Showing posts with label Media Circle Jerk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media Circle Jerk. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Disgraced Media Are Ramping Up Their Coronavirus History Revision

One of the big narratives from the left is that the President's handling of the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic has been a bungled mess. However, as the left will do, they believe that if a little is good. a lot must be better and have now driven this narrative right off a cliff with a big rewrite of recent history. Morning Joe's Squinty & Meat Puppet and their regular flathead roundtable minions have changed course from their generic TDS babble to helping lead the charge by kicking off the mornings at MSNBC with the historical rewrite of the handling of the Coronavirus:
"We've heard, Zeke Emanuel, that nobody could have seen this coming. The fact is, everybody saw this coming. Everybody saw this coming in early January."
That claim is as bold as it is false. Whereas Scarborough claims that "everybody saw this coming" in early January, the earliest mention we can find Scarborough making of the disease was February 24th when an “expert” came Morning Joe and said Americans should worry about the flu, not the Coronavirus.

Let’s take a look at what “everyone” was doing in early January courtesy of Brandon Morse:
In early January, China was busy trying to cover up the pandemic they were creating. As Jim Geraghty at National Review covered on a descriptive timeline, early January saw the Chinese government rounding up doctors who spoke too loudly about the virus’s spread, ordering samples destroyed, and spreading lies about the contagious nature of COVID-19 by saying there was zero evidence of human-to-human transmission when there clearly was. 
It wasn’t until January 6 that the first American media outlet covered the virus. The New York Times released an article, but instead of raising the alarm, the NYT author’s reporting was based off the Chinese government’s claim that there was no human-to-human transmission of the virus and that “we should not go into panic mode”. The claim that the virus couldn’t be spread from human to human continued and even the World Health Organization was declaring that the outbreak was already being contained thanks to China’s expertise at managing outbreaks, and even recommended not putting any trade or travel restrictions on China. That was on January 8...... 
What was the American left doing during that time? 
Impeaching Trump. 
As the virus was tearing through China, the left that Scarborough says saw the virus coming was busy putting on a show to tear down Trump with the ginned-up Ukraine scandal. Pelosi was busy handing out pens that she used to sign the impeachment papers while the media was busy reporting that every new witness was the witness that would bring down Trump. 
MSNBC was busy parroting Iranian military numbers on how many Americans it killed during a missile strike on Iran. The leftist media was also trying to push the idea that now very dead Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, whom Trump had killed after an attack on an American embassy, was actually a pretty great guy compared to Orange Man, and was even giving you tips on how to teach your children that. 
Leftist leaders in various cities were even making a show of preparing America for a disaster, but not from a virus, from Iran retaliating against America. One leftist celebrity, Rose McGowan, was even begging Iran not to hurt us.
Climate alarmists were warning of a great disaster. Not from a virus, but from binge-watching Netflix, which they claimed was bad for the environment. 
What was Scarborough himself up to?... 
Number of @JoeNBC tweets in January by topic:
Impeachment (29)  Election (11)  Sports (7) Coronavirus (0) 
I could go on but you get the point. Pretty much no one was raising any alarms about the Coronavirus in early January, even the leftist media, who were all too busy trying to get Trump impeached and defend Iran, our enemy....."
If they did know, as Squinty Joe claimed, then they look immensely horrible for focusing on trying to hurt Trump as this virus was bearing down on the globe.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What Media Disdain for America Looks Like

It did not even take one day. On Sunday, CNN soft skull host S.E. Cupp drew attention for a message she sent out, addressing the conflict taking place between President Trump and the members of the media. Following another coronavirus briefing where the President had pointed words of dismissal for some in the press corps, Cupp sent out this missive of defense on behalf of her profession.
In less than 20 hours, the members of the media completely invalidated Cupp’s tweet. The long-running battle between Trump and the press we have seen in place for years now has not abated during this viral crisis. In fact, both sides appear to be gritting teeth and narrowing eyes during this crisis.

