Showing posts with label Leftist Propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leftist Propaganda. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2017

Reason #153 for Climate Change: Not Enough Killing

Old Demented Radical Feminist Gloria Steinem

DT - If you are one of those “climate deniers” who thinks the science isn’t settled on man-made global warming, perhaps your love of killing babies will flip you on the issue. Radical feminist Gloria Steinem has identified the cause of global warming and it’s because we haven’t been killing enough unborn children for the past 500 years.

It’s always fun when liberals combine their awfulness with their bullshit into a unified clusterf*ck theory. Refinery29 did an interview with the she-woman man-hater and it was as crazy as you would expect. Early on, she compared Ivanka Trump to Hitler because the First Daughter supports family leave, which I thought was a feminist issue, but whatever.

The real crazy comes when the topic turns to global warming:
Refinery29: People argue that climate change and other issues are also feminist issues. What do we lose by broadening the meaning of the term? 
Steinem: Are you kidding me? Listen, what causes climate deprivation is population. If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have. That’s the fundamental cause of climate change. Even if the Vatican doesn’t tell us that. In addition to that, because women are the major agricultural workers in the world, and also the carriers of water and the feeders of families and so on, it’s a disproportionate burden.” 
Climate deprivation? That’s a new one. She’s managed to make global warming a feminist issue by assigning it a sense of victimhood. What’s she’s saying is that men, through their sin of being male, have deprived women of climate, which is sadly not even the craziest thing here.

But the cool thing about being a liberal is that all of their bullshit is related. Gun control, racism, abortion, global warming, and every other silly thing is interchangeable. None of it makes any sense and isn’t backed by fact so they can plug any issue into another without it sounding more ridiculous because it’s already at maximum crazy.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Doesn't Look Like Bathtub Boy's Anger Management Treatments are Working Out Too Well....

From His Crepe Paper Decorated Padded Room In An Asylum Somewhere in New Jersey, 
Keith Olbermann Critiques The Trump Presidency So Far:

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The BEST REASON YET to Disband the Department of Education

When President Jimmy Carter created the DOE in the late 1970's America had one of the best early education systems in the world. Those days have passed  Taking over the system by the Federal Government as a sidebar to equality in education under the guise of civil rights, gave undue power of indoctrination. Courts began upholding a misinterpreted "Separation of Church and State" and ACLU lawyers stormed school house doors with orders to stop anything (like evil Christmas plays) even remotely Christian in nature. 
Where are they now while children are being indoctrinated in Islam?

Department of Education Indoctrinates Students Into Islam

Christian Action Network (CAN) has sent a “Letter of Demand” to the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) mandating that it cease its Islamic education program for the nation’s public schools. The DOE Islamic education program is currently being presented to the nation’s schools and teachers through the Federal Funded PBS LearningMedia website.

If the conditions of its “Letter of Demand” are not met within 60 days, CAN says it will bring a federal lawsuit against the DOE challenging the constitutionality of the federally funded program. CAN is also issuing a “Letter of Demand” to the Public Broadcasting Service demanding that it also remove all Islamic educational material from its PBS LearningMedia that violates the U.S. Constitution. 
"It doesn’t appear that the either DOE or PBS LearningMedia offer similar instructional material on Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism or Hinduism through the PBS LearningMedia website...."
"The DOE Islamic education program is not only a certain violation of the U.S. Constitution but a brazen and underhanded attempt to indoctrinate children into the religion of Islam. It must be removed immediately."
Among the contentious material being presented through the DOE Islam program are worksheets, questions, activities and media that steep children into the world of Islamic worship. Children are asked, or told, to complete such assignments as:
“…explore and understand the basic beliefs of Islam as well as the Five Pillars that guide Muslims in their daily life; belief, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage.” 
“…focus on learning about the core duties of Muslims…”
“…read about what it means to proclaim faith or belief as a Muslim.”
“…watch the two streaming video segments about prayer preparation and the set of movements for prayer.”
In addition, students are expected to correctly understand and answer such questions as:
“Describe the process that Muslims go through to prepare to pray.” “What do the prayers sound like?”
“What do the movements look like?”
“What are some of the things Muslims say during prayer?”
Activities include having students “create a poster about the Five Pillars of Islam to be displayed in the classroom and around the school.  
“This Islamic educational program fails as an appropriate lesson plan for the public schools. It has little or nothing to do with understanding the history of Islam, its contributions to society or its impact on social norms.”

