, y’all.”

So as a proud son of the South, I believe it is my duty to defend the honor of our skillet friend chicken, our ham hocks and our sweet potato pies. Nobody speaks ill of butter and gets away with it.

For the record, I happen to have a Cracker Barrel rocking chair in my office at the Fox News Corner of the World – along with several copies of Paula Deen’s cookbooks. That being said – I’m really not quite sure why The New York Times felt compelled to launch a broadside against the traditional cuisine of the Southern states. I’ll take a Cracker Barrel Meat Loaf sandwich and a slice of their Double Chocolate Fudge Coca Cola Cake any day of the week — over the slop they serve at those five-star New York City restaurants.

Does The Old Gray Lady really want to pick a food fight with Alabama or Mississippi? There’s a reason why the Magnolia State is the plumpest in the nation — it’s called banana pudding. In New York City, they eat boiled animal tongues. In the South we use our tongues for licking our fingers.

Southerners eat buttermilk biscuits and sip frosty glasses of sweet tea. New Yorkers nosh bagels and drink seltzer water.New Yorkers eat fermented soy and tuna tartar – while folks in Tennessee eat fried catfish – with tarter sauce.

As an expatriated Southerner living in Brooklyn, I’ve come to realize that this quest to redefine Southern cuisine has taken root in the Big Apple. Chefs who couldn't succeed in Dixie have moved north to ply their trade. It’s a movement called, “New Southern Cuisine.” To be fair, I decided to visit one of those so-called “New Southern Cuisine” restaurants the other day. To their credit, they served sweet tea. But that's about the only southern thing in the building. The first item on the menu was “Black-eyed Pea Hummus.”I threw up a little inside my mouth. The waiter brought my iced tea and suggested I try something they called “Arugula Smear.”I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to eat it or wipe it.I paid for my sweet tea, went home and whipped up a batch of Miss Paula’s macaroni and cheese. And as I sat down at my table, I prayed this prayer: “Dear Jesus, thank you for butter. Amen.”

So let this column be a warning to my fellow Southerners. Take up your cast iron skillets and prepare to defend our kitchens from the Yankee invaders. And let our rally cry be heard from the beaches of Biloxi to the mountains of Gatlinburg – the only good chicken is a fried chicken.
So praise the Lord and pass the biscuits.

Todd Starnes FOX News & Commentary


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Got My Christmas Card From Charlie


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And Now a Word from Alec Baldwin


Monday, October 17, 2011

Is MSNBC and Other Media Complicit in 'Occupy Wall Street' Protest?

Journolist 2.0: Occupy Wall Street Emails Show MSM, Dylan Ratigan, Working With Protesters To Craft Message. 
Big Journalism has learned that the Occupy Washington DC movement is working with well-known media members to craft its demands and messaging while these media members report on the movement. Someone has made the emails from the Occupy Wall Street email distro public and searchable. The names in the list are a veritable who’s who in media. 

Journolist 2.0 includes well known names such as MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan, Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi who both are actively participating; involvement from other listers such as Bill Moyers and Glenn Greenwald plus well-known radicals like Noam Chomsky, remains unclear. The list also includes a number of radical organizers, such as Kevin Zeese.

In these emails we see MSNBC’s Ratigan, hawking his book in the footnotes, instructing occupiers on how properly to present their demands and messages while simultaneously appearing on television reporting “objectively” on the story (when he’s not taking part in the protests himself as content.)

See the emails & whole story here.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

An American Bowel Movement: The OWS Protest

I've been both amused and concerned at pictures and video interviews taken at some of  the NYC 'Occupy Wall Street', and especially the media comparison to the Tea party movement. I whole heartedly support the First Amendment; the public peacefully protesting the establishment's mistakes or perceived wrong doings.

But as usual, the media again has it wrong.  