One of the benefits of people being sequestered in their homes is they have the opportunity to see the journalists of this country acting in biased fashion on a nearly daily basis. A number of business owners who have lent their corporate efforts to aid in getting the supply chain fed with needed goods were in attendance. One who spoke at the briefing was Mike Lindell, the maker of My Pillow. As Lindell spoke, the members of the media lost their collective minds, and lashed out in ugly fashion. CNN cut away from the briefing as Lindell was speaking:
Note how Velshi gives no details as to why Lindell was there. This is a supposed journalist, who struggles with the basics of journalism. A journalist might be somewhat curious to look into things, to find out that Lindell has converted 75% of his company’s assets and workforce towards producing much needed surgical masks for the healthcare workers.  this is what is passing for journalism these days.

You would think that in a time of crisis that the press would rise up and react to such a sprawling challenge. We would expect when the country is cast into turmoil the media would serve as a guide and strive to deliver needed information. Instead, we have watched with regularity as journalists have devolved into petulant scolds.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Monday, March 30, 2020

You would think people who have a habit of stepping on rakes would be a little more careful where the step.....

When DJT announced that two US Navy hospital ships would be deployed to support the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, Ricky Maddow scoffed. He mocked the president’s promise in a segment that was filled with his standard mixture of lofty arrogance, righteous indignation, and obnoxious condescension. Oh Ricky. Foiled Again! 

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Journalist Group Calls for Coronavirus Rescue Bill Cash for Themselves and Your Daily Propaganda Outlets

The Chinese Coronavirus has disrupted our world as we know it. But trillions of dollars are on the horizon to help float the economy and save the nations essential small businesses and related jobs. And while the most powerful of American industry are in line for help, according to a post in the respected Columbia Journalism Review, the media and policymakers aren’t talking enough about how a recovery and stimulus package could help journalism.

Yes, a 'Social Change & Racial Justice' non-profit 501c3 named Free Press (original ain't it) knows there is more money to come down the pike and is on the forefront of calling not just for a welfare money grab for the nation's over-saturated journalistic endeavors, but tax credits for subscriptions to their leftist political propaganda.
"We’ve long campaigned for more federal and state support for public media and argued that journalism is too important to democracy to be left to the whims of the market. In the face of this pandemic, the public needs good, economically secure journalists more than ever. To support that work, we need a journalism stimulus now...." 
"Too important to democracy to be left to the whims of the market." In the days of a more or less unbiased media, whims of the market were of no concern. But just as the Free Press admits it's own bias in it's description of Social Change & Racial Justice and today's leftist opinion masquerading as a poor excuse for news, the last thing we need is more state sponsored media greased with taxpayers money.
"Free Press is asking for at least $5 billion in emergency funds right away—which would be less than half of one percent of a trillion-dollar recovery package—and that Congress put a foundation in place to help sustain journalism over the long term......" 
Just so you know, a proper journalism welfare package should include:
*Doubling federal funds for public media. This would amount to an additional $930 million. Congress should dedicate an additional $70 million specifically to a fund for small nonprofit newsrooms and startups. 
*$2 billion over the next two years to fund newsroom jobs.  The industry’s worst wounds were self-inflicted, but the emphasis now needs to be on keeping reporters employed and refilling some of the empty seats. 
*Direct, emergency subsidies of  $25,000 per news gathering position, Just $625 million would help retain 25,000 newsroom jobs. 
*Journalism Tax Credit could offer $40,000 per newsroom employee hired during the remainder of calendar year 2020; the tax credit would apply through the end of 2021. forthcoming recovery or stimulus bill should also include another $2 billion to seed a “First Amendment Fund” to support new positions, outlets, and approaches to news gathering. 
*Household Tax Credits for paid subscriptions to local news outlets. 
Yes, I know Jeff Bezos is taking a little hit over at Amazon, but I'm sure the richest man in the entire solar system would appreciate a little recovery and stimulus cash to help pay the limo service for the editorial board members over at The Washington Post. And I heard Wolf Blitzer needs new glasses. 

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Friday, March 20, 2020

Red and Blue America Aren’t Experiencing the Same Pandemic

A flurry of new national polls released this week reveals that while anxiety about the Chinese Coronavirus is rising on both sides of the partisan divide, Democrats consistently express much more concern about it than Republicans do, and as our betters they are much more likely to claim they have changed their personal behavior as a result.