This is MUSLIM INDOCTRINATION, pure and simple!

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Is It Even Possible To Please The Left?

"It’s sad to see so many Americans turn into losers, pathetically demanding to be treated as victims, all so the emotional vampires on the Left can feel better about themselves for helping such pathetic sad sacks. Liberals LOVE for people to think of themselves as victims. They love for people to go through life furious, upset over things most people wouldn’t even notice. 

They need you alienated and angry so they can control you and turn you out at the polls, so they can get their sick little self-esteem boost for helping a poor little mediocrity like you.

If you’re black or Hispanic and think white people hate you, if you’re gay and think the Christians want to wipe you out, or if you’re a woman who believes the patriarchy is keeping you down, you’re going to have an unhappy life. It doesn’t matter if things are going well or you have success; you’re going to be angry. You’re going to feel mistreated. You’re going to walk around chalking up every normal event in the world to bias that primarily exists in your head. You’re going to nurse grievances. You’re going to be unhappy.

As consolation, you can half-ass your way through life and chalk up your failures to “white racism,” “those hypocritical Christians,” or “the patriarchy.” You can live with the illusion that, like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, you’re fighting for women’s rights, or, like Martin Luther King, you’re trying to reform a society teeming with racism -- but that only makes you sound like a joke. Stanton was fighting for women’s right to vote. Today, feminists whine about having to pay for their birth control. Martin Luther King was fighting for equal rights, and today liberal “black leaders” spend their time bitching about whether hoop earrings are cultural appropriation. There are legions of liberal Don Quixotes jousting with windmills and pretending that the trivia they obsess over gives meaning to their victimhood-centered lives.

There are women, gays, and minorities around the world dying to get into the United States. The ones that get the opportunity to do so legally spend thousands of dollars and put up with years of paperwork to come here. You think that’s because it’s such a racist, sexist, oppressive country?" - John Hawkins


Monday, February 27, 2017

Univision's Jorge Ramos: "The U.S. Is Our Country, Not Theirs"

Jorge Ramos: The Latin Al Sharpton

Univision/Fusion Television anchor Jorge Ramos kicked off his participation in the 2017 edition of the Spanish Language network's annual entertainment awards show, Premios Lo Nuestro ("Our Awards") by amping up the conversation on immigration with a  tirade  of nationalistic identity politics and racially-driven statements of demagoguery.

via NB
"I am an immigrant, just like many of you. I am a proud Latino immigrant here in the United States. My name is Jorge Ramos, and I work at Univision and at the Fusion network. And you know exactly what is going on here in the United States. There are many people who do not want us to be here, and who want to create a wall in order to separate us. But you know what? This is also our country. Let me repeat this: OUR country, not theirs. It is our country. And we are not going to leave. We are nearly 60 million Latinos in the United States. And thanks to US, the United States eats, grows and, as we've seen today, sings and dances. So when they attack us, we already know what we are going to do. We are not going to sit down. We will not shut up. And we will not leave. That is what we are going to do."
Ramos' speech is amazingly strident, with an "us against them" tone that one would not expect from someone who incessantly promotes diversity from the other side of his mouth. When Ramos told the audience that "there are many who do not want us to be here", he erases any distinction between legal and illegal immigration, and irresponsibly casts immigration as an exclusively Latino issue.

Ramos would have been in the clear had he stopped at "this is also our country". Such a statement hints at inclusion, patriotism, and a pro-forma desire to assimilate and function as an integral part of the nation as a whole. However, Ramos crossed a bright line when he decreed the United States to be "OUR country, not theirs"

Ramos' statement, suggests a separate nationality to which U.S. Hispanics owe some sort of allegiance. Ramos, of all people, should know better than to approach the lines of racial and cultural supremacy.