The comparison doesn't hold true and the whole movement may back fire for many reasons. First, this is just another leftwing hate America movement taking to the streets. The fact they're angry, that people are being unfairly forced to cover the costs of other's mistakes (and bailed out by taxpayers) may hold true, as it is for the TEA party. But the TEA party's focus is having to support, through higher taxation, a deadbeat unskilled socialist welfare state being called for in the streets today.

The media machine trying to give the an impression of a TEA Party like movement, never understood the movement from the beginning. They've been so blinded by their hatred of all opposition of their views that they're incapable of rationally examining their TP's tactics and strategy. 

The OWS crowd believe the TEA Party is a corporate sponsored movement, so they're creating an opposing union sponsored movement without realizing that they're outnumbered by a true grassroots movement with wide support from average taxpaying Americans. What corporation could hire a million people to go to thousands of  rallies nationwide on a single day, and keep it completely hidden from the press.   

OWS allying themselves with labor unions is playing with fire, to say the least. The movement is a mixed bag of differing ideas and philosophies; calls for more government spending which can only be funded by huge increases in debt,  some calling for getting rid of all debt, some for massive taxation and eating the rich. 

You've got factions calling for attacks on the banking structure, factions fighting for greedy unions, factions fighting for Obama, and others wanting his head, factions fighting for a more socialistic governance, factions calling for anarchy and the end of Western Civilization, all with no real, coherent game plan. What happens if something like the  pro-Obama forces, the unions and the college students and their vision of a socialist Utopia, get the upper hand and try to turn the movement into a pillar of support for the corrupt and inept Obama administration? The true anarchists aren't going to fall in line with the union goons. They really want the destruction of the existing social order, not the growth of an already malfeasant organization which has used its power and force, more than any other group, to place our nation and civilization in such a precarious position. Infighting will drag this movement apart and possibly lead to violence.  

Top this all off with high ranking Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, who's fortune was made in part on WALL STREET, not mention voting to bail out the Banks, and Wall Street,  announcing publicly support for the protesters.

And America's favorite multi-millionaire Eco-Capitalist Pig, Al Gore, posted statements of support on his web site yesterday.
 “The message — and the solutions — should be obvious to anyone who has been paying attention since the economy went into a recession that continues to sock the middle class while the rich have recovered and prospered. The problem is that no one in Washington has been listening.” 
So far, there isn't any coherent lists of “demands”, just   sophomoric rants, conflicting and often irrational demands (worthy of Ted Kaczynski) for what this one group, or that group whines for. Basically, the same crap we've heard for years, just turned up a notch.

So in reality, what we have here is basically a loose confederation of disenchanted old hippies and revolutionist trying to relive the 1960's, brainwashed, tragic hipsters with expensive educations bought with money borrowed from BANKS, or the money earned by their parents from the very EVIL CORPORATIONS they protest, opportunity seeking anarchist and filth troublemakers who probably can't hold a job when  they find one anyway.

So for now, if your going to march through the streets, occupy parks and disrupt the everyday lives of people trying to make their way in this society, just put on clown suits and makeup, and at least make it entertaining to us.

Caution: Strong Language and Diminished Mental Capacity


Monday, September 19, 2011

Keith Olbermann's Ratings Headed for the Dumpster

NYDN - Keith Olbermann’s “Countdown” has experienced quite a comedown since leaving MSNBC.

After debuting to promising ratings on the Current cable network in late June, Olbermann’s political commentary show posted its lowest numbers yet the week of Sept 5–11. Nielsen figures provided by industry sources also show that, based on weekly averages of the program's performance on Current, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" has never done better than its debut week on Al Gore's hard-to-find cable network. (It did come close on Aug. 30, racking up 310,000 total viewers; 102,000 of them adults 25-54.)

Current says the low September "Countdown" numbers could be attributed to a number of factors: A repeat episode ran on Labor Day, and in late August, Olbermann - who's reportedly making $10 million a year at Current - was away for five days due to back problems. 

Personally, I think the fault of bad ratings could just
be the choice of Keith's on- air wardrobe .......  