A similar gap separates people who live in large metropolitan centers, which have become the base of the Democratic electoral, are more dependent on government services (i.e. transportation), and are less likely to be independent and self-sufficient, from those who live in the small towns and rural patriotic America. Democrats tend to be sorrowful, less optimistic people, hand-wringing not only about the virus, but what we call the virus.

The feeling increasingly is that experts and the media are all part of this elite class that is self-dealing and is looking down on less-educated and less-fortunate people, and they can’t be trusted to tell the truth.  It's inarguable that the left has a never-ending, overlapping set of constantly evolving catastrophes that they peddle non-stop. It's their primary means of obtaining power. And lets not forget that the left was praying for something like this to go wrong under Trump. In their passion to damage him they ignored the damage they were asking for all of us. These people will not miss an opportunity to rock their anti-Trump and anti-Republican hobbyhorses.

It's an epidemiological fact that big cities are more at risk for this type of pandemic, and media complaining Republicans are celebrating it is false, much more false than those on the left we have *witnessed* openly cheering the economic disruption and possible death of "older people who skew Republican" merely because it may improve their electoral chances.

It's in the nature of political writing and reporting to dramatize, and the rewards in the internet era are entirely on the side of hysterical dramatization.  The past 20 years of internet driven panic and hysteria have dramatically lowered the public opinion of media, writers and artists in general. In the liberal community, these professions are generally seen as caring and driven by the desire to educate. But that's seldom true.  Those professions are mostly home to reckless drama queens determined to advance their personal ambitions with dramatic presentations. And, most of those, entertainers and artists in particular aren't very smart.  The emotionally self-indulgent are naturally inclined to be irrational.

* Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 National Emergency

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Today in Chinese Coronavirus Craziness

Don't have any idea who most of theses people are in the vid below,
 but my guess they're restless entertainment industry attention whores....

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

WAPO - Okay Okay Fine, DJT Didn't Dissolve the Pandemic Response Team Like We Said After All.

For weeks now, the anti-Trump media has been beating their drum and saying the White House used to have a “pandemic response team” and that DJT in a fit of stupidity got rid of it. Because hey, we never have pandemics! Who needs them?  This has been shouted thousands of times over the course of the past weeks by the soft skulls on the tweeter, from major newspapers to fake cable news networks, and in every Democrat campaign rally.

It turns out this story originated with an op-ed in the Washington Post written by one Elizabeth Cameron, who ran the White House pandemic office under Barky Obama. Some sort of change was made to her former domain when the Trump Administration took over and Cameron was apparently butthurt DJT touched it. So she fired the off a shot that Democrats and their media leg humpers have been riffing off ever since.

Just One Problem: It’s not true.....

Silly Rabbit. Very few elements of government are ever disbanded, and it always seems a little suspect to believe that had happened in this case. What does happen, just like in the business world is that areas of responsibility are shifted, the names of things are changed and sometimes resources are redirected. Sometimes an independent entity is deemed better housed in a more established agency, not “disbanded” or “dissolved”, just moved down the hall or changed form. Happens all the time. 

Tim Morrison, former senior director for counter-proliferation and bio-defense on the National Security Council, felt compelled to offer the Post a rebuttal piece. Morrison was there and knew exactly what happened, and while I’m sure they were reluctant to do it, the Post allowed Morrison to correct the record:
"It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. 
As The Post reported in 2015, from the Clinton administration to the Obama administration’s second term, the NSC’s staff “had quadrupled in size, to nearly 400 people.” That is why Trump began streamlining the NSC staff in 2017. One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one. 
It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled."
SO,  the pandemic response team wasn’t dissolved at all. It was reorganized to be more efficient and allow the true experts to have a clearer path to offer their expertise to the president. The Elizabeth Cameron piece that started this whole narrative was either a complete lie or the work of a person who didn’t know as much as she thought she did about what was really going on. Either way it should have been fact-checked. 

So now that the record has been corrected does anyone really think the original narrative is going to fade away? Do you really think Democrats are going to stop running around claiming DJT “dissolved the pandemic response team” just because it’s patently false? Of course they won’t, which is why it’s irresponsible for the Washington Post to public claims like this in the first place.