Attention Chuck Schumer.....

I just knew the Russians were in on it!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

NBC News Officially Resigned as News Agency

Once a semi-respectable older sibling to their retarded step-sister MSNBC, the floating turd known as NBC News has finally grabbed the handle and flushed themselves down the drain of the vintage media.

In a network produced promotional video, titled “Dear Mr. President,” NBC uses children in a blatantly negative video that paints Donald Trump as divisive and racist. Not one single child has anything respectful to say. This is a type of video that once was unthinkable, and a video that would have never been made during Barack Obama's administration, regardless of what he did or said.

In the video, one young black girl says “Most of my family is black. I'm afraid that you're gonna hurt some of us blacks.” Another non-white youngster says "You are here, attempting to white-wash America.” These are not the words of children. It is the power of a scripted propaganda machine.

It should come as no surprise that this NBC News video uses children to advance talking points. It is a shameful display that no journalistic organization with any semblance of integrity would have even released. But then again, we are talking about NBC.

Monday, February 6, 2017

If The Left Believes Themselves So Righteous and Correct, Then Why Do They Need To Lie So Much.

Case in point, the Budweiser Super bowl ad that dovetailed neatly with the heated emotions stirred up Donald Trump’s temporary immigration ban. Did the brewing giant that renamed its flagship product “America” in the middle of a presidential campaign really intend to take such a potentially divisive political stand? 

Budweiser's 60-second Super Bowl spot, “Born the Hard Way,” which depicts the arduous journey of Anheuser-Busch’s co-founder from Germany to St. Louis, was hailed as a powerful pro-immigration statement from the instant it hit the internet. The ad, which shows Adolphus Busch crossing the Atlantic in a storm-tossed ship, being taunted as he makes landfall in New Orleans, and boarding a steamship up the Mississippi, which promptly catches fire, eventually ending up in a bar with angry-faced men yelling “You’re not wanted here!” and “Go back home!” 

Trouble is, didn't happen that way. But when did the facts mean anything to these people?

According to William Knoedelseder, the author of Bitter Brew: The Rise and Fall of Anheuser-Busch and America's Kings of Beer, the ad was mostly propaganda and bordering on fanciful unicorn myth. Knoedelseder  said in an interview with Slate Mag:
"Unless someone got a hold of some letters from his family, I don’t know where they get all that information. It’s not something that anyone that’s written about Anheuser-Busch has ever seen before."
Adolphus Busch was not poor and struggling or an illegal immigrant. He came into the port of New Orleans, a legal point of entry, as a legal immigrant 1857.  He was the son of a wealthy German wholesale business man of winery and brewery supplies. Busch received a quality education and graduated from the notable Collegiate Institute of Belgium in Brussels.

But what better way to propagandize the average beer drinking American football fan then a pro-immigration commercial during the most watched contest of the year? 

Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I am not against legal immigration. I am a product of that process. My ancestors came from France, legally. It is to America's advantage to have the best scientist, engineers and doctors the world has to offer. But when those words "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” were put upon the Statue of Liberty, it was written in English, the common language of America, and a completely different world. 

And what the left refuses to acknowledge is the people that those words spoke to came here with the knowledge that, unlike today, there was no free welfare, taxpayer money for food, or government subsidized housing. They did not come here to remake the country from which they came. Regardless of wealth or social standing, they were free to make their own way and become Americans. They were free to hang to their cultural beliefs, but not to impose them on other peoples. Until the rise of the far-left and their wealth globalist anti-capitalist enablers, things had worked out, far from prefect, but pretty well. But to the leftist scourge, the survival of all things America must die, even if they have to lie  and propagandize to met those ends. 

BTW - Anheuser-Busch is now owned by the Belgian brewing Company InBev. (a country struggling with their own massive immigration problems). But as someone who came of age living in Belgium, I can tell you the Belgians make the most tasty variety of beers in the world. And we are not including the weak, salty tasting horse piss we call Budweiser.  