Monday, August 29, 2011

Rick Perry is Honored by NYT Elitist Jerk.

The New York Times expert on just about everything and leading nominee for Diogenes' 2011 Asshat of the Year, Paul Krugman, has chosen to honor Governor Rick Perry by including him in one of his nutty left-wing NYT elitist attack jobs...... 

 "Mr. Perry, the governor of Texas, recently made headlines by dismissing evolution as “just a theory,” one that has “got some gaps in it” — an observation that will come as news to the vast majority of biologists. But what really got peoples’ attention was what he said about climate change: “I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects. And I think we are seeing almost weekly, or even daily, scientists are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change.”
That’s a remarkable statement — or maybe the right adjective is “vile.”
". . . And the deepening anti-intellectualism of the political right, both within and beyond the G.O.P., extends far beyond the issue of climate change."
 "And the deepening anti-intellectualism of the political right, both within and beyond the G.O.P., extends far beyond the issue of climate change."
Read the entire Krugman tripe if you can @ NYT

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Obama Says He'll Work on that Job Plan Thing When He Gets Back From Vacation…

"On his 938th day in office President Obama also said he would soon have a completed jobs plan. Maybe early fall, something like that. And he complained, "We could do even more if Congress is willing to get in the game."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Excuses Excuses Excuses.......

Headlines Culled from Weasel Zippers

Dem Rep. James Clyburn: "S&P Downgraded U.S. Because They Want To Look Better In Europe…"

DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz Blames "Tea Party Tyrants" For U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade…"

Tim Geithner: Obama’s Policies Absolutely Not” Responsible For S&P Downgrade…

Bawney Fwank Blames Military For S&P Downgrade…

ABC’s Cokie Roberts On S&P Downgrade: “The Problem Here Is The Constitution Of The United States Of America”…

Top Obama Adviser David Axelrod Calls S&P’s Credit Rating Cut “A Tea Party Downgrade”…

John Kerry (D-Gold Digger) Takes Just Enough Time Off From Spending His Wife’s Millions To Blame "Irresponsible, Reckless And Absolutist” GOP For S&P Downgrade…

......and from everyone's favorite idiot leftist windbag comes this.....


As the stock market dives and confidence of the American people in the Obama administration's  policies continue to drop due to lack of leadership, all we get is excuses! The only thing they haven't blamed is racism.......oh comes  Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.  

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Proposed Law Rattles Washington's Elite

A Washington D.C. think-tank today proposed a controversial  new law named, 'No Politician Left Behind', which would pay congressmen and the President solely on the basis of performance. 

 Predictably, the idea of merit pay drew howls of protest from mostly Democrat party lawmakers, many claiming that if the law was pasted and enacted it would result in their financial ruin. Appearances on Sunday morning talk shows, flying around on government planes or blowing smoke up the taxpayers ass on C-Span will not be considered as real work. 
The law, which was proposed by the Bo Bo Braniganskie Institute of Government Policy, “would make a serious dent in the Federal spending because few if any politicians would ever have to be paid,” said the Institutes director, Davis David. “Right now, the President or Congressman  can get paid even when they storm out of budget negotiations in a hissy fit. Under this new law, the rule would be, no budget, no paycheck.”

“If passed, this law would be tantamount to the establishment of ‘Work Panels,’ which would determine whether individual congressmen are accomplishing anything,” said Sen. Al Frankin (D.-Minn).I  for one, would be in deep, deep shit.”

“I’m fairly sure that this law is unconstitutional,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY). “Now, I have never actually read the Constitution, but if this law were passed I would probably be forced to read it or live in a cardboard box  like my constituents.”

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) said that creating performance standards for lawmakers was “an insult to the institution of Congress.”

“We have spent millions of dollars, some of it out of our own pockets, to get to Washington,” she said. “We did not come here to be treated like F**kin teachers!” 

Joe Biden was unavailable for comment. 