They allowed a disgruntled former Obama official to publish a baseless hit piece, and that created a narrative that will long outlast the correction of the record they published yesterday. This is how nonsense takes hold in our political discourse. A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on. Especially when the media are willing to help give the lie a head start

[Dan Calabrese]
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the linkage! ~

Monday, March 9, 2020

Temper Fear With Reason

by Abdu Sharkawy 
Infectious Diseases Specialist, University Health Network

I am not scared of Covid-19. I am concerned about the implications of a novel infectious agent that has spread the world over and continues to find new footholds in different soil. I am rightly concerned for the welfare of those who are elderly, in frail health or disenfranchised who stand to suffer mostly, and disproportionately, at the hands of this new scourge. But I am not scared of Covid-19.

What I am scared about is the loss of reason and wave of fear that has induced the masses of society into a spellbinding spiral of panic, stockpiling obscene quantities of anything that could fill a bomb shelter adequately in a post-apocalyptic world. I am scared of the N95 masks that are stolen from hospitals and urgent care clinics where they are actually needed for front line healthcare providers and instead are being donned in airports, malls, and coffee lounges, perpetuating even more fear and suspicion of others. I am scared that our hospitals will be overwhelmed with anyone who thinks they ” probably don’t have it but may as well get checked out no matter what because you just never know…” and those with heart failure, emphysema, pneumonia and strokes will pay the price for overfilled ER waiting rooms with only so many doctors and nurses to assess.

I am scared that travel restrictions will become so far reaching that weddings will be canceled, graduations missed and family reunions will not materialize. And well, even that big party called the Olympic Games…that could be kyboshed too. Can you even imagine?

I’m scared those same epidemic fears will limit trade, harm partnerships in multiple sectors, business and otherwise and ultimately culminate in a global recession. But mostly, I’m scared about what message we are telling our kids when faced with a threat. Instead of reason, rationality, open-mindedness and altruism, we are telling them to panic, be fearful, suspicious, reactionary and self-interested..........MORE

The media have been afflicted with a raging case of Katrina virus. There's no known cure for the self-inflicted disease as long as a Republican occupies the White House, but political experts say the Katrina virus will instantly reverse course if a Democrat ascends to the nation's highest office.  Anything can be a Katrina moment if you add enough sizzle from the media.

H/T to that Van der Leun fellow

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Yes Virginia, They Really Are Pathetic And Have No Shame

If there’s one thing we know about the left, it they love nothing more than to exploit real-world horror and tragedy in pursuit of their goals. If they can dance on a few graves and bend tragedy to their extant agenda, they will.

With the coronavirus, we’re seeing them do it pre-emptively. Everywhere you look, the media is almost giddy over the idea that we could be witnessing a pandemic, the stock market will collapse, public opinion will turn against Trump, and they’ll have something to weaponize against a so-far bulletproof president. They seem to think that, where conspiracies about Russia, Putin, Ukraine, pee-tapes, racism and anti-Semitism have failed, a pile of American corpses might work. It’s a grotesque way to think, but it’s neither surprising nor new. It’s simply how they’ve always been.

Here’s CNN's Tater Stetler on the Tweeter, “lamenting” that his “fears” may be coming true.
Since the dawn of the Trump era, countless experts have warned that the president's lack of credibility would imperil the country in the event of an emergency. As the coronavirus outbreak worsens, those fears may be coming true... 
"Trump's disdain for science and his cuts to science and public health programs have subverted preparedness for emergencies like the coronavirus" –@michikokakutani
Read between the lines, and you can practically hear him slobber over the anti-Trump stories that could result if his “fears” are realized. The same goes for virtually every anchor at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC.

Never mind that – knock on wood – the coronavirus is sofar less dangerous and widespread than an average flu season. Forget the fact that, despite Democrats’ best efforts, we have the most robust health care system on the face of the Earth. You’re supposed to panic, because panic might hurt Donald Trump at the polls.

And of course you know who is out front. Chuck Schumer.
"President Trump and his administration have no plan to deal with the coronavirus. 
And seemingly no urgency to develop one."
To be clear, I’m not arguing that we shouldn’t take this seriously. We should, and we are. However, it’s patently obvious that the Dems and their media allies are embarking on a fear campaign designed to damage the president, and the economy they’re incapable of running against.