Thank You MJA for the Linkage

Friday, December 9, 2016

Barky's Last Play for Ethnic Identity Politics

Introducing Mena, a New Ethnic Group Created 
by the Lame-duck Administration

by Mike Gonalez - One day in the not-too-distant future, you may be asked to stand at attention at your local ballpark — Busch Stadium, perhaps — to celebrate Mena Heritage Day. The organist will do his level best to play traditional Mena music, vendors will serve Mena delicacies, and a chorus of Mena-American children will sing the national anthem.

Huh? What on earth is Mena, you ask? It is the new ethnic group created by the Obama administration to cobble together Americans with origins in the Middle East and North Africa. The group will comprise people as varied as ethnic Berbers, Arabs, Israelis, Persians, and many more. According to proposals by the Office of Management and Budget, Mena may be on the 2020 census.

But if that is the case, you may persist, there is no Mena music, cuisine, race, ethnicity, or culture, so what the heck are they going to be doing at Busch Stadium? And you’d be right, technically. But that wouldn’t stop pride in Menaism from being progressively drilled into the young and unsuspecting by our schools or from being embraced by corporations and sports leagues that want to buy a little peace. And, of course, let’s not forget how government would bribe people to tick the Mena box with the full array of benefits that come in the affirmative-action cornucopia. Or that congressional districts would be carved off for Mena people so that they would be able, in the words of the amended Voting Rights Act, “to participate in the political process and to elect a candidate of their choice.”

If you doubt that all of this is possible, much less likely, then you really haven’t been watching what has happened with “Hispanics.”

There’s no better blueprint for Mena.  Hispanics comprise Americans as different from one another culturally, racially, and historically as Argentines, Mexicans, Bolivians, Dominicans, and Venezuelans.  And yet millions of Millennials today believe they eat Hispanic food, dance to Latino music, and study Hispanic history.

Indeed, many Cuban Americans, Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, etc. themselves are now starting to identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino, a classification that came into being only in the 1970s and is the creation of federal bureaucrats with no input from scientists or anthropologists.

Why is the OMB pushing the proposal now? Well, time is running out on an administration that puts so much stock in demography that one of its first acts was to make the head of the Census Bureau report directly to the White House.

So the deep racial division which is so obvious at the end of Obama’s term is no accident. It is the legacy of a president who did much to foster it. The view that groups, not individuals, have distinct interests has taken its predictable toll. The social splintering has only begun.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Irrelevant Land Whale's New Spectacle "TrumpLand"

"The shitshow isn't over. It appeals to the darker instinct of a country that has made some mistakes, whether it’s voting for Reagan or Nixon or Bush or the professional wrestler in Minnesota."
I know y'all are all excited to hear Michael Moore has a new movie propaganda piece. And it's probable no surprise it's not a glowing documentary about the life of Donald Trump, but just another film that no one but a full leftard will probably ever see.  So I thought I'd send this along from The Hollywood Reporter (but without all their usual starstruck drooling) to satisfy your curiosity, and so you can save your $12.50 to spent on beer, chips or another Make America Great Again Hat.  You're Welcome.
"Michael Moore has unveiled Michael Moore in TrumpLand, a surprise film he screened for the first time at New York City’s IFC Center on Tuesday night for free. The live performance film — which sees Moore speaking about the two candidates onstage, and supposing what would happen if each were to become the next U.S. president — was shot less than two weeks ago, over two consecutive nights at a venue in Wilmington, Ohio, in a county where Trump received four times as many votes as Clinton did in the primary elections. 
“To us, this was TrumpLand,” Moore explained, adding that he initially eyed the Ohio town of Licking, but was denied. “I wanted to do this not in a safe place, but in a place where we’d need a lot of security, which we had.” 
In the film, Moore notes that “white men over 35 are obsolete” in the 21st century (“Guys know it and that's why they're at the Trump rallies,” he says) and that women are not inherently problematic: “No women invented a hydrogen or atomic bomb, and no girls have gone into schools to shoot them up. … We're actually quite safe from 51 percent of the population,” he explains. “Whatever you're afraid of does not wear a dress — or a pantsuit.”
I guess there goes my theory he turned out to be the way he is because girls were beating him up for his lunch money too.... 
The movie also includes an imagined news segment that covers what would happen if Trump is inaugurated: aerial attacks on Mexican border towns, an official TV news channel operated by Breitbart and Roger Ailes, and the deportation of Rosie O'Donnell to the American Samoa. Afterward, the filmmaker discusses Clinton with the audience, playing a segment of her impassioned Wellesley commencement speech and supposing that, as Pope Francis did to the Catholic Church, Clinton can stimulate progress that benefits “the greater good” of the country. “The enemy of my enemy is who I’m voting for on Nov. 8,” he says in the film. 
"I’m gonna do something here and give people positive reasons to vote for her.  Look for the good in Hillary."  
Well,  that explains why the movie is only 73 minutes long.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

WikiLeaks Reveals DNC Elevated Trump to Help Clinton

The Observer: 
According to an email from Marissa Astor, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook’s assistant, to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, the campaign knew Trump was going to run, and pushed his legitimacy as a candidate. WikiLeaks’ release shows that it was seen as in Clinton’s best interest to run against Trump in the general election. The memo, sent to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) also reveals the DNC and Clinton campaign were strategizing on behalf of their candidate at the very beginning of the primaries. “We think our goals mirror those of the DNC,” stated the memo, attached to the email under the title “muddying the waters.”
The memo named Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson as wanted candidates. “We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously,” the memo noted.
Clinton was widely presumed to be the Democratic presidential nominee long before the primaries began. This assumption was held by the mainstream media and the Democratic Party leadership. Expecting Clinton to be the nominee, theDNC and Clinton campaign developed strategies for the general election.
In June, hacker Guccifer 2.0 released an opposition research dossier on Trump, dated December 19, 2015. Coincidentally, no other opposition research dossiers were released by Guccifer 2.0 from the DNC hacks.
It was in the best interest of Clinton, and therefore the Democratic Party, that Trump was the Republican presidential nominee. Polls indicated Sen. Rubio, Gov. Kasich, or almost any other establishment Republican would likely beat Clinton in a general election. Even Cruz, who is reviled by most Republicans, would still maintain the ability to rally the Republican Party—especially its wealthy donors—around his candidacy. Clinton and Democrats expected the FBI investigation into her private email server would serve as a major obstacle to Clinton’s candidacy, and the public’s familiarity with her scandals and flip-flopping political record put her at a disadvantage against a newcomer. Donald Trump solved these problems.
All the Clinton campaign had to do was push the mainstream media in the general direction of covering and attacking Trump as though he was the star of the Republican presidential primaries. As the presumed Democratic nominee, whomever she decided to dignify by responding to—whether the comments were directed at her or not—would be presumed to be the spokesperson, or nominee, of the Republican Party.
Clinton, Trump trade insults as rhetoric heats up between front-runners,” read the headline from a CNN article in September 2015. “Hillary Clinton Seizes On Donald Trump’s Remarks to Galvanize Women,” read a New York Times headline from December. Several media outlets criticized the mainstream media obsession withTrump, but despite a few concerns that the media was propping up his legitimacy as a candidate with their constant news coverage, it continued unabatedly.
The mainstream media was more than willing to do the Clinton campaign and DNC’s work for them by creating a narrative that the 2016 presidential elections was about Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump.
Jeb Bush, the initial Republican frontrunner, assumed what should have been Trump’s role as the Republican Primary novelty sideshow. Sen. Bernie Sanders was blacked out of media coverage, and during the rare instances when he was discussed in mainstream media reporting, it was always under the pretenses that his candidacy was a pipe dream. 
The media gave Clinton what she wanted; impunity for the corruption, lies, and deceitfulness rampant in her political record, and an opponent who divided his own political party while driving fear and anxiety into her own to the point where enough Democrats and voters would gladly vote for her just to avoid Trump becoming president.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Goodbye Sweden!