If Hillary was in office, and she was taking the exact same steps Trump is taking, every last one of these rats would stand up and cheer. The left will never admit that, but it’s true.

You know it and I know it.

H/T Robert Laurie

Monday, February 24, 2020

Infamous Carnivorous Leader Visits Land of Sacred Cows

The President and First Lady are on a state visit to India this week, where they were greeted like rock stars at a massive rally.  But for the media there must be something negative to say about it, right?  There must be some sort of #Resistance angle to please the soft skulls. We can't let him victoriously visit another country without nitpicking every single little thing that happens, or could happen. So Fear not America. The "Most Trusted Name In News' is on the case! The Queen of Smirk, Kaitlan Collins, and her cohorts Kevin Liptak, and Vivian Salama of CNN dug deep for the story:
What's a beef-lover to do in India? The President, whose diet is often a rotation of steaks, burgers and meatloaf, faces a potential shock as he prepares to travel to three Indian cities this week. His trip includes stops in Gujarat state, Agra and Delhi, where Hindus are the majority and cows are revered as sacred. 
A person close to the President who has dined with him on several occasions said Trump has salad with a meal every now and then -- but other than that, "I have never seen him eat a vegetable...." 
So DJT faces a "potential shock." Not an actual shock, but a potential one. Hey, it could happen. It only took three reporters to bring you the important information that Trump likes to eat beef and most Indians don't.  News Flash Kaitlan: Hindus and Muslims eat meat Sweetheart. Obama loved wagyu beef and hamburgers and other delicious meat products, when he wasn't eating dogs. I didn't know or care what he ate when he visited India, and neither did CNN or anybody else.

It makes sense that CNN considers this a story, since most of their audience is made up of late-night comedians. They went nuts over Trump getting more ice cream than his guests, so I'm sure they'll have fun with this too. Potential shock brings potential humor. Hey, it could happen.  Trump also mispronounced a bunch of Indian names, in case you needed to know that. So, I dunno. Impeach him again, I guess?

[Allah's Buttboy]

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Feeling Their Irrelevance, Squinty & Meat Puppet Claim DJT Wants To Jail Them

Becoming increasingly butthurt that even after all this time, DJT will not take a shot at Squinty Joe Scarborough and his peroxide overdosed makeup test dummy Mika and their little morning MSBNC Trump-bashing show, Joe gave his viewer Wednesday morning a dish of hyperbole smothered in self-importance.

In denial they are really just network time-filler and believing they are of any relevance in today's media, Joe claimed that if he could, Trump would arrest Mika and him, along with every other journalist he didn't like, and throw them in jail to silence themScarborough began his delusional assertion with, "our constitutional republic and the institutions in it, literally, are being challenged every day."

The media tried this tactic before the election. None of this has ever happened, but they just keep predicting it. They have to pretend pulling Jim Acosta's "news" credentials for a week is somehow like wasting away in the Gulag somewhere. The reality is that all presidents have had an adversarial relationship with the press. You need look no further than President Trump's predecessor. Then New York Times reporter James Risen called Barack Obama's administration "the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation.”  

Two things Joe. (in Joe Biden's voice) No.1 - You have no viewers and ain't that important.   No.2 - Why would DJT throw in jail the thing he, with just one tweet, can make an entire profession wet their pants with rage and expose as the false monolith of truth you really are??  

Squinty Speaks:


~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Zuckerville's Angry, Depressed and Deeply Psychologically Distressed Media Analyst Lash Out

No news organization is more guilty of helping stoke division and discord in America than CNN. And when they weren’t pushing that debunked conspiracy theory, they were lying to viewers, put targets on the backs of anyone who dares to support or defend him, absolve the violent behavior of their Resistance audience, and generally create massive division and distrust all across our nation. Here are media hyperbole and amateur psychology at it's best. You can't spell Analyst without Anal.

 Read More of these Assholes @NewsBusters

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Squinty & Meat Puppet's Cheap Imitation of Don Lemon's Laughing Clown Show

Squinty Joe probable stayed up all night to write this dialogue because we all know he's not smart enough to do it off the cuff....