Europe turned it's back on God after WWII.  You can shoot a cannon through any of the great Cathedrals of Europe on Sundays and not hit a soul. When the headless corpses lay on the blood soaked street corners of Stockholm, just don’t expect young Americans to shed their blood again to save you as they have in the past. This is entirely your doing.......

h/t BFH / billy fuster

Friday, September 9, 2016

Founding Fathers No Longer Worthy Of School Names??

Best-selling historian David Barton is blasting a proposal by the head of the San Francisco Board of Education which would ban schools from being named after George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other Founding Fathers and American leaders who owned slaves.

Barton, author of “The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson,” called it a “misguided effort based on bad history.” Barton pointed out African-American leaders of the past often praised both Presidents Washington and Jefferson, who both recognized human slavery was an evil needing to be dealt with, as champions of the beginning civil rights for blacks.
“It is striking when you look at the people who looked to Washington and Jefferson as inspirations. For example, Dr. Martin Luther King praised Jefferson, as did Frederick Douglass, Henry Highland Garnett, Benjamin Banneker and many other African Americans who were the premier civil rights leaders in their generation. The difference between today’s generation and previous ones is that Americans today by and large no longer know American history based on historical fact. Instead, they are simply taught a version of it based on progressive political agendas.”
It’s to combat this kind of phony history Barton says he wrote “The Jefferson Lies,” which details the many ways Jefferson’s memory has been manipulated and misused by left-wing activists. The book was a New York Times bestseller when it was first published in 2012 until a coordinated pressure campaign against the publisher won an unprecedented victory by having the book withdrawn from circulation.

Barton has since put out a new expanded edition in which Barton specifically rebuts his critics charge by charge.
"Both Washington and Jefferson openly advocated for the end of slavery and led legislative efforts to achieve that objective. As presidents, both actively introduced, supported, and even signed major measures that sought to end slavery in America and ensure that equal racial civil rights were achieved. It is unfortunate that both of those great leaders lived in the state of Virginia, which by state law would not permit them to free their own slaves as they wished. Nevertheless, they both worked to achieve for others what they could not achieve for themselves, and that’s why previous generations of African Americans openly praised and heralded them.”
As long as factually inaccurate and political agendy driven portrayals of history continue to dominate America’s history textbooks and classrooms, errant proposals like this one will continue to be offered.  This is just more non-sense from anti- American, self-loathing white leftist academics and Afro-centric anti-Western scholars.


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

DC Rally for Refugees a Big Dud

Lackluster Acts Perform for an Audience of 300.

A pro-refugee rally was held at the Washington Monument at the National Mall on Sunday. “DC Rally 4 Refugees” was organized by the Tides Foundation with the help of many different groups, including the usual suspects: CODEPINK, The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Amnesty International, and the Human Rights Campaign. Speaker after speaker walked on stage to deliver the usual bumf about why we must open our borders. Sprinkled in with the academics and professional activists were a few artists reciting “poetry” and singing protest songs.

The rally’s official color was orange–the color of many life vests–and the rally’s symbol was a stylized life vest. Attendees and speakers had been asked to wear orange in solidarity with refugees. As with many gatherings, the speakers were largely an occasion for like-minded people to socialize with each other. The signs and costumes in the audience were more interesting than the presentations.

Rally attendees did their best to keep the anti-immigration protesters out of sight by creating a human wall around them. The irony was not lost on me. And what any leftist goofball rally these days be with a little self loathing white hate, eh? 

Math is Hard for Stupid people

The signs were condescending, the speakers incoherent, and the organizations backing it all subversive, but there is good news: attendance was low. For a rally about one of the Left’s favorite topics, launched by groups with such deep pockets, located on the National Mall, and held on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., I thought thousands would show up, but there could not have been more than 300 people. The event was planned well in advance too–I first heard about it two weeks ago–and the organizers even made special t-shirts for the event.