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Social Media Pearl Clutching and CNN's Iranian Retaliation Pregame Show

I am still trying to wrap my head around all the crazy reactions from dropping one on Iranian General Soleimani this past weekend. Whether it’s the hilarity of comparing Ilhan Omar’s comments about 9/11 as “some people did something” against her calling a drone strike on an Iranian who trained troops to carry out terrorist operations in foreign countries an “outrage” or seeing the reactions on the other side clutching their pearls because any military action obviously means we are going in to a full scale war, there is literally no in-between.

Now that social media has taken over is obviously having the effect that everyone feels a need to have the most emotional and least rational reaction possible and the hotter the take, the better.  I think in large part, my biggest problem is that I just can’t bring myself to even pretend to care as much as these people do.  I don’t care that some Iranian general got splattered on an Iraqi street, Iran is an awful country that finances terrorism worldwide, good riddance to anyone involved with their regime.

Democrats have decided that the woke take would be to repeat Iranian propaganda.  It is a fascinating situation since the Democrats claimed to be so concerned over Russia’s influence on elections, they were ready to start WWIII because of Facebook memes following the 2016 elections, but are sounding the alarm about Trump putting down like a rabid dog an Iranian general because they view it as unnecessary escalation.  Consider that for a moment, the Democrat party accuses Trump of directed policy that only benefits him politically, but they wanted war with a country who made fun of them on Twitter, and released true emails they wrote which disgusted the American people, but killing a man who lead militias that attacked our U.S. embassy was a bridge too far.

What I don’t get is how the Democrats actually think it’s a good idea to shill for Iran to “get Trump”.  There must be a certain point where these people would look in a mirror and realize just how ridiculous they sound.  The first thing you should realize is how many times since Trump has been President that the mainstream media has promised us we were heading in to WWIII.

It was supposed to happen when we launched missiles into Syria, it was supposed to happen when Trump called Kim-Jung Un “little rocket man”, they probably even said it was going to happen because of the Southern border at some point so I would advise anyone who suddenly thinks that the leftist media is speaking in good faith when they talk about WWIII that they reevaluate how much credit they should be giving to them.  The past week has given us abundant examples of how the media  hate Trump with such burning intensity that they are willing to lionize and mourn a man who was responsible for the deaths of at least 600 Americans, as well as for a great deal more terrorist activity.

[Wrongthink Diaries]
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

All The Media Lying to Manufacture Hate for DJT, He's Still More Popular Than Barky

Renowned Leftist Pillow Bitter and ABC Daytime Media Hate Spewing Bozo-Sapien 

Breitbart - Real Clear Politics, a non-partisan (and indispensable) site that tracks countless polls and averages them, also tracks the job approval numbers for President Trump and former President Obama in a way that allows us to see how the two presidents compare on this same day during their respective presidencies.

On the very same day the deranged media and demented Democrats announced two articles of impeachment against Trump, his average job approval rating is higher than Obama’s was on this same day during his first (failed) term as president. As of today, Trump enjoys an average approval rating of 45 percent. On this same day during his (failed) presidency, Obama averaged just a 43.5 approval rating.

We are now entering our fourth year of a media jihad against Trump, a hate campaign unlike any other in modern history. Literally, billions and billions and billions of corporate dollars are being spent by every corner of the establishment media to destroy one man, this one man: Trump. The “Very Fine People” Hoax, the Russia Collusion Hoax, the Fish Food Hoax, the Brett Kavanaugh-Rapist Hoax, the Kurds Are Being Exterminated Hoax — I’m forgetting a hundred more — and now we have this laughable Impeachment Hoax.

Compare that to Barry Obama, a man this same media spent billions and billions and billions of corporate dollars to shield, to protect, to assure and reassure the public of his unique magnificence, competence, and holiness. And after all of that, all of this propaganda, all of this effort and money, according to not just one poll, but all the polls, Trump is more popular. What’s more, he is more popular while the Democrat Party and the media are rigging nothing less than his impeachment.

For six weeks now, the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) have rigged the impeachment process to make Trump look as terrible as humanly possible. In an effort to smear him as a traitor, as an extortionist, the president has been stripped of his due process rights, even as Democrats held secret hearings in the Capitol basement and selectively leaked lies to a willing media. All this media lying to manufacture hate for Trump and all the media lying to manufacture worshipful adoration for Obama, and Trump is still more popular.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Behind The Scenes, Media Are Wetting Their Britches With Glee

Democrats have unveiled their articles of impeachment. They are, in what might be the understatement of the decade, incredibly weak.