Donald Trump announces rallies just one day in advance, and attracts thousands. If that isn’t sign for hope, I don’t know what is.

See More Stupid People Here

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Theater of the Absurd

"This episode is a neat little demonstration of just how topsy-turvy the moral universe of the Democratic party has become. What they are actually demanding, in the form of a 'no-buy' list of the sort proposed by Senator Chris Murphy in his filibuster last week is the abrogation of American citizens' Fifth Amendment rights in order to then strip them of their Second Amendment rights. Meanwhile, anyone who uses their First Amendment right to oppose this scheme is accused of wanting to sell guns to ISIS (as Murphy and Elizabeth Warren have both said). It would be difficult to think of a better demonstration of Democrats' wholehearted embrace of an ends-justify-the-means philosophy of governing." - Ian Tuttle

Monday, June 6, 2016

Obama's 'Slush Fund' for Liberal Groups

"Bank of America has been able to reduce a multi-billion dollar mortgage fraud penalty imposed by the Justice Department by giving millions of dollars to liberal groups approved by the Obama administration.
"The bank has wiped about $194 million off its record $16.6 billion 2014 mortgage settlement by donating to nonprofits and legal groups. Thanks to little-known provisions in the settlement, the bank only had to make $84 million in donations to do that. ...
"Among the groups receiving the money were Hispanic civil rights group the National Council of La Raza ($1.5 million), the National Urban League ($1.1 million) and the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America ($750,000).
"Republicans have sharply criticized that part of the settlement as well as near-identical language in multi-billion settlements with Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, arguing that the administration has created a 'slush fund' for liberal groups. The settlement skirts federal law, which says that any revenue obtained by the government must go to the Treasury and cannot be redirected to third parties. The deals circumvented that by requiring the banks to make 'voluntary' donations before they officially entered into the settlement." — Sean Higgins, The Washington Examiner
There's that phrase "Republicans have sharply criticized" we've heard all these many years. Ya know the phrase that has put so much fear in the administration and stymied the progress of the Obama agenda.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Scientists Who Are Actually Really Stupid: #1, Neil deGrasse Tyson

Someone needs to remind Neil deGrasse Tyson that 
Star Wars is a piece of space fantasy
Neil deGrasse Tyson made the decision a long time ago to be a sort of media cheerleader for science instead of an actual scientist, and although he isn’t a great communicator, it was the right decision because he was unlikely ever to trouble the Nobel committee. Also, he is stupid and his politics are dumb.
Tyson, whom liberals love because they are racists who can’t believe a black guy could be smart enough to be a scientist and so spontaneously ejaculate and soil themselves every time they see him on TV, hasn’t published anything of note for years. The advantage of being a celebrity scientist is that you don’t actually have to do any science. You’re exempted from the usual “publish or perish” rules. 
Even when he was making a go of being a proper academic, Tyson didn’t exactly have the most glittering record. He didn’t get the PhD he was studying for at the University of Texas and had to go elsewhere for his qualification. Obviously, rather than take responsibility for his academic performance, Tyson has blamed racism. In reality, Tyson was playing in bands and appearing on stage instead of completing essays. Typical science PhD students are at any given time either studying, teaching or sleeping.
It’s tough to avoid the conclusion that much of what is frustrating about Neil deGrasse Tyson stems from identity politics and the victimhood ideology peddled by leftist academics and journalists. Despite all his media success, Tyson insists that racism is responsible for his academic failures, alluding to sinister “forces” that keep women and ethnic minorities down.
In 2005, he said: “I know these forces are real and I had to survive them in order to get where I am today. So before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there’s equal opportunity.” He of course doesn’t address the fact that the only reason Neil deGrasse Tyson is on television at all, given his intellectual shortcomings, is that he is black.
Social justice-inspired grievance culture has flavoured much of Tyson’s output during his media career. Indeed, some observers say he’s more left-wing propagandist than rigorous thinker these days. His reboot of Cosmos, for instance, was saturated with progressive garbage designed to appeal to liberal-minded students and lefty geeks.