The first is ‘Abuse of Power’ stemming from a non-existent quid pro quo in the Ukraine phone call. There was no investigation, Ukraine got their aid, and – as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer – Trump was well within his purview to ask them to examine the Biden family’s affairs. Democrats don’t care.

The second is ‘obstruction of Congress.’ This is based on the President’s refusal to let administration officials testify. Adam Schiff could have obtained a court order forcing them to appear, but he didn’t want to. That would draw out the process.  And as we all know the longer this goes on, the more it hurts Dems. So Schiff’s inaction is somehow impeachable. In other words, impeachment article 1 is "opposing congress" & article 2 is "He used presidential power that he shouldn't have been given & it makes us feel abused".

The charges are expected to face an approval vote before the end of the week and be voted on in the House. Assuming Nan has the votes to pass them, and she most likely will,  they’ll be sent to the Senate where they will fail.…Badly.

If you don’t see the truth of this, you haven’t been paying attention. The charges are nothing more than a hollow pretense, based on someone's interpretation of someone else's words. They’re a facade which disguises what the Dems and their media cheerleaders believe to be President Trump’s real impeachable offense: Orange Man Bad.

Nancy Pelosi toasted the media after Articles of Impeachment were announced, celebrating reporters on Capitol Hill at a special holiday event raising her glass to the “guardians of democracy.”

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, December 9, 2019

Caveman Says Trump Must Be Impeached Because of Slavery

Anyone who has tuned into cable new shows on a weekend knows it's a wasteland of third string backups hosts that you may recognize as giving the traffic reports on your local news last year, and their no ratings minority set asides like the verbally challenged Rev. Al Sharpton, and intellectual nutty Negress, Joy Reid. They have guest one else will have on and say things that leaves you looking at the wall going  Huh?  In some cases the stunning stupidity can only be compared to bad SNL skits that just end.....with no ending.

This weekend was no different. I present to you The GEICO Cavemen.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Is CNN Just Dragging People In Off The Street Now??

Having spent most of the weekend sofa surfing the television channels while recuperating from minor surgery, I was astonished by one very noticeable thing.  While trying to avoid at all cost the "scripted" reality shows and any professional football game, I eventually came to land on cable news. (I blame the medication)  After a little while I said to myself, "Self" (and I knew it was me, cause I recognized my voice and was wearing my underwear) "who are these 20 something media advisers and political strategist and national security experts spouting seemingly learned pontifications and expert opinions, that look too young to even buy alcohol??"

So, seeing that I had never heard of, or ever even seen any of these so-called experts,  I decided to crank up the google box and look into these people's qualifications to tell me the truth.

Were talking here of an in-the-loop 'Congressional Correspondent' who's prior major accomplishment was as a political reporter in small media market somewhere in backwoods Pennsylvania, covering the city council and civic affairs.  In another case, a 'Political Strategist' had been an assistant to an aide of a one-term congressman from Rhode Island, which means she drove the car to Starbucks and circled the block. 

And another young lady, who came across like Beyonce' with a speech impediment and a Sally Struther's online college Nail Salon Management Degree while discussing the consequences of  DJT's treason and impending removal, was actually a Professor of Law at the diploma mill, Howard University.  She was all of 30 years old.  And a Professor.  Of Law.

I was really expecting to find a 20 something expert on political negotiations to be a former Assistant Supervisor of Supply Room Inventory in charge of procurement for the Speaker of the House Offices.  But he turned out to be a fellow from a millennial Think Tank I had never heard of before.

It was especially enlightening to later hear a panel of four millennial black women, three of which graduated from Ivy League schools, the fourth from USC, drone on about inequality and rampant racism in our collective capitalist system, full of white supremacy. It's always good for the soul to hear people just handed the keys to a good life and privilege most people will never know, to be given a worldwide platform to whine like door-slamming nine-year-olds.

If I didn't know better, I'd think someone is standing outside of CNN studios giving away free Amazon Gift Cards to anyone walking by who are willing to go on camera and trash DJT or America as we know it.......

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~